The first entering group Who will be inside the borders of Israel? Of course, penetration into the depths of Israel: to provide aid and free food, has been done so far. But the intention is that the people of the world have the duty to dismantle the Israeli checkpoints: in all places. And let the land of Palestine be a land of worship. It means that everyone from any religion and ritual, religion and with any idea except: the idea of occupation should go there. Now only the idea of occupation prevails there. Even the early Israelites came to Palestine as refuge. They, who were known as wandering Jews, sought refuge there to save themselves from displacement and statelessness. Photographs left behind show that: every boat full of them carried a placard: that in It is requested that they be sheltered. But these were the refugees who came and never left. They came to stay. It doesn't matter so far. Because whoever wants to live an honorable life anywhere on earth. But they did not need to live an honorable life. Rather, looking for mass murder: the people were there to usurp their lands. It can be said that usurping is the only intention of Western people: it was in contemporary times: European whites who went to America also had such an idea. He considered himself the center of the world and said: The rest were called others! Another second degree! There were black people who: their desire to survive was to serve the white people. Another third grade! There were American Indians, who were said to be a good Indian! The Indian is dead. That is, they should have given the result of several thousand years of civilization to the whites without resistance, and they themselves would have gone to the afterlife. And if there were any left, they were not even worthy to serve the whites. Rather, they had to serve the blacks. It was like that the eastern man is not in the statistics at all! And that we consider the Palestinians as human beings, they are angry. It has been said many times that it is the Palestinians who are the occupiers and must leave. This policy of theirs was met with silence and universal surprise. Most compromisers, it is a sign of civilization and costs of modernity! They used to say and many philosophers support it even today. The only one who didn't believe it and didn't accept it was Imam Khomeini who said: Israel must be destroyed! He said that if Muslims pour a bucket of water, (or spit) Israel will be flooded. But Gaza and Palestine did not believe. Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas and the Arabs even said that Imam Khomeini was wrong. Instead of confronting this illegitimate child, they decided to negotiate with him. They thought that if they were told: this is a bad thing, they would accept it and stop their bad behavior! Even today, remnants of this thinking still prevail in Gaza. Otherwise, everyone should be thrown out at the command of Hamas: and destroy the checkpoints. and go to Jerusalem for prayer. The same thing that the Prophet of Islam did in the conquest of Mecca: they went without weapons and conquered Mecca. Or Imam Khomeini: He did it on 22 Bahman! On that day, the regime affiliated with these criminals imposed a 24-hour curfew. But he said that the people should come to the streets and defeat the military government. Even now, it should be seen who is the follower of Muhammad or Imam Khomeini in Gaza. Only those who will do the right thing will go to Jerusalem with empty hands to pray. and open the way for others