GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

where is the peak

The peak in the Islamic Republic is not in the heavens, but in the breadth of the earth. When the flag of Islam (according to Javid Al-Athar: Ahmad Metouslian) is knocked on the ground in the horizons of the world, it is the time of the end of the struggle, and reaching the top. Imam Khomeini said: As long as there is oppression, there is struggle. Or he said that: Islam will soon conquer all the key strongholds of the world. And the great empire will be the introduction of the global unified government of Imam Asraaj. Today is the day when 8 billion people of the world stand with one voice on the oppressed Gaza! And oppressors attack Israel. And as long as there is no cruel person, we will reach the top. Because all the people of the world are from the same parents and have the same destiny. If the word of revelation does not reach them, we will be guilty because we had the word of revelation, but we did not deliver it to them. For this reason, a Qur'an is being prepared, which will be written by Imam Ali and for the whole world. Everyone should read it, to be familiar with the heavenly writings, to study the letters, so as not to get lost in the bridge of Sarat! And don't turn into burnt nuts. With this clear message, if no one hears or wants to hear, our responsibility is over, and we will lean on the summit. And we will say: (Al-Hikam Allah!) Government belongs only to God (and God's guardians). But there are people who close their ears! They say: We have not solved our problems yet! And some confirm it! to prevent them from reaching the top. They don't know that God created human beings in problems (qad khalkana insan fi kabd) because if he wanted, he would have kept him in paradise. He allowed Satan to kick him out of heaven, so that he might stop being lazy! And even for the prophets, the enemy of forgery! He said: (And we did not pretend to be a prophet..) because in heaven everyone was eating, sleeping and lusting! But when it falls on the ground (non-sowing fruit), it means get up and don't be lazy! And create your own world. So here, there is no place for laziness! There is a place of laziness in that world: to eat, drink and sleep forever! They have closed their eyes to all Ibadanis, and by saying they destroyed Iran, they are showing their hatred. Is giving electricity to all the villages destroying them? Construction of metro and highway, residential and industrial settlements, is it called destruction? That's how much these are Cordell. who do not want to see the facts. In order to see the facts, we must ask God not to let the cursed devil dominate us (Latsalt Alina Man Lair Hamna), then we will reach the stage of gratitude. Gratitude in Islam means investment. Let us be grateful to God for giving us these blessings, which China is seeking to take over! Because God has promised: If you give thanks, I will give you profit. (Don't look for profit from banks and other than God): O people who have gone to Hajj, where are you going? where are you? Beloved is here, let's come! (Hafiz) The peak is here. The eyes must be washed and one must look differently. (Sohrab Sepehri) Those who have believed, believe! And do not be like those who became enemies of God and the Messenger. Their end will be nothing but a burnt bone (hell). which only eats the pain of the firewood of hell: Nasser Khosrow: Let the wood of barren trees burn, this is its own punishment: Myrrh without barring. So, people of the world, translate this message in your own languages and read it to all the people: No one should not have heard these words. If they hear, your responsibility is complete. Because in Islam everything is media! Even your hands and feet (body language) are media. And all this media is at your disposal. The message must reach everyone. If not a single person hears it, he will shame God on the Day of Judgment! Because he says: No one read these verses for me. And we will cause it.