GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

American repression begins

The history of Iran is full of murderers who rebelled against the single empire of Iran. But all of them have been suppressed: where is Alexander the Great? Roman Caesar! Omar Saad Arabi, the Tsar of Russia, and where is Genghis Khan the Mongol and Great Britain (Ai Zaki)? And today, proud Iran, with its great empire, is going to oppress the United States in turn. It has started: through diplomacy and soft repression: such as the protest against the actions of America in the Middle East, by the representative of Iran in the United Nations, and the active diplomacy of the foreign minister: in contact with Russia and China. And another, cutting off its military arms and legs: including Israel and its important bases in Iraq. Although he has 99% fans in America. They are also busy with their work. Today, the White House is a breeding ground for people of Iranian descent who may be apparently opposed, but are engaged in suppressing the ruling system, which is the Zionist lobby. Biden is from the race of Saladin Ayyubi, who, like a Trojan horse, has penetrated into the palace: and like Obama, he has set up Shab Cheleh, the Iranian Nowruz, to give the necessary signals. It even sends the weapons sent to Israel through Yemen to be delivered to the Yemenis. Of course, some of them are sent with Hopima, which is not far from the sharp eye of Hezbollah. Yemen is new, and Hezbollah has not yet received this signal. Vala would explode all those weapons in the air, or confiscate them safely at the foot of the plane. The Iranian Empire does not make weapons, but confiscates the enemy's weapons: like the UAV Empire! which began with the confiscation of an American drone. The Iranian Empire has never had an arsenal and its military budget is the lowest of all budgets. The strength of the Iranian empire is not in its weapons, but in its strong faith. He connects himself to the eternal source of divine power and drinks from this water. Wilayat al-Faqih is the connecting point of this supreme divine power. It should not be despised. And you see, in the war in Ukraine, despite the terrible weapons: America and the (former) Soviet Union, only Photoshop drones! It is Iran that determines the game. The enemy is not afraid of drones, but the heavy shadow of the power of the Iranian empire! As soon as the drone became Iranian, Ukraine claims that Iran is the superpower of the East! The drone gave, while it did not. America also shoots down some Russian drones: and proudly announces: these drones were Iranian! The great empire of Iran is so strong that America is no longer a number! It is alive only on paper and media. You can see that he leaves the malicious attacks on America to a small group in Gaza. Today, Yemen, Gaza, Hashd al-Shaabi of Iraq, even the Fatimino of Afghanistan have the upper hand against America. And they are just waiting for the order to take Israel out of trouble with another storm. Netanyahu can only say: Hezbollah underestimated us in the 33-day war! He still underestimates us. Netanyahu does not know that he was left alive, so that Hezbollah's arrow does not go astray. Because if he is killed, the arrows will go astray. For example, if Lapid or Olmert come, it is not clear: this current anti-Israel alliance will remain. Even if Netanyahu is assassinated, everyone thinks the fight is over. He is the face: that is, he is the target. so that all the arrows are thrown in one direction. And this is one of the tricks of the great empire. to encircle the enemy. And according to Sardar Bagheri: Israel's siege is getting tighter every day. And according to the supreme leader of the revolution: the economic siege should continue its work. The only way to save Netanyahu is to open the borders for pilgrims to Jerusalem to cross on foot. He should look inside himself: is he a Jew? Or a Zionist? If he is Jewish, he should cooperate with other religions. Judaism is a divine religion. And Moses gave good news to Jesus, and Jesus to Muhammad! So everyone (especially Gazans) has the right to visit Jerusalem

The mosque is a utopia

Every thought has a utopia for itself. But all of them are out of reach and: assigned to a distant future and the end of history. It means that it is unattainable and, in other words, imaginary. Even the materialists and communists see the final commune at the end of history, that is, an ideal versus the real. But in Islam, Medina begins with the same word Tahleel (Qulu la ilaha ila Allah taflhawa). Tafahlwa means entering a utopia where a person can find all his desires. Therefore, we see that the Prophet, who was sent, turned his house into a utopia: Hazrat Khadijah, the first believing woman, and Hazrat Ali, the first believer, both prayed behind the head of the Messenger of God. They listened to his advice, and adjusted their behavior accordingly. For this reason, it is recommended even in your home to allocate a place for a prayer: or a mosque and a home altar. It means that the utopia in the houses also finds meaning. And maybe on the contrary, utopias are formed in the family. Everyone takes the utopia with them to the level of society by being educated in the family: at home it is not money that determines relationships, but love and friendship. Everyone eats whenever he is hungry and sleeps whenever he wants. or worships. But this is a secret or internal era. Because when the Prophet goes to Medina. First, he builds the mosque and names it the House of God. It means people's house! Homeless people live in this mosque (Safah Companions). The Prophet's house is also one of these marginal houses of the mosque. Most of them go to the mosque. Even the Prophet opens the way from his house to Ali's house. They eat their food in the mosque, worship in the mosque, and even buy and sell (endowments) and send the army. Madinah Fazlah has four official bodies: according to Imam Ali's letter to Malik Ashtar: financial affairs (tax collection), cultural affairs (immigration of the people), technical and civil affairs (building of Baladah), and political and military affairs (Jihad of enemies). These four bodies are derived from: There is a pillar of the throne. Therefore, a mosque should be: cultural, military, economic and civil affairs. and cover all neighborhood affairs. Because the meaning of utopia is that: man fulfills all his needs there: it is comprehensive and unobstructed. Therefore, it is suggested: instead of schools with three and four classes! The mosque should be used for education. Because education outside the mosque prevents children and young people from attending the mosque. The image is the separation of religion from science and politics. Mobilizations in non-mosque centers should join the mosque. The construction around the mosque should be based on the opinion of the mosque. Because the mosque should be higher than all the buildings. And their distance is circular: that is, points with the same distance from the mosque. And finally, to play a role in people's livelihood. For example, loan funds, rental shops, free feeding ceremonies. We all remember our memories with Imam Hussain, from Imam Hussain's ghee. This is the reason why, on all occasions, the order to sacrifice and divide it has been given. All sacrifices and feasts should be organized in the mosque: so that a meal is prepared every day. At first, you can start with tea and dates: after the end of each prayer, the worshipers are served with tea. And the affairs of the mosques should approve that: They give tea with dates. It does not cost much. But they were a stronghold and it helps to attract young people. Because there may be those whose budget is weak, and they lay on the bed hungry. Or they don't have the opportunity to buy dates. Vegetarian mosque in Tehran serves lunch two days a week. The homeless and the homeless, they all show up there. With this method, absolute poverty or food poverty can be eliminated. And the real poor are recognized and supported from the false poor.

where is the peak

The peak in the Islamic Republic is not in the heavens, but in the breadth of the earth. When the flag of Islam (according to Javid Al-Athar: Ahmad Metouslian) is knocked on the ground in the horizons of the world, it is the time of the end of the struggle, and reaching the top. Imam Khomeini said: As long as there is oppression, there is struggle. Or he said that: Islam will soon conquer all the key strongholds of the world. And the great empire will be the introduction of the global unified government of Imam Asraaj. Today is the day when 8 billion people of the world stand with one voice on the oppressed Gaza! And oppressors attack Israel. And as long as there is no cruel person, we will reach the top. Because all the people of the world are from the same parents and have the same destiny. If the word of revelation does not reach them, we will be guilty because we had the word of revelation, but we did not deliver it to them. For this reason, a Qur'an is being prepared, which will be written by Imam Ali and for the whole world. Everyone should read it, to be familiar with the heavenly writings, to study the letters, so as not to get lost in the bridge of Sarat! And don't turn into burnt nuts. With this clear message, if no one hears or wants to hear, our responsibility is over, and we will lean on the summit. And we will say: (Al-Hikam Allah!) Government belongs only to God (and God's guardians). But there are people who close their ears! They say: We have not solved our problems yet! And some confirm it! to prevent them from reaching the top. They don't know that God created human beings in problems (qad khalkana insan fi kabd) because if he wanted, he would have kept him in paradise. He allowed Satan to kick him out of heaven, so that he might stop being lazy! And even for the prophets, the enemy of forgery! He said: (And we did not pretend to be a prophet..) because in heaven everyone was eating, sleeping and lusting! But when it falls on the ground (non-sowing fruit), it means get up and don't be lazy! And create your own world. So here, there is no place for laziness! There is a place of laziness in that world: to eat, drink and sleep forever! They have closed their eyes to all Ibadanis, and by saying they destroyed Iran, they are showing their hatred. Is giving electricity to all the villages destroying them? Construction of metro and highway, residential and industrial settlements, is it called destruction? That's how much these are Cordell. who do not want to see the facts. In order to see the facts, we must ask God not to let the cursed devil dominate us (Latsalt Alina Man Lair Hamna), then we will reach the stage of gratitude. Gratitude in Islam means investment. Let us be grateful to God for giving us these blessings, which China is seeking to take over! Because God has promised: If you give thanks, I will give you profit. (Don't look for profit from banks and other than God): O people who have gone to Hajj, where are you going? where are you? Beloved is here, let's come! (Hafiz) The peak is here. The eyes must be washed and one must look differently. (Sohrab Sepehri) Those who have believed, believe! And do not be like those who became enemies of God and the Messenger. Their end will be nothing but a burnt bone (hell). which only eats the pain of the firewood of hell: Nasser Khosrow: Let the wood of barren trees burn, this is its own punishment: Myrrh without barring. So, people of the world, translate this message in your own languages and read it to all the people: No one should not have heard these words. If they hear, your responsibility is complete. Because in Islam everything is media! Even your hands and feet (body language) are media. And all this media is at your disposal. The message must reach everyone. If not a single person hears it, he will shame God on the Day of Judgment! Because he says: No one read these verses for me. And we will cause it.

Fəlsəfə fakültəsi

Ali Məqamlı Rəhbərin elita məsələsinə, təfəkkür məsələsinə verdiyi vurğu əsasında Elit Fondunun nəzarəti altında təfəkkür fakültəsinin, yaxud ali təfəkkür institutunun yaradılması planı hazırlanır: bunun məqsədi fakültə düşüncə, bələdçi və şəbəkə mütəfəkkirlərini izah etməkdir. , və bütün əlaqəli elmi fənlər üçün vahid prosedur yaratmaqdır. Buna görə də təfəkkür fənlərarası, lakin elmi fənlərlə real mühit arasındadır. Məsələn, təfəkkürün tərifi yazıla bilər: köhnə və köhnə suallara müasir və ya perspektivli cavablar. Məsələn: Allahı sadə bir səbəblə tanıya bilərsiniz: mən özümü yaratmadım. Deməli, məni başqası yaradıb, ona görə də məqsədini, nə olduğunu və varlığını ondan soruşmalıyıq! Buna görə də peyğəmbərlik sübuta yetirilir. Peyğəmbərlik o deməkdir ki, Yaradan bizi tərk etməyib, bizi daha yaxşı olmağa istiqamətləndirir: buna görə də dirilmə təsdiqlənir. Bu sadə arqumentə görə, elitanı müalicə etməmək, işə qəbul proqramının olmaması və s.! Asanlıqla həll olunur: çünki insanların istedadları çoxdur və Allahın nemətləri (saysız-hesabsız) və: indiki dünyamızın onları yeniləmək gücü yoxdur. Elitaların köçü də qiyaməti sübut edir: bu dünyanın qəfəsində qanad və lələk açıla bilməyəndə: hicrət etmək lazımdır (o torpaq geniş fəthajrva fihadır) və əgər bütün dünya kiçik olsaydı! Başqa bir dünyaya köçməlisən. Ölüm problemi də bu qədər asanlıqla həll olunur: insan tutumu bu dünyada işləməyəcək səviyyəyə çatanda o daha geniş dünyaya keçir. Bəlkə hər kəsə bir ulduz verirlər! Burada qurulmuş tutumla bütün ulduzu idarə etmək. (Hər insanın bir ulduzu var deyirlər) İnsan o böyük dünyaya gedəndə sadəcə anlayır ki, onun qabiliyyətlərinin yalnız bir hissəsi müəyyən edilib! Məsələn, onun gözləri materialdan başqa heç nə görə bilmirdi və o dünyada gözün tutumu 100% olur, insan hətta Allahı da görə bilir. Fatimeyi-Zəhranın Allahdan yeganə istəyi onu şəxsən görmək və görüşmək idi. Bu baxımdan, Allah azad düşüncənin ilk iclasını təyin etmişdir! Mələklər də hamısı əleyhinə səs verdilər. Və Allah fəlsəfəni yaratdı. Və insanın fitrəti və fitrəti haqqında açıqlamalar verdi: Bir mələkdən başqa bütün mələklər razı qaldılar. O bir nəfər də məntiq yaradıb (mən Qasül-Şeytanam) dedi ki, mən daha yaxşıyam, Allah da bunu bilirdi: yəni şeytanın üsyanı Allahın elmindən kənarda deyildi. Buna görə də ona bir missiya verdi: get insanı cənnətdən qov! Çünki o, cənnətdə tənbəldir: sadəcə yeyir və yatır. Adəm əməlli-başlı elmi universitet yaratmağa məcbur oldu: Allah ona öyrətmək üçün on kitab verdi: övladlarından biri əkinçilik fakültəsinin müdiridir! digəri isə heyvandarlıq fakültəsini idarə edirdi. Onlardan sonra imtahan verdi! Qabil bunu rədd etdi. Və qəzəbləndi və Habili öldürdü! Allah dəfn etməyi öyrətmək üçün bir qarğa göndərdi! Qardaşını öldürdükdən sonra qaçıb dağlara sığınıb. Buna görə də Adəm on kitabı Set Nəbiyə (nəvəsi və ya üçüncü oğlu) əmanət etdi. Bütün elmlərin və fəlsəfənin ilahi mənşəli olduğunu görürük. İnsanı tozdan və oddan üstün edən tək şey onun elmi idi. Çünki Allah bütün insanlara bütün elmləri (Adəmin elmini, başların adlarını) öyrətmiş və mələklər elm xatirinə insanlara səcdə etmişlər. Elmlər isə sadəcə adlardır. Yəni bizim yaratmaq, yaratmaq qüdrətimiz yoxdur, ancaq adlarını çəkirik. Lakin Qiyamət günü insana (Ləhm Tayra Mamma Yashthun) yaradıcılıq gücü verəcək və əlbəttə ki, yaxşı imtahan verməyənləri və Qabilin öldürdüyü və qarət etdiyi kimi, onları yandırıb muncuq olana qədər yandıracaq: daha da alovlandırmaq üçün. od.cəhənnəm (insanların və insanların yanacaqları). Buna görə də, bunlara əlavə olaraq, kursların rəhbəri aşağıdakıları edə bilər: yuxarıda göstərilən sənədləri yoxlayın, regional ehtiyacları yoxlayın, məhrumiyyətləri aradan qaldırmaq üçün həll yollarını yoxlayın. Və hətta qaydaları və qaydaları yoxlayın. Sonda qəbul olunanlara professor elmi dərəcəsi verilə bilər. və lazımi sənədləri verdi.

Elitist system

Despite the many criticisms of Iranian education, we see that it is an elitist system, which the whole world needs: they are lured away and attracted by deceit and trickery and huge expenses. Due to its historical depth, this system governs the great empire of Iran. Even now, we note: that brain drain is not correct, but the sending of presidents! And managers of Iranian origin for all: members of this great empire. It means that the world has come to the conclusion that it should entrust its work to Iranians. Therefore, you should wash your eyes and look at this issue in a different way: First, there is nothing wrong with the system, and those who criticize, their criticism refers to the reduction of this process: elitism. Secondly, those who mention brain drain are trying to disparage this system, not want it to grow. Because this system is managed based on the teachings of the Grand Ayatollah. And if there is a defect, it will be solved with a speech and a speech. The people who ruled Iran were always religious leaders, whether from the beginning who considered Jamshid Jam as Hazrat Adam, Zal as Prophet Noah, and Koresh Kabir who called Zulqarnain, or Darius who considered him as Prophet Suleiman. What: when the Sassanids were transferred to the Alevis: from the marriage of two of the sons of Hazrat Ali with two daughters of Yazdgerd III, this transition was solidified: until today, this dynasty, called Imamzadegan and Sadat, has spread . Those who left will return. And everyone frowns on the province of God. And for not abandoning them! They send signs and thank you. Farah Yazidi has always been a friend of Iranians. And Iran has been the center of the monotheistic world. Now it is almost 12 centuries that it is under the protection of Hazrat Wali Asr. He helps mujtahid scholars to go through historical mazes. Therefore, Iran has been, is, and will be a unique, monotheistic and great global empire. As long as Imam Zaman appears. And this is not a nationalist comment. Because the Prophet said that: If knowledge is in Soraya, Iranians (of Salman's tribe) will achieve it. At all, the word Muslim, according to Ibn Arabi, is taken from Salman! Salman is a name that the Prophet gave to the Iranian people. And he hit him many times on the back and said: The people of the end of time will be from this man's people. And he even said (Al-Salman mena Ahl al-Bayt)! Therefore, in the Arab countries, which are opposed to the Iranians, instead of Persian Salman, they call him Salman Pak: because the Prophet's family is confirmed to be pure in the Qur'an. Why is there so much greatness for Iranians? Because Nowruz is celebrated by Iranians! It means that they have been righteous since the birth of the earth. But according to Imam Sadiq, the Arabs have wasted it. Because Nowruz is a reminder of the beginning of God's creation. And on that day, everyone thanks God for creating the world, creating people, and they also have a place in the Jirga and the uproar of existence. The beginning of spring and the birth of plants and animals, the awakening of polar bears and the greening of dry trees are all considered signs of God. And according to Saadi's words: the leaves of green trees, in the eyes of the alert, each page is a notebook: knowledge of action. A tree is a university of science for Iranians. Therefore, education in Iran is not limited to primary school. Rather, they learn manners there: it is a school of literature! And the high school is a place to be a teacher and to learn the lessons of life. Although the westerners made it to fight against God (secularism). And they want to replace theology. But they have not succeeded so far, and they will not succeed. Westerners who are hotter than soup. Because the West has bowed down to Iran, but the Westerners do not believe. They still say like the Taghizadehs: We must become Farangi from head to toe. But now this is reversed! Because the sun will rise from the west. And these Westerners will become Muslims again according to the West!