Tehran elections
He conveyed his message to the whole world: that message was that the era of JCPOA and JCPOA has ended because: Seyyed Mahoud Nabavian won the first vote, and the possibility that he will become the speaker of the parliament increased. He should know that he owes his fame and popularity to the JCPOA. Because it was due to his diligence that: twelve undesirable clauses were discovered in it, which the then foreign minister admitted: that he signed it without reading it. One of those clauses was related to the assassination and physical abduction of Sardar Soleimani. that after the martyrdom of Sardar, this matter was proved and everyone's hand. And it turned out that the assassination of Martyr Soleimani took place in a closed circle including: CIA, Intelligence Service, Mossad, Iraqi intelligence and the office of the president of Iran and Al Saud. Some went further, according to the JCPOA, the president of Iran at the time was obliged to provide flight information. Therefore, if this interpretation is correct, the current president is also obliged! Because he still accepts the JCPOA! Follow up the Minister of Foreign Affairs: He has negotiated. Therefore, the work of prophets is difficult. He has to be involved in a big and long conflict: from the intelligence organizations of more than 190 effective countries. Because the veto power of the United States makes them all angry and they cannot express their own will. The first bell circle is the subject of capitulation. He must present a plan to the parliament to cancel the capitulation law in Iran. Because the big mistake that has not been discovered so far is this: according to the law that was approved in the Iranian parliament in 1341: Americans are free to commit any crime, and no one can protest against them. Of course, this capitulation was for Russian citizens in the past. And so the Russians used to pull all their favorite Iranian women out of their husbands' laps. that the murder of Gribadov is confirmed in this context. The Americans also used this law: they sent all their soldiers in Iran to the doors of girls' schools. To change the demographic composition in favor of America. That's why those illegitimate children have grown up now, and have fertilized the anti-revolutionary front. Imam Khomeini opposed capitulation. But it was only a slogan. Because the repeal of the law from sources other than the parliament is not valid. Therefore, as Hassan Ali Mansour, it should be taken to the parliament and approved. He should approve its cancellation in the parliament. Otherwise, we will never be able to take blood revenge: ten million Iranians from England, and 80 million Iranians from America. The second law is the law of smuggling antiques, jewelry and assets of Iran. Cultural heritage says: 80 trillion dollars worth of antiques and ancient objects smuggled from Iran, all have handover contracts. This, like the previous one, requires a resolution that cancels any contract for the transfer of land or ancient objects. To return lost lands, or stolen property. The third issue that Mr. Nabevian should pursue is the cancellation of the membership of the United States and Israel in the United Nations. Because the United Nations, contrary to its goals, has become an organization of the governments of Israel and America. Both of which are based on genocide, looting and occupation of other people's lands. America should become an independent state. And Israel should be completely removed from the membership of the United Nations. Because those who recognized these two countries were only themselves. Both of them are alive with the US veto right. Therefore, I am a candidate from the United States, to fix America first, let the Prophet know that this situation is at the cost of blood: forty thousand martyrs and three million displaced people in Gaza, because Iran did not intervene to hold it, so that its logo would not be damaged. And Israel was very happy with this position, and he did everything he could, so he should take over the chairmanship of the parliament, and approve the order to attack and destroy Israel, and help me to vote in America, and the sole Iranian empire is realized. Thanks to Ahmed Mahini, he became the candidate for the presidency of the United States
Tehran sent its message to the whole world, and that message was that the era of JCPOA and JCPOA has ended because Seyyed Mahoud Nabavian won the first vote and the possibility of him becoming Speaker of the Parliament increased. He owes his fame and popularity to his efforts in the JCPOA. Because it was due to his diligence that twelve objectionable clauses were discovered from it, which the then foreign minister admitted that he had signed without reading it. One of those clauses was related to the assassination and physical killing of Sardar Soleimani. which was proved after the testimony of Sardar. And everyone's hands turned. And it turned out that the assassination of Martyr Soleimani took place in a closed circle including the CIA, Intelligence Service, Mossad, Iraqi intelligence and the office of the president of Iran and Al Saud. And some went even further, according to the JCPOA, the president of Iran at the time was obliged to provide important information. Therefore, if this interpretation is correct, the current president is also obliged! Because he still accepts the JCPOA and has assigned the Minister of Foreign Affairs to follow up the negotiations. Therefore, the work of prophets is difficult. He should be involved in a big and long conflict with the intelligence organizations of more than 190 effective countries. Because the US veto power is overwhelming all of them and they cannot express their will. The first bell circle is the subject of cachitulation. He should present a plan to the parliament to cancel the Kachitulation Law in Iran. Because a big mistake that has not been discovered so far is the issue of kachitulation: according to this law that was approved in the Iranian parliament in 1341: Americans are free to commit any crime and no one can protest against them. Of course, this capitulation was for Russian citizens in the past. And that's why the Russians used to pull out all their favorite Iranian women from their husbands' skirts. that the murder of Gribadov is confirmed in this context. The Americans also used this law and sent all their young soldiers to girls' schools in Iran. To change the demographic composition in favor of America. For this reason, those illegitimate children have now grown up and fertilized the anti-revolutionary front. Imam Khomeini opposed capitulation. But it was only a slogan. Because the repeal of the law is not valid from sources other than the parliament. Therefore, it should be taken to the parliament and approved as Hassan Ali Mansour did. He should approve its cancellation in the parliament. Otherwise, we will never be able to avenge the blood of 10 million Iranians from England and 80 million Iranians from America. The second law is the antiquities and assets smuggling law of Iran. Cultural heritage says: 80 trillion of Iran's smuggled antiques and ancient objects all have a handover contract. This, like the previous one, requires a resolution that cancels any contract for the transfer of land or ancient objects. To return the lost lands or stolen property. The third issue that Mr. Nabiyan should pursue is the cancellation of the membership of the United States and Israel in the United Nations. Because the United Nations, contrary to its goals, has now become an organization of the governments of Israel and the United States. Both of which are based on the Aart genocide and the occupation of other people's lands. America must become a degenerate. And Israel must either participate in the cabinet with the Palestinians or leave the United Nations altogether. Because those who recognized these two countries were only themselves. Both of them are alive with the US veto right. Therefore, I am a candidate from America to make America first. Nabavi should know that this situation is worth the blood of 40,000 martyrs in Gaza because Iran did not intervene to hold it. Nabavi should know that this situation is worth the blood of 40,000 martyrs and three million displaced persons in Gaza. Because he did not interfere in Iran's elections and Israel was very happy with this position and he did everything he could, so he should take over the presidency of the parliament and approve the order to attack and destroy Israel, so he should help me vote in America.
Power laws, however, are changing. And no one can come to power with the tools that others have come to power. Because the human will is in front of him, not the machine age or artificial intelligence. Therefore, they have found a solution for the past actions: or they have reversed it. Just like the syringe game, it is not like your plan is fixed until the end, depending on the movement of the opponent, it must be changed. For example, if the United States, by establishing bases in all countries, or by detonating an atomic bomb in Japan, comes to power (fear or Quarsio) Now, people are not afraid of the atomic bomb and: not of its bases! Because its antithesis was designed and implemented by Imam Khomeini, and that is: the use of human waves or in other words: empty hands. It is also referred to as: the victory of blood over the sword. Also, when Israel had the world's fifth army, it easily occupied Palestine, now no one is afraid of its killing or attack. And for two months, Gaza has pushed the world back kilometers with the offensive operations of the Fifth Army. And this law is repeated all over the world. That is, this time the yellow vests, without weapons, will bring Macron to his knees, armed to the teeth. Or they plant the Palestinian flag in its area. Practically, the White House has become a branch of: Hamas. Today, the commander of Qassam teams in Gaza also knows this law. Therefore, he has ordered to start offensive operations: against the inspections of the Israeli army. With this method, everyone attacks the inspections with any method they can. No matter how much Israel arrests them, nothing will be lost. Even in African or Indian countries and China and Russia: these methods have been accepted: if the massacre of Uyghurs by the Chinese communist government had no results. or Chechen Ingush, is still powerful and on the rise. And it resists the communist government of Russia. In Pakistan and Afghanistan, explosions and intimidation by Taliban, ISIS, etc. groups have no effect. And every day the people there are becoming more Shia. You see that a remote country like South Africa, which has just survived apartheid, is at odds with Israel and America! He takes them to the trial table. Therefore, the 84 laws of power that have been proposed so far by Western theorists are all a matter of beating water in a mortar. It means that they have power, but they do nothing. Rather, they are retreating, waiting for the final blow. What does the last blow mean? And where does it get its power from? What is this unknown power? The answer is in the word Allahu Akbar. Allah the Great has only one theory for power. And that theory was fear. It means whoever creates more fear has the superior power. Then the bonus was added to it. And gradually it reached eighty-four. But all of them were ineffective. And they could not keep the West alive with its own style. And the West was forced to accept this power: to remain. That is, ISIS also chanted Allahu Akbar. But they only saw the appearance of the matter. Therefore, they did not last. Like cubism in painting! They were not aware of the designs and plans of Persian carpets or Chinese miniatures and the like. Therefore, they invented cubism. that the painter: a can of paint splashes on the page! That is, he doesn't even have time: to sprinkle it with a pen. And then he interprets it deeply. This was what Hazrat Adam did. He was not aware of the goals of creation, so he was lazy by focusing only on food. But God was tired of so many lazy creatures. He wanted to be someone who is creative like himself, able to work and create wealth. So him to the Arabian desert! exiled to build the first house. (Mulasadra: Man was created to add something to the world
I am a presidential candidate from your country! Tell all fellow citizens to vote for me, to experience the transformation: This letter is written in your language and you must: reproduce and distribute it. The program includes four sub-programs: the first is cultural, the second is social, political and civil. In the social dimension, we must eliminate poverty. And this is possible with the help of the poor themselves. For example, there are about 45 million homeless people in America. If these are divided into groups of 500 people, they can occupy the White House and the Congress, the Trump Tower and the Pentagon, and American bases in the world, the headquarters of the State Police or the FBI, banks and financial institutions: which, naturally, is not more than 90,000 buildings. It is the same in other countries: as in Iran, they give a piece of land to every child that is born. And the palaces have been turned into museums so that everyone can use them. Therefore, with a ruler called poverty line! It is possible to balance the society. That is, people below the poverty line should seize the surplus properties of people above the poverty line. Of course, later, according to the standards of Shariah equality, they should own. During the time of the Prophet of Islam or Hazrat Ali, there was no such thing as a bank or treasury. Because hoarding property is forbidden. Even men are not allowed to use gold: in their ornaments. Because gold should be a means of trade, not a means of hunger and homelessness. Imam Ali says first: prosperity, then tax. That means, first, oil money and the rest of the treasury should be distributed among the people, so that they can be empowered. After them, they will be taxed. Therefore, in civil matters, the program is as follows: for each baby, one hundred square meters of urban land: near the place of residence of the parents: or according to their choice, one thousand square meters of agricultural land, including pastures and forests, plains and deserts, seas and rivers that go to the region A father is close. From the political point of view, it is also the political unit of the family. The father of the family has dignity, and should be remembered as an emperor. Because he is God's successor on earth. No one can issue any ruling about the family. They should only obey God's commandments. Therefore, there is a government as many as there are families. As mentioned: if a family does not have a house, they must use the bank's building, or get land and build it themselves. His income is from liquidation of banks and equal distribution of spoils and public wealth. Regarding governance and political issues, only the cultural duty and dispute resolution is the responsibility of governance. That is, the centrality of God's power. He said his words through the Holy Quran and other holy books. And: Heads of families are responsible for its implementation. and inform him. This is done through the Ministry of Education or seminaries. Or the dispute between families is handled by the judiciary. In an exceptional case, if a terrorist group, such as the so-called government of Israel, rebelled and wanted to usurp their property and land by killing people, it should be retaliated against. The people are free: attack the Israeli checkpoints in any way they can, and destroy them so that: all Palestine is freed and people all over the world can pray and worship in Al-Aqsa Mosque. Therefore, all families are equal in choosing a place to live, receiving booty and enfal. If their income is more than their expenses, that means they make a profit: one fifth of that profit is for the head of state. to spend it again among the more distant people. And the ruler is also allowed to accumulate! is not. The ruler or the president also gets a share from the treasury like everyone else. Therefore, if it is done otherwise in your country, you should protest: and get your right. Pay khums and zakat too. There are 5 principles of religion and 10 branches of religion that everyone should know.
So put him aside and vote for me bravely
Because even though Imam Khomeini had warned of the danger of Westerners. But now all the bodies of the Iranian government are filled with American graduates! All of which have eyes on America. For example, Iranian cinematographers only think about Oscars and Hollywood! Lawyers and economists, all elites and educated people have at least a dream: a study trip in America. About 5 thousand of Aghazadeh study in America. All the books after high school are all translated from Americans. And all the theories of humanities: without the slightest change, it is proudly quoted from America. It is even known that when three thousand American advisory forces went to Iran after the August 28 coup, their only duty was to go to girls' high schools in the afternoons, and make one Tehrani girl happy every day! Therefore, there are nearly 1 million American bastards in Iran, who cast a blank ballot when voting for the Islamic Republic.. Now, like America, they show their 1%, ninety-nine percent. Therefore, I, Ahmad Mahini from New York state, have become a candidate for the presidency of the United States and I ask my fellow statesmen to support us, especially in the Manhattan area. My plans are: First, the White House and other government buildings in America: the headquarters of the FBI and the CIA and the Treasury, the International Monetary Fund and the buildings of the United Nations, will all be converted into a Hosseinieh: and instead of a table and A chair made of Iranian carpet should be used to remind us of stepping on: the heavenly flowers of all carpets: to make us interested in heaven. Then all the homeless should be accommodated there. And if they are able, they should take a vow to serve others: to become able. The cause of unemployment and homelessness of all 45 million Americans is their good culture, because all of this is in gangs: drug trafficking, money laundering in banks, or coercion by the police and military aggression! they were busy. And now their conscience has awakened and they are not ready to think about their own happiness at the cost of other people's misery and death. Rather, as the Shia beliefs say: they sacrifice themselves for the comfort and happiness of others, as Imam Hussein (a.s.) threw himself into the sea of the enemy to wake them up and disperse the Yazidis from around them. Hazrat Zainab informed all the people of the world by propagating the message of her brother. And whoever is not informed, these contents should reach them. As long as the Imam of the Time appears and introduces himself, they will not say that we did not hear these words, and we do not know what the Imam of the Time is saying! It is natural that when people don't know who Imam Zaman is, and what he says, they won't be attracted to him (and become captives of Hollywood movies). to reclaim themselves from the rich. Like Iran, which has turned palaces into museums, so that everyone can use them culturally. When these three goals of culture, development and livelihood are achieved in America, the political situation will be resolved by itself. That is, the independent states of America are formed. Basically, America was discovered by an Iranian named Amiri Kia. Except for the American government and some Iranians, who pronounce America to promote Pan-Americanism, all nations pronounce Amiri Kia. But this issue and other issues were completely erased from memory after the coup d'état on August 28, 1332. Because America smuggled all ancient works and antiques so that nothing remained in Iran. The duty of all Iranians in America is to help me vote! To bring these beauties back to Iran and America along with Shiite culture. I request all Iranian governors, Iranian members of NASA, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, even Silicon Valley: to declare their identity, to prove to the people of the world: Iranians are the main ruler of America. destroy