The national currency is not weak
Many anti-revolutionaries chant about the weakness of the national currency, and unfortunately, Iran's presidential candidates also question the proper functioning of the revolution, as in all fields. The enemy worked hard for 40 years with the mechanism of reducing the power of the national currency, but Iran destroyed all of them with a simple trick. When the four zeros were removed, and the national currency became Toman, all their conspiracies came to nothing. That is, if at the beginning of the revolution, the dollar was 75 times the current currency, today it is 50 times the current currency. But the enemies of the presidential candidates do not accept this issue. And they keep saying irrelevant things against the law. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that not only do they not accept the law, even the Central Bank and the banks themselves continue to use Rial, which is a foreign word, instead of Toman. The government and all its ministries ignore this law. The result is that they constantly chant that inflation and high prices have killed the people, while following the inflation law, it has even become negative, but it seems that Ayatollah BBC is still brainwashing the elites. that there is not even a name of God in the programs. Hazrat Ali says that I knew God from there, that whatever I planned, He destroyed me.
The problems of creation of the hour
When the election starts, the problems of the people will start. Candidates for the elections, in order to prove themselves in the future, they will make the past ineffective. And the services performed in the last 45 years will be nullified. Even the anti-revolutionary goes further and says that it has become worse, like the doctors who said that during the time of the Shah of Turkey, he longed for the roads of Iran. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that it should be noted that the society is always in balance, that is, if there are problems, solutions have been made and people are satisfied. It means that the authorities have done all they can to solve the problems. This is why the candidates of the first election should create problems, that is, unfairly question everything. And based on these illusions, they show themselves as the saviors of the country. Therefore, people should be aware that problems do not exist externally, but are created by the mind of election candidates. And their solutions are nothing but illusions, because when the people involved could not do something, it cannot be implemented with imagination, in addition to the fact that all their promises are untenable and against the law, because they want to do something extra-legal. While the duty of the president is to implement the law and the approval of the law is the responsibility of the parliament, and the separation of powers does not allow the law to be mandatory.
Stock market or justice
They say that the government's decisions ruin the stock market, which means that the stock market is against the government's policies. Because gold is a capitalist tool for further exploitation. And until now, he has been standing on his feet with billions of aid to the capitalists. Therefore, the stock market does not care about anything called justice or the interests of society or Islam and revolution, it is a tool for a few wealthy people who want to send the results of the labor of workers outside behind glass rooms. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says. The candidates should not get caught up and sacrifice the open stock market, justice and politics for the benefit of a few, and know that the day of judgment will take them by the collar in front of the workers' rights, the majority of which goes to the pockets of the stock market players as profit. They will be asked again, why did you give the Baitul-Mal to the stock market for the survival of the stock market, or increase their profits by minimizing the workers' salaries. Because the mechanism of the stock exchange is to transfer the profits and wages of workers and producers to the stock exchange. Because the higher the wages, the lower the profits of the stock market. Of course, in addition to violating the rights of workers, the stockbrokers also loot the treasury and steal taxes. Because they often show losses in order to use government financial assistance, which is nothing but people's taxes. So the scholars and authorities should know that the stock market is not Mudaraba, but it is a company
Exploitative stock market
The stock market comes forward with the deceptive slogan of financing, but it actually disrupts financial discipline and steals from four groups. These are the four groups of stakeholders who are attracted by the same catchy slogan but come out as losers. The first group of workers are those who think that their income will increase when the company goes public. But they are the first victims, because in order to make more profit, the costs must be reduced. The most important element of cost is also the salary. The second victims are the people who, as customers, transfer their cash balance to the stock exchange. The customer is transferred to the company. The third group is raw material producers. The second cost of the company is the purchase of raw materials, the cheaper they buy, the more profit they show in the stock market. But with the invention of hundreds of tax evasion ways, he returns empty handed. And confirming the accumulated losses of companies is also an excuse to protest the stock market and receive financial aid or special rentsthat steals workers' wages, taxes from traders, and oil revenues.
Why do people rebel?
In examining the debates of the candidates around the world, human defiance is clearly visible where they make promises and say with full force, I will do this. It seems that they don't need anyone to fulfill their promises and they take over the fate of people alone. While they need at least the parliament and the judiciary. They need the cooperation of all the devices and even have the necessary budget and facilities. But they are so proud and self-conceited that there is no mention of them. And if it is mentioned, it is like a God who names his humble and obedient servants and does not give them will or opposition.
Three of the candidates for the presidential election admitted to following the law in the debates, but it is not clear whether it will be proven in practice, but the other three did not admit it or gave the excuse of incompetence, which should be questioned, so they should have run for the presidency now. Ghalibaf wanted to tie the hands and feet of a president, now his hands and feet are tied with the 7th development plan, it is interesting that either they should reduce the growth rate of 8% or ignore it and do their own thing. Some candidates not only did not accept the parliament, but even They don't accept God either and they consider themselves to be the breadwinners of the people, while the Islamic order is contentment and gratitude, not the pursuit of the illusion of prosperity and increasing expectations. The only way to invest is for the people, but when the treasury is locked in the treasury and is not distributed among the people. Where do they get such wealth?
Why do people rebel?
In examining the debates of the candidates around the world, human defiance is clearly visible where they make promises and say with full force, I will do this. It seems that they don't need anyone to fulfill their promises and they take over the fate of people alone. While they need at least the parliament and the judiciary. They need the cooperation of all the devices and even have the necessary budget and facilities. But they are so proud and self-conceited that there is no mention of them. And if it is mentioned, it is like a God who names his humble and obedient servants and does not give them will or opposition.
Three of the candidates for the presidential election admitted to following the law in the debates, but it is not clear whether it will be proven in practice, but the other three did not admit it or gave the excuse of incompetence, which should be questioned, so they should have run for the presidency now. Ghalibaf wanted to tie the hands and feet of a president, now his hands and feet are tied with the 7th development plan, it is interesting that either they should reduce the growth rate of 8% or ignore it and do their own thing. Some candidates not only did not accept the parliament, but even They don't accept God either and they consider themselves to be the breadwinners of the people, while the Islamic order is contentment and gratitude, not the pursuit of the illusion of prosperity and increasing expectations. The only way to invest is for the people, but when the treasury is locked in the treasury and is not distributed among the people. Where do they get such wealth?