GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Expose the informants

According to the information received by the election office of Ahmad Mahini: US presidential candidate, an extremely secret meeting of the federal police is held every day. They have three meeting agendas that they perpetuate every day: First, the increase in the popularity of Ahmad Mahini, second, the expansion of anti-Israel demonstrations, and third, the increase in the number of informants. According to the latest analysis of this meeting, the popularity of Ahmad Mahini has reached 99%. It is even popular among the federal police. And on the other hand, with all the efforts and expenses of Trump and Biden, they are not popular even among the party members. They may be forced by the party to announce positions in favor of Trump or Biden, like the federal police, but they can express their opinions by secret ballot. And in every state, vote for the dissolution and resignation of Biden and Trump. It also shows news about anti-Israeli demonstrations. All the people are with the demonstrations. And even the Persian slogans of death to Israel. And they participate in Friday prayers at the White House. It is even feared that the White House and the Congress will be permanently occupied. Therefore, the general decision is to receive more funding and hire news from China. Of course, Trump has ordered the prisoners to be killed by the opposition. So far, more than a hundred thousand people have disappeared in the independent states of America and there is no news about them. The informants, while confirming this news, try to make it a rumor so that the students do not go to the demonstrations. However, the prosecution must enter. and pursue crimes. Of course, we know that the prosecution is also scared. Because on the one hand, Trump has promised money and favors, and on the other hand, the opposition is being overpowered by his bodyguards and they are showing a normal accident. Therefore, Ahmad Mahini asked all his students and supporters to expose the informers. So that people will take care of them. The secret list of informants is usually inside the Federal Police archives. And payments are made to them every day. By revealing their names, the Federal Police will be disbanded sooner. Therefore, the disclosure of informers or their popular arrest should be the first headline. The American police should know: if they want to live among the people and be with the people, they must introduce these informants according to the list and document. This makes three things clear: First, the police are not anti-people. and is with the people. And it will keep them after the revolution of the independent states of America. Second, it will calm people down. Because it prevents destruction and rumors against the servants and revolutionaries so that they don't accuse each other. Third, it prevents the secret massacre of students and revolutionaries. Because the arrests of people will be reduced and Trump's hands will be free to execute them. Because Trump, like the previous period, massacred imprisoned students. And then he claimed that they committed suicide.. It should be known that most of the informants are around Trump who were hired as bodyguards. And their repentance is only to kill Trump to avenge so many killings

دعوت نهایی.

Chant in Farsi

Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, asked all the students of the independent states of the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia, even China, Japan and India, to say anti-Israeli slogans in Farsi as much as possible. Farsi is the language of the revolution so that factions, dual parties and reactionary Arabs cannot confiscate it. It is a language that was able to pull America down from the height of barbarism. Imam Khomeini said: The very word of death to America will bring death to them. The positive energy in this slogan of death to Israel is not hidden from anyone. But the same energy in other languages may not have enough range. If everyone should pray in Arabic. Because it is the language of God, and it has precise and comprehensive meanings. Its translation in any language cannot convey its spiritual burden. For example, it is mentioned in the Qur'an that: (Reliance on Allah) is translated as: written on the top of hundred dollar bills. But no one pays attention to it. In some surahs of the Qur'an, cut letters are used, which are not even words! Like (Al Lam Mim) which is mentioned in the first chapter of Surah Al-Baqarah. It is not understandable at all in Arabic, let alone if they want to translate it. For example, one of the translators has said: Al means God. And the meaning of Lam is Gabriel and the meaning of Mim is also Muhammad. Therefore, we see that each point is understood in its own place. Death to Israel means in Persian. And in other languages it sounds like fantasy, dream or funny. For example, during the Friday prayer in Tehran, it was decided that the Minister of Yemen's slogan should be behind the microphone. The people of Tehran did not understand. Therefore, we see that if Allahu Akbar is translated into any language, it loses its solidity. The Persian language has poets such as: Hafez, Saadi, Molavi, and Khayyam. For example, Rudaki, a Persian poet who lived 1200 years ago, has been called the father of the Persian language. These poetry books have been translated into all languages, and are available to everyone. But it is better to read them in Persian language and write them in Persian language. Now billions of people are eager: Persian language. which is recommended to be combined with Ahmad Mahini's photo, to convey a single message: that message is: All the people of the world are from the same parents, therefore they are brothers. And borders and languages are only for knowing each other. The land belongs to all the people and each person gets three thousand square kilometers of land and ten thousand square kilometers of sea. And they must have the permission to occupy and use it for: accommodation and employment. Ahmad Mahini says: Every baby that is born, his land and home should be known. This is also a help to the family. When a baby has three thousand meters of land, his parents can start farming. In addition to the needs of the family, sell the extra amount. Therefore, no poor person will remain. The cause of poverty and class gap is the unfair ownership system. Some have billions of meters, while billions of people are landless. And in need of night bread. Saadi, a Persian poet, is said to have said: The children of Adam are members of one body, and he wrote this poem above the door of the United Nations! But since this poem was neglected, English was used instead of Persian letters. The nature of the United Nations was also distorted. Now the United Nations is actually America's police force. And all the celebrities of the world get paid from it. Soon, the European and Federal Police will be disbanded. And the documents of the informants will come out.

The final invitation

دعوت نهایی

All Israelis are invited to join Hamas: to be safe... Yahya Sanvar is waiting for them. And Yahya Saree has also promised to cooperate. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, believes that the only solution to Israel's internal and external crisis is the joining of the people of America and Europe, and even within Israel, to Hamas. Because it seems: the time of chanting and marching has passed enough. And it is necessary to act in person to help Gaza and Rafah. It should be known that Mahmoud Abbas is not trustworthy, and he may give the list of people to Netanyahu. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to Hamas or Islamic Jihad. The people of Israel or the people of America and Europe, especially the dear and militant students, can shout their readiness by holding my photo in the marches. Having a placard or board and photo means global unity. It means that the borders are removed. And the whole world becomes a member of Hamas, or Islamic Jihad. In the next step, they can issue a membership card for themselves. American students can have a membership card by embedding their photo under the name of the independent states of America. and have my electronic signature. Because its license has been issued. The membership number is the same as the national number or national code, and the membership date will be unlimited from today. I will leave the white sample for you. But the people of Israel should include the logo of Hamas or Islamic Jihad on the top of the membership card in addition to my photo. Print one in the size of a 3 x 10 base frame, to put in your pocket or bag. And one should be large and placard-sized, so that they can be held in their hands during demonstrations or marches. And after all 50 cities of Israel, move and go to the borders of Gaza and Rafah, and introduce themselves. Yahya Sanwar also has the task of removing the tanks and agents of Hamas from their path. In this way, they become members of Palestine, they will not need to leave Israel. Yahya Senwar trained them and returned them to their cities as a representative of Hamas. In this way, all conscientious Israelis become members of Hamas and war and bloodshed are prevented. As the Prophet of Islam declared during the conquest of Mecca: Those who stay at home are safe. Either take refuge in God's house or go to Abu Sufyan's house. are safe Even now, any Israeli who holds a Hamas membership card is safe. Iran also agrees with this. Because he could send his missiles to the army headquarters and the Israeli cabinet instead of the military base. But he likes the Israelis who oppose Netanyahu, and he doesn't want them to be killed in the war. And he is waiting for the uprising of these people, to destroy the Israeli regime by themselves. and form a new regime based on voting, or a general republic. in which all Arab, Jewish and Christian members have equal votes. And the cabinet that is formed: the cabinet of Palestine should be great, not Israel. The people of Israel should know that if they join Hamas, they will be approved by my students. All American and European students wish to join Hamas. They are even willing to take up arms. But I advised: They will come to Palestine empty-handed. I will carry out presidential campaigns and debates in Gaza so that the world's attention to the issue of Gaza remains alive. Yahya Sanwar has promised me that if everyone becomes a member of Hamas or Islamic Jihad, he will ensure the safety of their lives. And if Israel does not surrender, he will give them all weapons. until the last breath of Israel. And without war and bloodshed, Israel will be destroyed, and Palestine will be formed. The United Nations has also promised to recognize Palestine and approve its sovereignty over (former Israel). All the property of Israel will be given to Hamas. To be able to establish a world free of weapons and war.

Justice is dead

South Africa's representative at the Hague Tribunal proved that justice is dead. As can be seen in its universal symbol: it has become a featureless statue, whose eyes are closed and does not see the truth! The scales are always heavy in favor of the wicked. His wings and jump are stoned, and he can't do anything. Gaza is massacred, Rafah is being plowed, and Jabalia is still burning. Our celebrities chant: No Gaza, no Lebanon! Sacrifice my life for Iran, which they never sacrificed! Rather, they sold Iran and sacrificed themselves. They are willing to serve all spy services for free so that: the Islamic Republic does not step. And only the voice of justice should be silenced: so that oppressors can easily plow Palestine, and create mushroom-like towers of gambling and prostitution. Global capitalism, people only in the eyes of free prostitutes! And always losing gamblers! looks. Instead of looking at the hungry and oppressed people of the world, he turns a blind eye to them, until it becomes a massacre and the issue of poverty and hunger! to be solved forever. Another example is Trump who: the right turns right. And it pumps lies, poverty and ugliness. He is like a mafia boss in Italy, even though everyone knows he is a criminal. He leads criminal gangs. But because of the fear of his lawyers, they don't give up. Rather, they show their bulletproof cars to each other. And they regret why they are not members of the mafia to have such a car. By killing Qassem Soleimani, even though everyone knows that he is a murderer, Trump is also right. And he is campaigning for the presidency. Do the American people want to make a murderer president? Doesn't the prosecutor know this? But because of the fear of his bodyguards, he does not say anything and does not act! Because he may die in a fake accident, or be killed in prison like students. He recently announced that 6 states voted for him in the battleground, and he is ahead of Biden. But he has mistaken the battlefield. Today, the battlefield is: universities. And Ahmad Mahini has the most votes there. Not a single person will vote for Biden or Trump. If the Electoral Card ignores this, the people will make the White House a Husseiniya: and they will hold Friday prayers there. More than 200 American universities are real battlegrounds to form the independent American states. And Trump and Biden, forever disappear from history. The prosecutor should also know that he must arrest Trump once to prove: America is no longer a place of Golan Heights, and people are no longer looking for slave hats. Rather, Golan is the place of thinkers, students, professors and cultured people. Gone are the days when a shepherd or cowherd becomes president. Today is the age of thinking. Knowledge and education are considered power. (Al-Alam Sultan). As in Iran, the wisest and most jurist people become rulers and governors. They have this message: We are in the age of civilization! And the era of Qolchmaqs and Qolchmaqs has come to an end. American academics and people have proven that they are not afraid of the police! They are not afraid of prison and beating by the police. And they are the expressive language of the civilization age. Election managers and especially: prosecutors should understand this. They should consider the students' march and demonstration as a referendum. A referendum that happens every day on: the floor of the streets. If they close their ears to these slogans, people will take all of them to the corner of the ring by electing Ahmad Mahini, and throw them in the dustbin of history. As Trump mentioned in his tweet. He should know that the law is above people. And if he does not obey the law, and does not surrender, we will surrender him! And if he does not commit suicide, we will kill him. America, in the age of education and jurisprudence, must be saved from the existence of such forceful and deceitful people. Because America has become part of the world community and subordinate to the Iranian empire, and they don't know. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, warns once again: if Trump wants to disrupt the election process, he will be physically assassinated before the election. Therefore, it is better for him to resign himself. And do not appear in any social media. Long live the age of culture and jurisprudence.

Each child's share of Israel's property

8 billion people in the world all have a share of Israel's assets. So far, America has given 297 billion dollars in aid to Israel! It means that everything that is bought or produced and made from this amount belongs to the American people. Because this amount is from the sweat of Jebin! And the code of Yamin (tax) of the people has been given to them. Therefore, it should be considered transitory capital and the American people should follow their demand: if the population of America is 297 million people, each person is a debtor of one thousand dollars. However, this amount is more and bigger. Therefore, the people of Ai can demand their property from Israel, and wherever they find any property, they can loot it. This is a normal routine that will arise after Israel. In addition, the Arab and Palestinian children must demand the price of the land and rent for several years. Killing at least three million people in these years means receiving ransom and compensation for those killed. According to the Ukrainian court, one million dollars for each murdered person is a total of three trillion dollars. which if divided among the children of Gaza. Every child in Gaza or Rafah and Jabalia owes Israel three million dollars at birth. If there is a fair judicial system, it should take these amounts from Israel and pay them to the children of Gaza (on behalf of their parents). Unfortunately, the world's judicial system is blind! It doesn't see the facts. And its scales are crooked. And it is always in favor of the oppressors. From the human and Islamic point of view, the judges owe this money, which is collected under the shadow of the Zionists' looting and killing. The judges and lawyers especially The judges of the Supreme Court should all resign and share their property. There is only one judge with a conscience. He is also severely suppressed He is dead, and the judges are corrupt. And if they don't have property, then they should be returned to work They didn't complain against England, which massacred ten million Iranians. They didn't complain against America, which staged a coup in Iran. This is a good proof that they are in the hands of oppressors. Because at the beginning of his reign, Hazrat Ali (AS) said: "I have no assets that I will come to power, if I had even one dinar extra when I came out of power, then you should know that I have betrayed you." ). Therefore, all those who have reached thousands and thousands from Bait al-Mal are traitors. But is there anyone to deal with their betrayal? Or should we wait for the real avenger? Or Aba Saleh Maddi