GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Allahın zəkalı aristokratiyası

Bir çox dünya təşkilatları özlərini hər şeyin başında hesab edirlər və deyirlər ki, hər şey bizim səlahiyyətimizdədir. Amma belə deyil, hamısı səhv edir və informasiya boşluqlarını elə ört-basdır edirlər ki: heç kim aşkar etməsin. İnformasiyanın nəcibliyi Allaha məxsusdur. Allah hər yerdə var və baxır. Və bu çoxlarının xoşuna gəlmir. Və bu özünü mərkəzləşdirir. Yəni, onlar yalnız məlumat sahibi olmağı xoşlayırlar. Və hətta Allah da onların əmrləri ilə işləyir! Əlbəttə, Allah itaətkardır və istədiyimiz hər şeyi bizə verir. Amma ona itaət edənlərə itaət edər. Peyğəmbər buyurdu: “Mənə itaət edən Allaha itaət etməmişdir. Və həmçinin dedi: Kim Allaha itaət etsə, itaət etməmişdir. Yəni, Allah Özünə mükəlləf etmişdir: şiə olanların duasını qəbul etmək. Şiə isə müsəlman və ya xristian, Əliyə tabe olanı nəzərdə tutmur: indi zahirən, istər sünni, istər xristian, istərsə də başqa məzhəb. Bu müraciətin mənasıdır. Yuxarıdan aşağı müraciətlər silsiləsi: Allah birincidir. Lakin onların bəziləri Allahı başa düşmür və başa düşmürlər: ona görə də onlar Peyğəmbərə itaət etməlidirlər, bəzilərinin isə Rəsuluna çatmaq imkanı yoxdur, ona görə də onlar Əmirəlmöminin (ə)dırlar. Çünki onlar Allahdan məlumat alırlar. Allah dəfələrlə demişdir: Mən alim və arifəm. Bu o deməkdir ki, heç kim Allahdan yaxşı məlumata malik ola bilməz. O, keçmişi və gələcəyi biləndir. Və özü də bu elmlərin yaradıcısıdır. Buna görə də o, yaxşı yaşamağın yolunu bilir. Və onu xəbərdar edir: “Namaz qıl” dedikdə, 200 ədəd sümüyündən, 600 ədəd əzələsindən istifadə et. Onların yox olmasına imkan verməyin. O: Məni çağırın, sizə cavab verim (ədvani estəcb ləkm) dedikdə, bu, istedadınızı, arzularınızı və təxəyyülünüzü işə salmaq deməkdir. Günahsızlar da dedilər: Allahdan böyük şeylər istə. İmam Rza buyurdu: Ömrünün duzunu belə bizdən soruş. Yəni hər şeyi Allahdan istəmək. Çünki Allah inkişaf etdirəndir və: O, yaratdıqlarının açılmasını və artmasını sevir (Ena LaMousaun). Sizin üçün isə istəklərinizə uyğun dizayn edir. Onun informasiya aristokratiyası belədir: arzun varsa, o arzunun gələcəyini bilir. Məsələn, bilir: varlansan, indulgensiya dalınca gedəcəksən! Şıltaqlıqlara uymamaq üçün. Və ailə dağılmayacaq, sənə verməyəcək. Amma o, sənin üçün qənaət edir: dünyanı tərk etmək. Ey bir tikə çörək üçün başqasının qabını yalayanlar. Yoxsa var-dövlət əldə etmək üçün zəifin haqqını tapdalayırsan: Bil ki, sənin payın boğazına düşən dişlək kimidir. Qalanı başqalarının payıdır. Sən isə onlar üçün hambalsan. Çoxlu sərvəti olan adam: və bunu bağışlamayan, əslində gələcək həyat yoldaşı üçün! saxlayır belə ki, həyat yoldaşı və uşaqları onun ölümündən sonra düşmənlərindən xoşbəxtliklə istifadə etsinlər. Hətta dünyanın kəşfiyyat orqanlarında da belədir: MKİ öz adamlarını səfərbər edir, dəqiq məlumat alır, amma Amerika prezidenti onları rədd edir: öz işini görür. Kirmanda Hacı Qasimin zəvvarlarına hücum göstərdi ki: İnformasiya Nazirliyinin bir hissəsi həddən artıq lovğadır, yaxud Allahdan xəbərsizdir. Bu məlumat boşluqları Allahı unutmaqdan yaranır. 7 milyard qeyri-müsəlmanın mövcudluğu böyük informasiya boşluqları deməkdir. Allahın, Rəsulun, İmam Əlinin və İmam Xomeyninin əmri universal bir əmrdir. Bütün insanlar bir valideyndən gəlir. Niyə bu qədər az xəbər olsun, xəbər yoxdur? Xəbərlər, informasiya vasitələri çatışmırmı? Həzrət Əli (ə) buyurur: Allah alimlərdən belə bir əhd etmişdir ki, onlar zalımların qarşısında bir an belə dayanmayacaqlar (Laiqar Əli Kazeh Əl-Zalim). O, İslam peyğəmbəri deyildimi? İnsanların Ümrəyə belə getməsinə icazə verməyən Səud əhlindən (mən məscidlərin Allaha haram olmasına icazə vermirəm) daha zalım kim ola bilər? Yoxsa Qüdsə doğru addımlamağa icazə verməyən işğalçı Qüds rejimi? Ona görə də London, Nyu-York və Berlin, Madrid və Moskvanın səfərbərliyi əlini uzatmalıdır.

Do not hurry

Pray for hastening, but don't rush! Rather: Ask God to increase your knowledge so that you know the reason for this lack of haste. The Qur'an says: Do not remove the fruit from the tree before the fruit ripens or after it: because the fruit is whole or rotten, therefore the time of its appearance is in the hands of God, and no one should surpass God. Because, for example, maybe: one of the reasons is that: some companions of Imam Zaman (AS) have not yet been born (like Ashura, when Imam Hossein asked for a one-night respite, so that Habib Ibn Mazaher could also arrive) or that they are neglected, or they have a long way to go. But the haste in Faraj is the learning of knowledge: (Rabzdani ulama wa al-haqani balasalihin) for this reason, people's attention to the emergence caused the human intellect to increase. If you pay attention to all the western theories, it is after the Islamic revolution. Progress in cyberspace is only due to attention to Imam Zaman. What enemies who do not like his civilization, but are sure of its emergence, and what friends who are not sure! But they like it. Therefore, there are few people who are sure to like him: in the West, all movies are about the savior, who they don't like. And in the East, everyone loves it, but they are not sure! That's all: Dua for Faraj is only because of curiosity! It means that the people of Iran are not sure and with this means they want to say: Didi not come? For fifty years, they have been saying: Faraj is near, so Ko. But in Wahhabism, they build a tower: to hit the Prophet when he appears! In the West, they make destroyers: because they are sure that he will come, but they are sad about his coming. Because they think: it will destroy them. (But Fatima Zahra will take all her Shiites out of hell on the Day of Judgment) Jews and Zionism are building positions and weapons with all their might to destroy the Imam of the Time. According to Seyed Jamaluddin: In Europe I saw Islam but did not see Muslims, and in Iran I saw Muslims but did not see Islam. What is the condition of people who pray for relief, but take loans from banks? Because with any sharia cap, usury means war with God? Even in their request to Imam Zaman, there is an earlier request for loans! They want Imam Zaman to be their guarantor. In fact, they don't believe in God, and they don't consider him as provider: but they consider banks as their sustenance. Basically, if we do a correct analysis, they want the help of Imam Zaman for: war with God. Because they believe that God left less for them. They say that capitalism is going to pay off! But God does not, because he has given so much to so-and-so that he cannot eat! And he did not give us anything. This is the sad story of Imam Zaman AJ: the prayer of Faraj readers, may he be saved from the hands of God! they want. Because God is present and watching everywhere, and this is not good for people! A good-natured writer has described hell as the West: and the name of his book is Touring the West: At first, one thinks it means to go and tour the West. But then he sees that the situation is hellish. The reason is clear: the children of Hazrat Ibrahim (the continuation of Ismail's generation) were from Iran. Therefore, during his 25 years of silence, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) visited all of Iran and made the north of Iran completely Shia (from Ardabil to Mazar-e-Sharif) and on the contrary, Mu'awiya, who was the enemy of Ali (A.S.). He had gone to the west. Because Europe did not exist. The Roman Empire often showed its power in present-day Turkey, or in Jerusalem. Therefore, the west became the escape center of religious opponents. Everyone who ran away from Hazrat Ali went to Syria and Muawiyah's court was full of Jews and Christians. Therefore, until recently when the Inquisition existed, the West meant hell. Even the word Hanam was made from the same Jahan Nama, or Jahan Bin Jahan. Because the Roman Caesar said: May God rule in the same heavens. and leave the earth to us. And Christianity and Judaism also preached: God has retired. But the light of Islam that shone on Europe, and the presence of Imam Khomeini in Paris, turned everyone upside down. According to the prediction of Nostra Adamus, Islam will conquer the world through France. And therefore the Basij of London, Paris, Berlin, New York and Washington are much more faithful.

Neighbors pressure lever

America's influence in the region has caused it to create a base in Iran's neighboring countries. Now that America is moving furniture, it has placed its facilities at the disposal of their governments, so that they can use this as a lever to pressure Iran and gain points. . Pakistan owes 20 billion dollars of gas to Iran, as does Iraq. But instead of repaying the debt, they are trying to prevent Iran's demands by making malicious moves and forming groups. Therefore, in the recent attack of the IRGC, they were forced to reveal the plan and mission of Sehan. And they publicly supported the groups. On behalf of the Mahin Empire, I say to all their supporting groups and armies, don't be America's toy! Do not be fooled by some military facilities. If someone claims the inheritance of the opponents of the empire, the Jaish al-Zalum group or the Kurdistan Democratic Party, let them know that this is treason. The homeland of all of you is Iran. You should not become a tool of America. The groups should know that the money given to them is the money of Iran's oil and gas. Even if you are a conscientious mercenary, you should not do this. The Iraqi government has billions of debts to Iran and prefers to give you a part of this, rather than raising the rest. So is the government of Pakistan. Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and even China, America, Europe, India, etc. owe huge sums of money. They prefer: to put pressure on Iran, so that it does not think about its demands. Because of this, people are under pressure. So your salary is for: trampling people's rights. If you are patriotic, you should return the money so as not to betray your people. Even if you are bound by the holy law, you do not give these forbidden morsels to your family. So turn them back or: take the barrel of your gun towards them. If Iran collects one billion dollars a year, will the dollar go to 53 thousand? A little thought and a little reflection. Know this with the family of Ali, whoever fell in, fell in. And Iranians have not only been, are, and will be emperors of the whole world, but they have also been the Shia of Hazrat Ali from the very beginning! When Noah's ark fell into turmoil, and those 72 people were about to drown and perish, like the others, they only resorted to 5 people from Ahl al-Bayt: who saved Noah and his ark. That plaque is still available. After Noah, human history begins in the Caucasus. Imam Ali helped Hazrat Ibrahim and his companions, and the rest of the prophets. Imam Ali says that God created Adam. In some hadiths, we have: He would not have created the world if he did not exist! Salman Farsi three hundred years before Islam! He was saved with the help of Hazrat Ali. Jamshid Jam, Koresh the Great, and Darius the Great were all God-worshippers. Therefore, Iran has not only been monotheistic, but also good taste and Shiite. You see, America or Russia became a superpower because they had nothing to do with Al Ali. But ISIS and its ilk disappeared quickly. Therefore, all you who are anti-revolution: you are from any race, from any nation, from any religion and profession, come to your senses. This is God in Farsi. It means to yourself! A person who knows himself will also know God (I know myself, I have no desire to know God). When he knows God, it gives him the right to have God on earth. Ain Allah and Saif Allah! All this is because of Ali. If God has a thousand and one names, the prophet Ali has two less names. It means there is no God and Messenger. But there are others. The word of revelation must reach the ears of the whole world. 8 billion intelligence and 16 billion ears are in your mouth. If you do not tell the truth, you will be responsible on the Day of Judgment. 7 billion non-Muslims being infidels or irreligious: or being idolaters, it is your fault that you don't let the message of God reach everyone with your busy work. See how Gaza: his voice reached everyone's ears! Because they became Shia, the mothers of the martyrs attached themselves to Fazeme. their children with six months of Imam Hussain.

The world of punishments

Those who read the Qur'an of Hazrat Ali, their eyes become bright! And they don't need glasses until the end of their lives. But those who read Latin, their eyes immediately become astigmatized: is the matter more material than this? A person who prays at night, his face becomes more beautiful and radiant. That is why Shia girls and boys are all beautiful and with healthy skin. Is this a myth? So, Iran was a great empire in the past! There is no doubt. It is proven today: in the Ukraine war, two superpowers clashed: with terrible and ultra-modern weapons! But a Qtoshop drone! Irani messed up the equation. Ukrainians even complained about the shadow of the drone and transferred the stress to America and NATO. It turned out that Russia is a superpower! It is under the umbrella of Iran. And the American superpower is not able to defeat even Russia. , swallow them all without the slightest trace! Even the subcutaneous chips could not help. Where do you think Iran's drone empire started? What does it mean that the advanced American drone was intercepted and landed safely? Doesn't it show the superior hand in drone technology? Everything should not be attributed to chance and luck. All these nuclear warheads were produced and stored after the World Wars, so that no point on earth is free from them, why did they not help Israel and America? Does it mean magic? Or that they are all out of order. Yes, they were all hacked by Dr. Chamran. And anyone who approaches it will catch fire. Like the legendary treasure caves, where everyone goes and never comes back. These were the strength of Iran, even during the weak central governments such as Qajar and Pahlavi. With what support did Mirza Shirazi issue a decree that brought Great Britain to the ground? Or what support did the teacher have? They had support like Ali and Imam Zaman. Therefore, at the same time they thought, Iran or Shia is disappearing. It has just been the peak of Shiism. Therefore, the Azami operator, or the Motolum Alavi empire, has never had a perigee point! Even Ashera has been a source of power and victory. Imam Hossein himself says that I rose for the good! It means that there was no enmity against Imam Hussain! Rome and Iran had been defeated and no one had the courage to establish anti-Shia governments. There were only a few people who considered themselves cousins of the Prophet (Bani Abbas). The enemies of the imams were not among the infidels and polytheists. Rather, they were among the insiders: Maliki, Hanafi, Shafi'i, and Hanbali have no marriage other than being a disciple of Imam Sadiq. All the people of the world are victorious if they listen to your truth. And those who listened to the lies of some deviant insider had an angle at first. In the Iranian revolution, we do not have enemies from other sides, like Safavids and others! The Ottomans only boasted that their script was Persian and their poems were Persian. Read well after the revolution: America and Europe did not exist! Rather, they were liberals and hypocrites! Saddam was none other than Rajavi. France was none other than Iran's Renault. Even now, Biden is none other than Ka Massoud. Kak Masoudi, who was saved by Qassem Soleimani, now his work has reached Erbil, the center of Mossad. Better to say that Mossad is the same as Erbil S. Therefore, we see that the revenge of the martyrs of Kerman is a missile attack around Erbil. For years, he used to ask for our hearts: what he had, he wished for it. While the whole world considers Iran a superpower, liberals and hypocrites draw a line for the Islamic Republic of Iran every three months. Dear poet Garmaroudi says well: Yazid was not as hostile as Imam Hussain! Or Qatameh was not a strong rival for Ali. But anyway, someone must be! In order to increase the abilities and free the believers from laziness: God Himself creates an enemy for Aniba because the prophets have defeated the devil. And it is possible that like the first Adam, they only think about food and food in paradise, and become lazy! Therefore, he impales them from among the criminals, because the world is full of punishments. And there is the Hereafter, which is abode.

Because someone made the revolution

Because someone made the revolution Victory does not know, therefore there is no history! Because history is written by the conquerors, and no one considers himself a conqueror: everyone thinks: the regime of the Islamic Republic is transitory! Therefore, fifty years of Iran's history have passed in nothingness. To start the history, we must: accept this theory and consider it as a fact: Iran was an empire! is and will be Of course, if it is a proof, it can be proven: by accepting this theory, we have 15 thousand years of past history, and 10 thousand years ahead! If an event has happened every year: it forms a page of history, a masnavi of 70, with at least 25,000 historical events. We even prove that: Iran was Shiite from the beginning! That is, the Islamic Republic, with its Shiite content, is not only specific to Ameror. One day, Ali was joking with Salman, he said, I am 300 years old, you are a 15-year-old child, why are you joking with me? Ali said: Do you remember Dasht Arjan? Salman jumped up and said yes! Ali said: I was the one who saved you from the mouth of the lion. This means three hundred years before Islam, Ali walked in Shiraz and Fars! And he saves his Shiites. We have hadiths and narrations: He says: Salman's people (Muslims) attain knowledge in Surya. That means he will be a Shiite even then. Hazrat Ibrahim or Noah were all in Iran. And Hazrat Ali helped them. They may say how? Now everyone's artificial intelligence: answer these questions! According to the president of the World University, NASA, today has achieved the technology: it can transmit the image digitally, which can be in all the mobile phones in the world at the same time, the human body can also be moved algorithmically. In quantum space, it made one person everywhere. The same theory we know about God: God is present and watching everywhere. Or we call it Rati al-Arz. This work is already done because it does not require new technology. Jam Jam or Jamm Jahannama is not a myth. The creation of Hazrat Ali before Adam is not a story. It is true that artificial intelligence is approaching it. All its algorithms have been expressed by Kharazmi. And before that Imam Sadiq said. Jafar and math sciences have been there since the beginning. The word math comes from austerity. That is, man can achieve algorithms that make him eternal, omnipresent and eternal. Because by definition, all repetition numbers are ones and zeros. It means that God created all the creatures in the world. And God is eternal. Philosophical and metaphysical discussion and artificial intelligence! By the way: Iranians have been celebrating Nowruz since the beginning. Nowruz is the confirmation of the creation of the heavens and the earth by God. It means that God created nature from the womb. And according to Imam Sadiq (AS), Iranians have honored this day, but the Arabs wasted it. Nowruz means celebrating the birth of earth and nature. Noah's Ark was saved in Nowruz, Imam Ali's coronation was also in Nowruz. That is, since the birth of the earth, Iranians were Shiites. And they united the whole world and formed an empire. The first empire they say is: Jamshid Jam, which had Jam Jam. It means better than today's mobile phones! or CCTV cameras. We still haven't found the technology that can be a universal surveillance camera. Because we gave the algorithms to the infidels! And they entered through materialism. Matter means limitation. But the Prophet of Islam broke this limit several times! Once he broke the moon. That is, he ordered from the earth: And the moon became two halves. Once he went to the ascension: he visited the whole world, but time was zero for him. Even now we have: the person who sits in the mosque is not counted from his life. That is, when we go to the mosque, we go to the ascension and: time becomes zero for us.