GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Freedom of the two Qiblas

Tahrir al-Qiblatin

Brother Golani, now that your means have been successful in Syria, your words have been encouraging. First of all, you said that the sanctity of the shrine of Zainab (peace be upon her) should not be violated, because Zainab (peace be upon her) is the daughter of Fatima (peace be upon her) and the granddaughter of the beloved Prophet of Islam! On her father's side, she is the daughter of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), and the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever hurts Fatima (peace be upon him) has hurt me. You have also said that government property should remain intact and no one has the right to violate it. Your dear Golani is the son of the Golan (occupied Golan), and he knows that this land is still in the hands of Israel, and your zeal should not accept that the women and children of the Golan and its heights are in the hands of Israel and the Jews. On the one hand, our hopes are for the liberation of the first and second Qiblahs, which we hope will happen, and for the enemies of the Prophet and the Ahl al-Bayt to be expelled from these two holy places. And its administration should be by the Fiqh Council. So that people can visit the House of God and the Al-Aqsa Mosque whenever they want and there will be no obstacles. Because in the Quran, the most oppressive people are those who prevent people from visiting Jerusalem, or restrict and ration it, like Riyadh! (And I am the most oppressed who forbids the mosques of Allah) Therefore, this goal is also considered to be fighting oppression and oppression. Because the House of Saud thinks that by setting quotas, they have done a good job, or that they are providing limited facilities for pilgrims, but the great Quran says: (Have you made the watering of the pilgrim and the building of the Sacred Mosque as a security for Allah and the Last Day?) That is, you, the House of Saud, do not even believe in the Day of Judgment and God. Although you have done a lot of construction and welfare work, you do not believe. So fighting the oppressor and the infidel is the main duty of every Muslim so that the religion of God remains on earth. Otherwise, it is only an appearance in the hands of the polytheists, infidels and oppressors. I ask you to first liberate the Golan Heights and then go to Jerusalem on foot, of course with the support of the Mujahideen. Say that you have come for pilgrimage to be the hero of the liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The whole world will support you. And then proceed to Mecca on foot, eliminate the enemies who are preventing you and other Muslims from performing Hajj and Ziraat. Hazrat Umar said, "I will stand with my sword against the infidels and oppressors."

Next market

Iranian Islamic Market

Iran is of interest to the whole world due to its many mines and riches. Its geopolitical location has also made it easier to access. We export bulk rock to China! And import from Afghanistan! For years, England used to buy Iranian cotton, turn it into fabric, and sell it to Iran. We now export electricity to fifty countries in the world under sanctions. Iran's high-quality oil and gas have customers in all countries of the world. We have only had $50 billion in non-oil trade with our neighbors in the first half of this year. Therefore, the Iranian Islamic market has been formed by force and history. However, the beggars of the West do not see this and are looking for foreign markets. While we can give the GATT regulations to the seminary and create an Islamic GATT, in GATT, trade is based on maximum profit, and therefore the drug trade is the first line of global profit. The trade in weapons to kill people is next in line, and the trade in the poison of women and girls, and human body parts is third in line, but the Islamic GATT considers these to be forbidden, and prevents slavery in men and prostitution in women. Inspired by this Islamic GATT, ECO can develop itself in halal industry and trade and include all countries, because from an Islamic perspective, 8 billion human beings have the right to life and trade, but Western commerce considers them deprived and lazy. The Islamic GATT of Iran can connect Europe and Central Asia to warm waters and oceans, even bypassing the border wall between Afghanistan and Turkey, and add air and sea corridors to the Silk Road.

International Congress of Martyr Yahya Al-Sanwar

Taliyah number one

International Congress of Martyr Yahya Al-Sanwar,

 All intellectuals from all over the world are invited to participate in this congress with pen and speech to honor the position of Shamkh Mujahid Kabir Yahya Al-Sanwar. Date: It is the martyrdom anniversary of this honorable man.

Congress topics

Yahya al-Sanwar as a child

Yahya al-Sanwar in prison

Written works of Yahya al-Sanwar

 His military role in Al-Aqsa storm

 The historical and political situation of his time

The saga of Yahya Sanvar's martyrdom

 His interest in Imam Ali

Interested people are invited to send their abstracts to the address of the congress office.


 Summaries of articles will be published on Mahin News website

The deadline for sending the original articles is until the end of September 1404.

It also conveys the base of resistance: Basij 19 of Shahid Ghafarzadeh Panj Ton Al Aba Mosque (AS) with the participation

The Board of Trustees of Hazrat Waliasr Mosque (AS) intends to hold an international conference with the presence of the personality The issues raised in this field in the custody of martyr Yahya Sanvar should be paid to different media. In line with this movement, people's enthusiasm and fire, with the cooperation of the board of trustees of Hazrat Waliasr (AS) mosque in Theran, located on the road of Hazrat Valiasr (AS) next to the city theater, were placed: the meeting halls of this mosque are at the disposal of the congregation and also The hotel of Hazrat Waliasr (A.S.), which belongs to one of the trustees of the mentioned mosque, is in charge of receiving foreign guests, so to start official activities in this regard, while introducing Seyed's brother Ahmad Hosseini with national number 0035116277 and contact number 0901260824 as the contact of this database to follow up cases, we need your support in the following cases:

A) Correspondence with the honorable commander of Shaheed Mahalati Basij Resistance Area to issue the necessary permits for coordination

with related bodies

b) Introduction of a representative who is knowledgeable about the aspects of the work and related to the resistance front for consultation, participation in working groups

specialized, making the necessary strategies and introducing guests and invited personalities and...

c) Declaring the amount of the ability to support the logistics and logistics necessary or introduce supporting institutions in this


d) Spiritual support in all fields related to this commemoration in order to strengthen the Jihadi spirit of the fighters of this era.

and speeding up the necessary efforts of this group

thank you

Aslam Mahini Foundation

Thanks to Aslam Mahini Foundation