GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa


Boycotting the American elections

 American elections are sanctioned by 82% of American people. The first time George Washington called for an election, only his friends voted, and he became the president of the United States. Later, other claimants were found. The most important of which were the Republican and Democratic parties. And almost in these few years, only these parties were competing, and there was no news of the people. Because there are about 300 million qualified people, but only less than 1 million people (total members of two parties) will hold elections. Of course, to protect their reputation, they blame all the sins on the electoral card. For the common people of America, it doesn't matter if the donkey or the vulture rules. Because they have no possibility to protest, and no ability to change. Ahmad Mahini, a candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that this year is different, a person from Iran came and became a candidate. Therefore, the American people must dare to make changes. It is possible to boycott the entire election, so that the mentioned two people will be in the same hole. For this, they should only be boycotted by the media. Because all the width of their body is to make news. And when someone does not include their news, and does not spread it, they are dead. It means that people should not report any news about the election. If the media broadcast them, they should be boycotted. It is not difficult to throw all election messages into the trash without opening them. Or turn off the radio and television when broadcasting the news. Be sure that by not clicking these media, they will finish their work. And their elections are intra-party, and both of them, Trump and Biden, are going to the trash. Another way is to cut off financial aid to them. This will destroy them. And if anyone wants to give financial help, they should ask Ahmad Mahinab to put their heads under water.