GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

So necking to: Trump

When an Iranian young man, in front of the cameras, and in the presence of Trump's supporters, he reaps him: His voice is heard from the podium, that is, missing Trump! We do not want you to become an Iranian president. And we must announce the end of Western civilization, and wish an Iranian Islamic civilization. Now the hatred that the West had created from religion has become a hatred for the West's religious civilization. All human beings all over the world are awakened. They have realized that Western civilization and modernity have been no more than that of Gorilla and Monkey. And the increase in the rail cemetery prefers to increase the human population. The modernity of the West is what the ruins are over Gaza's children and: stones and bricks to Palestinian women. In modernity, good man is dead man. And it is so well interpreted: and deceives the world. And he sets himself up to tradition: tradition and modernity! But it must be said: Humanity and modernity! That is, modernity is the only thing it has is humanity. Except for racial discrimination and American white superiority: It does not accept anything else over all age and generations. And all this is born: Illusion: The superiority of the Jewish generation over the Worlds. Those who once said: And he said: () But they regretted God: And God said: (l) and commanded the Muslim: () Do not be friends with them: because the Jews, the Christians. They have also cheated on, encouraged them to disobey God. Anyone who friendly with the Jews and Christians must consider their line with them. Because it is the basis of the Qur'an on piety. And all human beings are from one parent. So they do not differ from each other: to piety. But they considered race superior. And as they are born of a Jewish mother or a Christian mother, their superiority over the whole world. This is something that said 1400 years ago, but today the world is aware of it! The Gaza Mashhad has given a great humanity in this respect, and the global awakening should be attributed to them: every 8 billion modern or later, all owes the blood of 40,000 martyrs: Palestinian children and men and women: Zero border point between three. Religion is great. The two previous religions do not want to accept that their (expired) deadline and: their expiration date is past. Humans always adorned and loved the past with all its evils. And this is the concept of reaction in civilization. When man is a child, his wish is to grow older. But when he grew up: To eliminate great assignments, that is, humanity, he goes to childhood. Because as a child with a cry and scream, he obeyed everyone and: But now it has to work. Take it hard. And from the Yamin code! And eat bread. But he likes: to steal! Stealing means using the wages and hard work of others: Instead of bothering yourself! And so humans are divided into two general categories: thieves and workers. Workers work, but thieves plan: to get the result of their job. From this division we come to the division of tradition and modernity! Sunnah means a civilization that is working. And modernity is a civilization that wants to take over the hard work of others. Colonialist and colonized another name: This is the division. And this has been the case since Prophet Adam: Why was Adam expelled from heaven? Because it was lazy: and always eat and sleep! So God threw him out of heaven to work himself. And food and clothes for yourself and the family! Provide. So Adam was the main background! She's back to childhood! He made the carpet under his feet like a paradise.

To enter the Holy Mosque

Who will be the first group to enter: Inside the borders of Israel? Of course, penetration into the depths of Israel: to provide aid and free food, has been done so far. But the intention is that the people of the world have the duty to dismantle the Israeli checkpoints: in all places. And let the land of Palestine be a land of worship. It means that everyone from any religion and ritual, religion and with any idea except: the idea of occupation should go there. Now only the idea of occupation prevails there. Even the early Israelites came to Palestine as refuge. They, who were known as wandering Jews, sought refuge there to save themselves from displacement and statelessness. Photographs left behind show that: every boat full of them carried a placard: that in It is requested that they be sheltered. But these were the refugees who came and never left. They came to stay. It doesn't matter so far. Because whoever wants to live an honorable life anywhere on earth. But they did not need to live an honorable life. Rather, looking for mass murder: the people were there to usurp their lands. It may be said that usurping is the only intention of Western people: it was in contemporary times: European whites who went to America also had such an idea. He considered himself the center of the world and said: The rest were called others! Another second degree! There were black people who: their desire to survive was to serve the white people. Another third grade! There were American Indians, who were said to be a good Indian! The Indian is dead. That is, they should have given the result of several thousand years of civilization to the whites without resistance, and they themselves would have gone to the afterlife. And if there were any left, they were not even worthy to serve the whites. Rather, they had to serve the blacks. It was like that the eastern man is not in the statistics at all! And that we consider the Palestinians as human beings, they are angry. It has been said many times that it is the Palestinians who are the occupiers and must leave. This policy of theirs was met with silence and universal surprise. Most compromisers, it is a sign of civilization and costs of modernity! They used to say and many philosophers support it even today. The only one who didn't believe it and didn't accept it was Imam Khomeini who said: Israel must be destroyed! He said that if Muslims pour a bucket of water, (or spit) Israel will be flooded. But Gaza and Palestine did not believe. Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas and the Arabs even said that Imam Khomeini was wrong. Instead of confronting this illegitimate child, they decided to negotiate with him. They thought that if they were told: this is a bad thing, they would accept it and stop their bad behavior! Even today, remnants of this thinking still prevail in Gaza. Otherwise, everyone should be thrown out at the command of Hamas: and destroy the checkpoints. and go to Jerusalem for prayer. The same thing that the Prophet of Islam did in the conquest of Mecca: they went without weapons and conquered Mecca. Or Imam Khomeini: He did it on 22 Bahman! On that day, the regime affiliated with these criminals imposed a 24-hour curfew. But he said that the people should come to the streets and defeat the military government. Even now, it should be seen who is the follower of Muhammad or Imam Khomeini in Gaza. Only those who will do the right thing will go to Jerusalem with empty hands to pray. and open the way for others. Of course, they won't do anything because Lebanon's Hezbollah has destroyed all their infrastructure and Yemen has disabled Dimona. And their tanks have all been turned into scrap metal by Hamas. There are also reports from inside Jerusalem that the people of Israel have declared their neutrality. And especially on Saturdays, they participate more in the protest until the fall.

Backlash to: Trump

When a young Iranian in front of the cameras, and in the presence of Trump's supporters, slaps him on the back saying: His voice can be heard from the podium, it means that Trump is lost! We don't want you and an Iranian-origin should become the president of America. And it is necessary to declare the end of Western civilization, and to wish for an Islamic-Iranian civilization for the world. Now the hatred that the West created for religion has turned into hatred against the religionless civilization of the West. All the people in the whole world have woken up. They have understood that Western civilization and modernity are nothing more than a mirage that wants humans to be lower than gorillas and monkeys. And he prefers the increase of scrap iron graveyard to the increase of human population. Western modernity is what prefers ruins over children in Gaza and stones and bricks over Palestinian women. According to modernity, a good person is a dead person. And such culture is interpreted well: and deceives the world. And he puts himself in front of tradition: tradition and modernity! But it must be said: humanity and modernity! That is, the only thing that modernity does not have is humanity. Except racial discrimination and American white supremacy: over all ages and generations, nothing else is accepted. And all of this is the result of an illusion: the superiority of the Burjanian Jewish generation. Those whom God was once proud of: and He said: (Ani Fazltakum Ali al-Alamin) but, they regretted God for what they had done: and God said: (Lam najd la azma) and ordered the Muslim: (Ya ayyuphaa al-dhinna amanwa la Do not be friends with them: because the Jews deceived the Christians as well, and made them disobey God. have encouraged Whoever makes friends with Jews and Christians, must consider his line with them. Because the basis of the Qur'an is piety. And all human beings come from one parent. Therefore, they have no difference except: piety. But they considered race superior. And as soon as they were born from a Jewish mother or a Christian mother, their superiority over all the worlds. This is a topic that he said 1400 years ago, but today the world is aware of it! In this sense, the martyrs of Gaza have left a great gift to humanity, and the global awakening should be considered indebted to them: every 8 billion today or later, they all owe the blood of 40 thousand martyrs: children, women and men of Palestine, who are: the zero point of the border between the three Religion is great. The previous two religions do not want to accept that their deadline has passed. People always decorate and love the past with all its evils. And this is the concept of reaction in civilization. When a person is a child, he wishes to grow up. But when he grew up: to solve great tasks, that is, to have humanity, he turns himself into a child. Because as a child, with one cry and scream, he made everyone obey him and he got what he wanted. But now it should work. take the trouble And from code Yamin! and the sweat of the forehead to eat bread. But he likes to steal! Stealing means using the wages and labors of others: instead of bothering yourself! And therefore, humans are divided into two general categories: thieves and workers. Workers work, but thieves plan: to take the result of their work. From this division, we reach the division of tradition and modernity! Tradition means a civilization that is busy. And modernity means a civilization that: wants to take over the efforts of others. Colonizer and colonized are another name: this is the division. And this has been the case since the time of Hazrat Adam (PBUH): Why was Hazrat Adam kicked out of Paradise? Because he was lazy: and he always ate and slept! Therefore, God threw him out of heaven, so that he could work on his own. And food and clothes for yourself and your family! prepare Therefore, Hazrat Adam was the original regressive! He returned to childhood! He made the carpet under his feet like heaven.

لتدخلن فی المسجد الاقصی

The first entering group Who will be inside the borders of Israel? Of course, penetration into the depths of Israel: to provide aid and free food, has been done so far. But the intention is that the people of the world have the duty to dismantle the Israeli checkpoints: in all places. And let the land of Palestine be a land of worship. It means that everyone from any religion and ritual, religion and with any idea except: the idea of occupation should go there. Now only the idea of occupation prevails there. Even the early Israelites came to Palestine as refuge. They, who were known as wandering Jews, sought refuge there to save themselves from displacement and statelessness. Photographs left behind show that: every boat full of them carried a placard: that in It is requested that they be sheltered. But these were the refugees who came and never left. They came to stay. It doesn't matter so far. Because whoever wants to live an honorable life anywhere on earth. But they did not need to live an honorable life. Rather, looking for mass murder: the people were there to usurp their lands. It can be said that usurping is the only intention of Western people: it was in contemporary times: European whites who went to America also had such an idea. He considered himself the center of the world and said: The rest were called others! Another second degree! There were black people who: their desire to survive was to serve the white people. Another third grade! There were American Indians, who were said to be a good Indian! The Indian is dead. That is, they should have given the result of several thousand years of civilization to the whites without resistance, and they themselves would have gone to the afterlife. And if there were any left, they were not even worthy to serve the whites. Rather, they had to serve the blacks. It was like that the eastern man is not in the statistics at all! And that we consider the Palestinians as human beings, they are angry. It has been said many times that it is the Palestinians who are the occupiers and must leave. This policy of theirs was met with silence and universal surprise. Most compromisers, it is a sign of civilization and costs of modernity! They used to say and many philosophers support it even today. The only one who didn't believe it and didn't accept it was Imam Khomeini who said: Israel must be destroyed! He said that if Muslims pour a bucket of water, (or spit) Israel will be flooded. But Gaza and Palestine did not believe. Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas and the Arabs even said that Imam Khomeini was wrong. Instead of confronting this illegitimate child, they decided to negotiate with him. They thought that if they were told: this is a bad thing, they would accept it and stop their bad behavior! Even today, remnants of this thinking still prevail in Gaza. Otherwise, everyone should be thrown out at the command of Hamas: and destroy the checkpoints. and go to Jerusalem for prayer. The same thing that the Prophet of Islam did in the conquest of Mecca: they went without weapons and conquered Mecca. Or Imam Khomeini: He did it on 22 Bahman! On that day, the regime affiliated with these criminals imposed a 24-hour curfew. But he said that the people should come to the streets and defeat the military government. Even now, it should be seen who is the follower of Muhammad or Imam Khomeini in Gaza. Only those who will do the right thing will go to Jerusalem with empty hands to pray. and open the way for others

The original and positive empire

Banknote counterfeiting is due to its authenticity, importance and value. Therefore, the forgery of the empire is also due to its importance and lofty position. Man is an emperor in essence: that is, every man is an emperor for himself. for he is God's vicegerent on earth: and all the facilities of the world are created for him. But the enemies change it with one: the presidency or the municipality, and even the head of a department. The main empire is shamed and pushed to the backstage and they make him a despot and dictator. While they themselves are dictators and autocrats, who were able to make the weakest position superior to the highest position. and make the right unjust. To pollute the privacy of Kobari with polytheism and idolatry. Because they are humble themselves, they want everyone to be humble. And from the shining sun, they sing to a poetic candle. Yes, they deny the Great God, because they say: We cannot accept what we do not see! Instead of that, we see stones, wood and any garbage! They worship instead of God. They are even willing to worship thousands of gods. But do not bow your neck in front of God. And this abject disease has sometimes gone to the bone marrow, whatever we write and write and say! As if they didn't say anything. Like a child who sees a chocolate, his ears become deaf and his eyes are blind! And he does not see or want anything other than that. Non-divine philosophers and scientists are like this child. When they cannot understand the greatness of an object, they pull it down and despise it like themselves: so that they can see it under the surgical knife! But the truth is much bigger and more mysterious than these words. No one has yet managed to dominate the moon or Mars! At that time, they claim to dominate Burjahan. He has not yet been able to defend the rights of a Palestinian, he says after the new world order. It sells pride to the world. All these boastings are just nonsense because they are reflected only in the media. It has been said since ancient times: The words of the wind are the air. But the Palestinian child knows God! He spreads the Iftar table in the heart of all the failures. And he says to God: I fasted for you, and I break my fast for you. The great soul of this small creature, how easily it travels the distances. And how easily it reaches the end of existence. While that elite brain is full of pride! It still can't crack a single particle properly. And sends thousands of people to death with atomic force. And then, he determines the Nobel Prize! All this is because: they ignore the Iranian Empire. And they call others emperors. They don't see the greatness and vastness of Iran. But the smallness of the city of Rome or ancient Greece is bigger than any world for them. The first teacher! are considered Greek. While the first teacher of the universe is the Great God. Many times in the Qur'an, he oppressedly said: (Khalq al-Insan and ulama al-bayan!) We were the ones who created man. And we taught him language, speech, writing, science and knowledge! Why are you looking for hieroglyphs in the bigholes! And cuneiform became papyrus paper. The tablet and the pen are with God, that's all: the inscription of wonder on the door and wall of existence! No matter what you think, there was a pattern on the wall. O man, what happened to you that you brought your greatness and God down from the heavens and hid it in the basement of your house or laboratory? And you called others to it? You blacked out the sun, then you went looking for the truth with the lamp of the laboratory mouse? Come and choose the right path. Come and become a Shia, and believe in Imam Ali and his children: and see that the Palestinians throw stones! A Palestinian made a flying rocket, and from Israel Ashrafi stole a date. Know your worth and by voting for me: in the presidency of the United States, once again turn to the grateful empire: and thank the blessings of: God to give you all the heavens and the earth. That's just looking for a mine, or some oil! And gold and jewelry, how much it is worth to you. In the place where God is the customer of your life, don't sell it to the devil.