GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

State in islam

Islamic State transformation program

In economic affairs, you should not use foreign consultants and elements or beggars, but what they say, you should do the opposite, because they have the mission to send all the wealth of Iran abroad, make the sanctions effective, and impose misery on the people, so the basis Their economy is embezzlement, dollar salaries and high inflation and devaluation of the national currency. And so far, nothing but corruption and inflation has come out of the implementation of their compassionate suggestions, so trial is trial and error. Taxes should be collected from domestic people and tribute from foreigners, and as soon as it is received, the contractor should divide it equally among the people. Anfal and public property should not be locked up but should be divided. Any kind of banking and treasury is an insult to God's grace and is considered as shirk. According to the Qur'an, everyone should save gold and silver. He will taste the torment of inflation. It does not matter if it is a person or the central bank or the Ministry of Economy. The verb is forbidden. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States of America, says, "Eh Al-Dhain is like Al-Dhahab and Al-Fazha, it is a painful punishment. By the way, Al-Dhain refers to a group and has an organization and a bank, because if it was a person, the word Al-Dha'i would be used." During the time of Cyrus and Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him), there was never a bank or treasury. During the time of Yusuf Ibn Hajjaj Thaqfi, this killer of Shiites was created. And all of them had their faces. The reason was that they did not trust God and considered themselves as the owner of authority and provider of people. Therefore, whatever is in the treasury should be distributed among the people. These economists are mercenaries who are trying to separate the people and the government and make a big rich person with my theories. So that both the government becomes the enemy of God and the people become the enemy of the government