GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Air plan

None of the governments, not even Iran, wants Gaza to survive. Because they have not given Palestine a fighter so far. For this reason, Israel sends its pilots to kill and bomb defenseless Gazans for fun and training, and the genocide is still thriving. Therefore, Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, wants the students and prominent professors of American universities to help Palestine in building jets and fighters. He has a consultant named Dr. Nakhai. who built 40 airplanes in NASA, and flew the F-18 for Iran under the name Saegha 110. Engineer Nakhai, the father of Iran's airspace, says. You can do this in two ways, first, the F5 factory belongs to Iran. You can make an F18 or F35 with new castings for its parts, for example, increasing the length of the wings. that it is a vertical flight, I give you this permission to activate it in the F5 factory. Second, there are many airplane graveyards in America, participate in auctions, and send them to Palestine after completing and repairing them. Commanders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad should know that. Building an airplane is more obligatory for them than bread at night. Because Palestinians don't die of hunger, but they are massacred by airplanes, in any case says Engineer Nakhai. I died last. I didn't teach my 19 soldiers, that's why Iran can't build airplanes. But I am ready to teach it to the Palestinians.

Secret arch

A secret army of 8 billion
According to the received information, the cores of resistance have been formed all over the world. And according to the Mahin Party's instruction, the resistance cores have been linked together, factions, groups, regiments, brigades and divisions have been formed. Since the merger of the armies, there is now a secret army in every country. First, you need to know that this secret army is without weapons. Then these armies must form a strike battalion to penetrate into Israel. be settled in the borders of captivity. and then enter the land of Israel with a unique plan and without weapons. Lebanon's Hezbollah and Yemen's Ansarullah, Iraq's Hashd al-Shaabi, the Husseini of Rabijan, Afghanistan's Fatemiyou, and Syria's Zainbyoun, who have weapons, must use heavy fire to clear the way for their infiltration. The mission of the strike battalions is to infiltrate and clean up. Completely identify and expel or hand over the resistance. So that no Israelis remain, after that the battalions are at their disposal.

Secret arch

A secret army of 8 billion
According to the received information, the cores of resistance have been formed all over the world. And according to the Mahin Party's instruction, the resistance cores have been linked together, factions, groups, regiments, brigades and divisions have been formed. Since the merger of the armies, there is now a secret army in every country. First, you need to know that this secret army is without weapons. Then these armies must form a strike battalion to penetrate into Israel. be settled in the borders of captivity. and then enter the land of Israel with a unique plan and without weapons. Lebanon's Hezbollah and Yemen's Ansarullah, Iraq's Hashd al-Shaabi, the Husseini of Rabijan, Afghanistan's Fatemiyou, and Syria's Zainbyoun, who have weapons, must use heavy fire to clear the way for their infiltration. The mission of the strike battalions is to infiltrate and clean up. Completely identify and expel or hand over the resistance. So that no Israelis remain, after that the battalions are at their disposal.

Security for prostitutes and prostitutes

 Security is a monotheistic phenomenon / and insecurity is a non-monotheistic phenomenon / to build a healthy life with peace, one must follow the monotheistic path of security. To eliminate prostitution, theft, etc. Therefore, any security is not good, security for thieves, security for prostitutes, murderers, mercenaries. Spies are anti-revolutionary, anti-velayat al-faqih, etc. Not only is it not good, but the environment must be unsafe for them. Therefore, Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, asks the students of universities around the world to research this issue. Are those in America who claim that they have created security, real or not? With just a little research, it becomes clear that the result of American security is 45 million homeless, 75 million prisoners, etc. The hypothesis of this research is whether or not security has led to the growth of trustworthiness, truth and honesty. It should be seen that the presence of security is often beneficial to the two classes and has caused their growth. For example, in the 45 years of the investment security revolution, that means the growth of banks and the increase of usury and the epidemic of profiteering instead of production. The second class are prostitutes who have benefited the most from security and their development has been done to all households. Officials may say that security is for elections. But it is a lie that the election is an excuse for the freedom of action of banks and prostitutes. Therefore, you see that Sardar Radan is losing his determination. And the parliament prolongs it. And the judiciary makes the excuse of the law. He suggests: All security claims should be investigated. Because the war orders of the Qur'an are being questioned by everyone: the research of the son-in-law is in these fields! He even considers the verses of Jihad to be similar and questionable. He said to the servant himself, "(Aza Ethkhtmoh Fashdwaluthaq) He does not do it with God's mercy!" Therefore, philosophy and the philosopher should not consider themselves superior to the Qur'an. and confiscate security for the benefit of prostitutes and usurers.

نماز جمعه

نماز جمعه بخوانید

باید در کاخ سفید نماز جمعه هر هفته برقرار باشد حتی در کاخ ورسای و یا کاخ های دیگر زیرا همه انها از مالیات مردم درست شده و باید مورد استفاده همه باشد نباید ملک شخصی کسی تلقی شود احمد ماهینی کاندیدای ریاست جمهوری امریکا دستور داده است تا این اموال بین مردم تقسیم شود و. کاخ سفید و مراکز پلیس و پادگانهای پنتاگون همگی باید تغییر مصرف بدهند صاحب انها چند فرمانده پلیس یا خبر چین انها نیست بلکه صاحب اصلی ۴۵میلیون بیخانمان امریکایی هستند که جوانی و عمر خود را کار کردند و همه را مالیات دادند وی از کلیه دانشجویان مبارز امریکایی خواست تا ابتدا در این محلات نماز جمعه برگزار کنند یعنی حداقل یک روز در تصرف مردم باشد، بعد ها این روزها را افزاش داده و نماز های یومیه نیز در ان برگزار شود

Read the Friday prayer
Friday prayers should be held every week in the White House, even in the Palace of Versailles or other palaces, because they were all made from the people's taxes and should be used by everyone, and should not be considered anyone's personal property. Property should be divided among people and. The White House, the police centers and the Pentagon barracks should all change their use. They are not owned by a few police commanders or the Chinese news agency, but the main owner is the 45 million homeless Americans who worked their youth and life and paid taxes. He asked all American student fighters. At first, Friday prayers will be held in these areas, which means that it will be occupied by the people for at least one day, then these days will be increased and daily prayers will also be held there.