GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Why thirty languages

In continuation of its global mission, Mahin News has been able to translate all its articles into 30 languages and put them on the site. This will continue for all languages. Because he believes that all the people of the world are from the same parents. Therefore, they are not different from each other! And according to the Holy Qur'an, all of them have the nature of seeking God, which must be awakened by scholars. And Hazrat Ali (AS) said that: God has taken a pledge from the scholars! Not from ignorance. Therefore, it is obligatory for all scholars to convey the word of revelation to the ears of all the people of the world. And in this age of communication and information explosion, there is no phone that has not heard the words of God. Qur'an competitions are held with 44 countries in the world. But this does not mean that our duty towards 120 other countries is off our shoulders. Therefore, on the Day of Resurrection, if someone says: I do not know the Qur'an! Or I have not read it, he will never be asked: rather, they will take the collar of those in charge of the system: those who claim to be the leader of the Shiites of the world, or those who are the successors of the Messenger of God and the pure imams. Because Islam is not only for Tehran. Rather, it is inclusive, universal and comprehensive. Different languages are one of God's signs. And because the Ministry of Guidance is in charge of popular culture. Therefore, the general public should look at the world as: together. Or the Islamic Propaganda Organization and Coordination Council should not limit itself to Tehran and Fatemi Street. to hold only a few press conferences. and think that the responsibility has been removed from its shoulders. At the beginning of the Islamic revolution, I was in Imam Khomeini's propaganda office. In Shahid Motahari High School. The Ministry of Guidance was still the former Ministry of Culture and Arts, and there was no Islamic Propaganda Organization, or Coordinating Council or missionary dispatch. Therefore, on behalf of Ayatollah Kashani, I went to all the cities and places even outside the country, so that we could train students as missionaries and send them among our people by giving speeches and holding ideological classes. According to a friend, even the Ayatollah himself, when they visited India (1360), thanked Mr. Hosseini (i.e., my servant) there: that I sent the Ayatollah to them! And as if they were offended, they asked for my servant's excuse. At the same time, many groups of good intentions were formed by the order of Shahid Rajaei, to convey the greetings of the Islamic Revolution to the world. And I, in the form of a delegation headed by Ayatollah Khazali, went to Indonesia and Thailand, Singapore, India and... After the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was established. The foreign minister at that time (Engineer Mousavi) asked me for 60 people, to act as a secret agent! send it to 60 countries in the world, which was given to them. And the first ambassadors and official missionaries were from Shahid Motahari High School at that time: I was in charge of education. I even introduced these people to Islamic management before leaving. Therefore, the Islamic revolution has never been oblivious to its global concern, unfortunately, with the rule of liberal thought, under the pretext of preventing the revolution! And non-interference in the affairs of other countries, this flow became more limited. To the extent that with the seditions of 88, 78, 98, etc., more and more reaction was applied every year, the officials said: Let's keep our hats on, so that the wind doesn't blow! That is, they depicted a dark image of the Islamic revolution: that it will disappear soon! Therefore, they propagated the regimes before the Islamic Revolution. Two major groups of them started fighting against the Islamic revolution following the return of Pahlavi and Qajar. The royalists, at the head of which was the deposed king's son. And the hypocrites, at the head of which is Maryam Qajar Azdanlu. But the Islamic revolution continued its way, and despite reactionary propaganda and a return to the Taghut era, it continued to grow firmly and away from the eyes of the authorities. And Burjahan increased awareness.

The area of Gaza is increasing

Every time Hezbollah attacks an Israeli base, they are forced to retreat 7 kilometers! In the case of the Al-Aqsa storm, they evacuated all the surrounding areas of Gaza up to 7 kilometers: it is not possible for Israel to return to these areas, considering the increasing power of the Palestinian people. Therefore, the area of Gaza has almost doubled. And it is constantly increasing. Or, in fact, Israel is smaller and the siege of Tel Aviv is getting tighter and: the Qur'anic verse is being implemented, which said: Therefore, one of the signs of the world-class election candidates is this: belief in the expansion of Gaza until the complete annihilation of Israel. This matter must be pursued in two very clear ways: election candidates for the presidency and federal elections of the United States, as well as for experts in the leadership and representation of the Islamic Council of Iran, must have these characteristics. Otherwise, people will not vote for them: these two are bargaining from above and: pressure from below! Bargaining from above means the pursuit of: removing obstacles to the destruction of Israel: in the United Nations and other national and international organizations. Including why the United Nations has not been able to vote to suspend Israel? Because just as Israel was accepted as a member of the United Nations on May 11, 1949, it must be removed from membership today. Why is this resolution not implemented? And what are its obstacles? It forms the topics of bargaining from above. Now the majority of the votes of the United Nations are suspended, but the Secretary General must announce an extraordinary meeting. In this meeting, the majority of the General Assembly must vote that Israel is a criminal. and remove it from membership. Of course, the US may use the veto, but the probability is low. And if he uses it, at least it should be approved in the general assembly's approvals, and it should be registered as an approval. Also, the general assembly can remove both of them from membership. Because America must become an independent nation. The people of the world play an important role in this regard. There should be a march against Israel in all countries and states of the world. To force the heads of the countries: to vote yes to the elimination of Israel. Especially the independent states of America should play an active role. so that they can save their borders. The number of presidential candidates in America should increase from 2 to 100. And each state appoints its own president. Presidential candidate Ahmed Mahini: of New York State: supports this issue. But pressure from below! It is the responsibility of the axis of resistance: that is, at the same time as bargaining from above, they must increase the area under the control of Gaza: so that Israel physically disappears. Today, Hezbollah has destroyed more than 2,000 Israeli military barracks. Therefore, they have all been evacuated. He should take them over or give them to Hamas. Despite Mahmoud Abbas's pacifism, Hamas has destroyed and evacuated more than three thousand points. Cleaning battalions should be sent to clean these places and make them available to the people of Gaza for agriculture. Of course, for the settlement of all Palestinians, the Zionist settlements have been completely evacuated. And they are waiting for the cleaning battalions. The Hamas army should be without regard to: Mahmoud Abbas and Netanyahu, the UAE and Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United States! All of which are one soul in several bodies. Begin clearing and demining all areas of Israel. And people all over the world should start marching towards Jerusalem. And on World Quds Day (the last Friday of Ramadan), everyone should pray together in Jerusalem. Because the command of the Qur'an is: (Those who are in the land, establish the prayer, give the alms, and enjoin what is known, and refrain from the evil, and God is the Hereafter of the world. ) That is, when they find power on earth, their first duty is to pray. Praying in Jerusalem means the end of the war: it is not declared and it is ongoing in the third world. Because this congregational prayer should be organized and connected with the participation of all the people of the world.

Take over Congress

Congress is the nation's house! But it has become the house of Israel. And therefore, it should be recaptured and returned to the American nation. Today, symbolically, we occupied it and hoisted the Palestinian flag in it. But this is not enough. All homeless people are invited: to settle in this place. and take one of the rooms for themselves. At least a thousand homeless people can fit in it. Priority is given to those who come first. Everyone should be here at ten o'clock tomorrow night. We open locks from the inside! Security officers have also promised to cooperate. Therefore, the population should be more than a thousand people, so that if new guards are added, they can prevent their presence. It is natural that in this work, no weapon, cold or hot, will be used. Therefore, the security guards will not have an excuse. But I emphasize again: it should not lead to an armed conflict. Because we still have work to do! And if this is successful, we will go to the White House for the rest. The White House can accommodate a thousand more people. And if the number of people was still high, and there were more applicants, we should go to Trump Towers. Trump is sentenced to death and prison. But he is running away and spending money. According to the capitulation law, Iran has left us with a severe revenge. Therefore, the homeless can declare their loyalty to Iran by killing Trump. Iran has 200,000 long-range ballistic missiles, which can hit southern California with precision. and destroy the Pentagon and other bases. But they don't want anything to be destroyed, but they want to be shared among people. As happened in the Iranian revolution. And the barefoot owner: all the places became. And this is the order of the Holy Qur'an, which says (The earth is inherited by the righteous): righteous servants should inherit the earth, not bullies and murderers. Therefore, to strengthen us, it is necessary to start a march across America. Of course, it means a long walk. From the southernmost point to the northernmost point, people should start on foot and: move towards the US Congress, the White House and Trump Towers, and others will join them along the way. All the cities should collect the homeless and the poor, and like the Karbala walk, the rest of the people can march and give them free food and accommodation and gather them to arrive in front of the Congress. Then, by seizing the Congress forever, to the life of the Democratic and Republican Party! end and declare independent states. Each state must have a force among the occupiers in proportion to its population. and stay there until the establishment of local governments. After capturing the White House and Trump Towers, they can turn them into Hosseiniyeh. And the people who don't have a place should settle there, and the rest should go back to their homes. In Iran, when the revolution happened, they captured all the palaces, police stations and barracks, and removed the necessary weapons from there, and guarded them for a while. But because the new government gave them all houses and land, they all returned to their homes. Now they live a good life with oil money (subsidy). Of course, the enemies don't let these words reach our ears because they don't enjoy occupying the Congress. They want the American people to be all poor and scavenge on cold, snowy streets for a morsel of bread. Recently, they have become much smarter! They also leave garbage, so that people die of hunger and the population of America decreases. All these unwanted shootings are their own work. Until the insured and retired people die and no one wants money from them. This is the reason for the slogan (Death to America). Because the American government wants to destroy the American people with artificial intelligence.

Kamla Harris and

Kamla Harris and Condoleezza Rice will vote for them if they veil. And whoever acts sooner, we will withdraw in his favor! Due to the disappointment of the American people, from Joe Biden and Trump: or basically from the Democratic and Republican parties, an Iranian born named Ahmad Mahini has become a candidate: and he is hopeful that he will be able to return the trust to the people. He will manage America with the management method of the Islamic Revolution. And again, America can: become a powerful and rich country. But this time he must keep his promise. Mahini can remind the people of this commitment: the issue is that in 1932, America, like today, was suffering from poverty, misery, unemployment, and economic crisis. At that time, people turned to religion. Even on one hundred US dollars! They hacked Bismillah: May he be blessed. This writing is still on the hundred dollar bills, and because of this, it is popular with the people, and it is so-called blessed. But managers and officials forgot their promises and became further and further away from God, especially in 1945 with the explosion of the atomic bomb (little boy) in Japan, they showed the world sharp teeth. And they became so proud that they imagined themselves as the god of the world. And they brought up super power and new system and so on. He even considered himself to be the superior race and enslaved all the blacks, the Indians who were not willing to obey, massacred all of them. With this power and honor that God's name had created for their government, they did not do well. and dominated all the countries: they plundered their properties. The people of Iran, who saw these ingratitudes, made a revolution and closed the oil taps on America. And now, after 45 years, America is bankrupt, and has created more than 25 trillion dollars in debt! Today, America is nothing without Iran's money. Therefore, whenever he deems it necessary, he confiscates Iran's property! takes for election expenses. Today, by sanctioning some new Iranian companies, he has prepared himself for a new robbery. Because since those years, the Zionists have gradually weakened the lobby of Iran and the Persian language, and by establishing Hollywood and the like, they have led people to corruption and prostitution: to rob them all. Today, even for retirees, who have lived a lifetime, nothing but garbage! It is not a nursery food or a sleeping bag. Therefore, as Kamla Harris said: America should not go to the aid of Israel, and those who did not listen and: sent the navy to help Israel, to kill the Palestinians: now they see that the great American navy is drowning in the Sea of Aden. And something must be done. Ahmed Mahini's commissarship is to fix this situation and bring people back to God. Divine freedom is to form the independent states of America. And the people rely on the wealth of their state to meet their needs and become self-sufficient (give thanks) only then: the people will be saved, thanks to the FBI and the CIA. And the Pentagon will spend all the wealth of America for their own power. People do not need the police. Because the American people have no enemies. These are international hostilities with the US government and spy agencies. When all are destroyed, there will be neither war nor attack! All the people of the world will enjoy all facilities in an equal position. Therefore, the 99% movement should pay attention: This is not the time for silence and complacency. It is the time to continue the struggle to secure the independence and freedom of human beings, especially their fellow citizens. God created humans from one parent and loves them. Each human being is an emperor for himself! Because God's successor is on earth: (Eni Ja'al fi al-arz khalifa.) Let's vote for Ahmad Mahini, shut the tongues of liars forever, and kill the thieves of the treasury! They will die as soon as they do not reach the US treasury

Revolution level press

The re-design of hypotheses, theorizing and theorizing for the revolution has begun and this is a blessed move that: today at Jamia Al-Mustafa University, the key was pressed and the president of the university requested it from the students. A work that, of course, had started before the revolution. For example, Allameh Motahari in the matter of hijab, Allameh Tabatabaei in philosophy and Allameh Sadr in economics have appeared at the border of knowledge and the meeting point of the world of communism and imperialism. But these theories had two important flaws: first, it was considered defensive. That is, they have assumed the western theorizations to be coherent and stable, and hammered them based on that. Or, so to speak, they have played in their field, and have destroyed the maximum number of ideas. For example, in economics and labor relations, they have only criticized the theories of Marxism and imperialism. While in Islam. The theory of work and investment is fundamentally different: in Islam, work and capital are gratitude. . Therefore, the worker does not work for the capitalist at all, as labor relations are defined: it is for God: al-Kasab Habibullah. Every businessman opens his shop in the name of God. Therefore, customer-oriented: marketing is also different. The second objection: that these theories were prepared in a suffocating atmosphere. That is, the scholars of Islam were not broad-minded. And in many areas, they could not enter. Supposedly, if Professor Motahari had written about the hijab, if he had written the facts, Zan Roz magazine would not have been published. Therefore, it should be written in such a way that: they also approve. Or in philosophical and governmental theories, they could not enter at all! Therefore, all my opinions are about prayer and fasting, everyone is silent about Jihad, Nawli, and Tabari, while Imam Sadiq says: Islam is based on five things, the first of which is Wilayat. We still don't have anything in the treatises about the issue of velayat faqih! Or the rules of waiting for Imam Zaman (AS) are not expressed at all. They only promise that the advent is near! which also has a negative reflection. It means that it has been 50 years: they count all signs of emergence one by one. But they do not know that some of the companions of Imam Zaman have not been born yet! It is the same in the case of the press: most of the press consider their honor to be a creative issue. While the press is at the level of the revolution: problem solving and popular accountability. so that no problem remains in the minds. So that everyone can think about the future and prepare for the emergence. In an overview of 200 Persian language networks, even radio and television networks and the press, it has been found that: they all see the glass as half empty. And they never tend to show half full. If anyone does this, they will be ridiculed and rejected by the press community and the journalists' association, with the government brand! are condemned A clear example is the issue of water and electricity, which the press, according to the process established by Amir Tzam Jasoos, all claim that energy carriers should be free! But this theory has two basic problems: First, it is free! The money that is given for water, electricity, gas, oil, diesel, and bread... are all just the wages of their agents and workers. The bakery receives the flour for free! And from the customer's money, he only pays the rent of the place and the wages of the workers. Secondly, the very fact that someone says: water and electricity should be free, he proves in his heart that he has a house and a shop, but also a farm and a villa! whose electricity consumption is high and they cannot afford it. This means that this person is part of the privileged class. And the person who does not have a house and a shop will not have money for electricity and water. Or about brain drain! who consider it a disaster, and suppress it, while it means the quality of Iranian manpower, which the world is willing to pay the highest price to attract them.