GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Unconsciousness has a limit

Mohammad Dehghan, the legal deputy of the president, also stated on the sidelines of the meeting of the government delegation in the gathering of journalists about South Africa's complaint against the Zionist regime: According to the Genocide Convention of 1948, this complaint was made. We avoided this because of our understanding of the Convention and its Article 9, because there was a suspicion that our direct complaint might lead to the recognition of the Zionist regime as a government. It's really strange! Then they go and import donkeys from Cyprus. Unconscious! We should not throw away the quilt because of a louse. If there was any doubt, you would have complained to Netanyahu personally. From Ariel Sharon, Moshe Kassab, Ben Gurion, Hertzal, etc. This is really a justification worse than a sin. Now, all of our Israeli lawyers did not let a complaint be filed, what is the point of justifying it anymore? Or, for example, the spokesman of the Guardian Council says: There is no legal prohibition against the participation of non-hijabs in the voting! Is it really higher than this? If the law is silent on this matter, let's say that people should vote with their private parts! Because there is no legal prohibition. That we say unconsciousness! This is the minimum. We know that all the lawyers got their doctorates from the CIA organization, and in return they promised not to do anything against: America and Europe. Now Mr. Amde: He raises a doubt. Well, you did not complain about Israel, because there was a doubt. You didn't complain against France and England and..? Now, the charter of Cyrus and thousands of ancient Iranian inscriptions are being sent from America to Europe, and like ownerless property, they are going to be sent from there to the Zionist regime. Which lawyer wrote even one line: complaint? They must be waiting for all of them to be taken to Israel. Then, with the suspicion that so-and-so, will they give up the complaint at all? Our footballers take a table from Qatar: to lose to them. Then they will win against the Palestinian team with many goals! There is a limit to weakness. Iraq complains to the United Nations against Iran! Then Irena and Fars excitedly say come! This is Iraq, which you throw so many stones in your chest. But there is not a clean lion among the lawyers to complain to the United Nations that they are targeting our existence from the soil of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan and Iraq. The reason is that all the lawyers think about the death of the Islamic Republic! Not to the new civilization. But despite their wishes, Shia has been ruling in the world since time immemorial, is still present, and will be in the future. This Mahin Empire, hated by domestic lawyers, is the ideal of all the oppressed of the world. All these killings from Yemen, Gaza, etc., which are followed by the enthusiasm of the Iranian media, have squeezed their throats and are causing scandal in the world. The media excitedly announce: Gaza is over! 99% of it has been destroyed, its people have been killed, and those who are left are struggling with hunger, poverty and premature death. But God wants Gaza to remain. expel the enemy. and expand its rule to the whole world.. They spent more than a billion dollars to destroy Yemen, and the Iranian media, mercenaries of Al Saud, wrote that Yemen was destroyed. If the people of Yemen do not die from war, they will die from hunger, disease and poverty. But God wanted Yemen to become so powerful that it destroys American warships and suppresses Israel. All these are due to the grace of Imam Zaman (Aj) and his rightful vicegerent. Because we have in the hadiths that: Imam Zaman has a secret appearance in Yemen, where all the people of the world will join him by walking around the earth. That is why artificial intelligence is directed towards: Earth. That is, unlike the claimants who want to create a creation from artificial intelligence that will stand in front of God's creation! Artificial intelligence is trying to find a way for humans to be everywhere!

Enemy attacks

Banks are the enemy's economic firecrackers: they become the owners of enterprises under the pretext of lending! They put managers in jail and confiscate property. In a conversation with the office of knowledge foundations in the presidency, it was mentioned that: never make knowledge foundations prisoners of banks. Because it has two corruptions: one from the banks that was mentioned, and one from the borrower: the borrower, after running for a long time and getting a loan, the first thing he does: buys a house and an office for himself! After the villa and foreign trips, the high salaries of the managing director and board members, until the time of operation, he sees the time of operation: the market is saturated and his product has no buyers. Therefore, one or two installments are paid from the remaining loan amount. It reaches the age of menstruation. The income does not cover the expenses, the installments fall behind: the first bank notice is issued. It calls the borrower to pay in installments. But there is no money in the table. Either he has to sell the house or vacate the office. A few more installments are paid, but the bank's lawsuit remains: because all these payments were deducted from the interest and not from the principal of the loan. Misery becomes a law: here and there to get another loan. But loans are not big anymore! Charitable or limited. However, he borrows again to repay installments and current affairs! This time in the name of wife or son! But whatever he pays: the bank says: you haven't paid the interest yet! Therefore, the principal of the loan remains. This is the economic attack: the enemy must be silenced. Or, for example, in the media, the enemy's fireballs continue to freely pour fire on people. While in military wars, usually the primary action is to extinguish: the fire of the enemy. That is, if they shoot missiles or cannons from somewhere, or attack anti-aircraft, the first thing is to destroy the said bases. Now in the media, the enemy's barrage is safely bombarded with propaganda. And so far not a single claim or complaint has been filed against them. Just as in the issue of banks, during the revolution, people burned banks, now they should raze BBC or Menuto and International. And as far as the Iranian radio and television, press and media work, they have the upper hand! They not only neutralize, but also ridicule. The Qur'an says (faatdwa is like us, ``atdi alaikum''). Behave like them: they martyred thousands of journalists: the line of resistance. But we don't have the courage to destroy a company spreading their word. As if we should read the verses of Jihad again to the authorities! Because media war is not less than fighting. Hazrat Ali (A.S.) says: Whoever is asleep when the enemy attacks, will wake up with the enemy's kick! These kilouis and nokises don't wake up even with the kick of the enemy! You see that the enemy has infiltrated the houses and enslaved our children and women! But you don't do anything, why? Did you send a drone over the BBC? how much does it cost It just takes an attitude of zeal. Therefore, I am asking all the people of the world, especially Basij in London, Basij in New York and Berlin: to harm the interests and buildings of enemy networks. They are magicians whose sentence is death. As Ammar Yasser destroyed that magician with the blade of the sword. (This Al-Emar) media? Alas, in Iran, with the influence of liberals and secularists, Iranian media are also pro-Israel! IRNA: The headlines are: America is sending fresh troops to Iraq and Syria! Or Fars headlines: America warned Iran! Biden said: I have taught Iran! That is, they are still considered superpowers. While they are paper tigers who live in the media. Who is the trade union, which was tearing the throat of the BBC reporter, why is it not saying anything about the testimony of the journalists in Gaza? Where are those knowledge-based companies, who tore their necks for Mehsa Gate, are now silent in front of the killing of Palestinian women and girls? Perhaps, on the contrary, they are happy about the martyrdom of women and children in Kerman???

National Theater

The national theater needs a national theory based on the great empire. Because Iran's theater is not only national, but also retrospective and foreign-oriented. That is, it often deals with the theaters of the 19th century. Even if it has a religious appearance. When the theater becomes national, it also becomes self-governing because the people are not ready: to chant death to England and France, then pay for the theater: to see what has happened in Europe. Therefore, we can see that contrary to these, Eugen UNESCO was a Shiite himself and his real name is: Hossein Yunsi and his book is about Shammar Dhi al-Jushan. But in the heavy anti-Shia atmosphere of Europe, he had to make changes to hide it from view. German poet Goethe also did this. He was actually an interpreter of Hafez's poems. As a result of Hafez's poems, he realizes the oppression of Shia (heads with cut off noses, no cruelty and no crime), so at the end of his life, he even changed his handwriting to the handwriting of Shia imams. And writings and manuscripts: it remains from him that he practiced Ya'ali. Therefore, we see that unlike the Iranian westerners! who are begging the West. They themselves are beggars: in the house of Shia imams. Muhammad Ali was the symbol of Shia in America. Instead of Cassius, he named himself Muhammad Ali. And he also participated in Friday prayers in Tehran. South Africa has filed a complaint against Israel at the Hague Court! While in this half century of the revolution, no lawyer in Iran even comes to his mind! to complain against America and Israel. Therefore, in order to nationalize the theater, one must first have a theory. For example, if we accept that: Iran was, is and will be a superpower, at least three thousand years of history will come out of this: if it has three important stories every year, ten thousand plays can be written from it. The current stances are also the same as my 70th Masnavi: like the war in Ukraine: two superpowers lost their lives, but a cheap Iranian drone upset the balance of power. Or in the Al-Aqsa storm that: Shabikhon went to the artificial intelligence conference, and arrested 250 drunken scientists, along with computers, and transferred it to Iran. This theory still helps us: not to stay in the past! But let the past be the light of the future. And thousands of imaginary and real scenarios come out of it: for example, walking to Quds! And that we say: Al-Quds is not a slogan, but really Al-Quds and all the lands belong to Iran: during the crusades when they occupied Al-Quds, an Iranian named Saladin Ayyubi liberated Al-Quds. Even now, only an Iranian can release the first and second qibla. Until recently, they were Ottoman subjects, but they had Persian script. And there are a lot of Sasanian period artifacts there. The United Nations, the largest separatist organization, pulled 210 countries out of Iran and the Ottoman Empire. And they are still looking for it, by promoting local music, local clothes, etc., to bring eight other countries out of Iran. Naturally, when we have so many scenarios, we don't need western scenarios. It is not necessary to repeat plays without spectators. And pour the government budget into the well. With this scenario and many beautiful plays, we are thrown from the past to the future. And creating hope will not be limited to slogans. A theater student does not get confused: he is suddenly thrown from the Islamic society and environment and the education of the mosque and Basij into a world that is unknown to him: he does not understand Hamlet, he does not understand the rhinoceros, Chekhov, Brecht and others. does not know But the names of Arash, Erio Berzon, Sorena, Amir Kabir Soleimani, etc. have a nostalgic feeling for him. He is proud of them. And therefore it pays. The government also budgets. Because theater without theory is more like opposition. In the same press conference, we saw that: Sazandagi reporter broke the norm and said whatever he wanted, but Mahin News reporter was severely attacked and his words were interrupted. Even in the press conference of the Minister of Guidance, the construction company represented by agents was more difficult!

The necessity of theorizing

Theorizing or theorizing: the Islamic revolution is something that has never been done before! We do not have an independent theory in any field. All of them are either completely western ideas, or they have been abolished, so to speak: an Islamic word is attached to it: for example, in crisis management, there is no think room, no thinking, no theorizing, only operations, that too late, incomplete and without fruit The reason for the lateness and fruitlessness of all work is as simple as this: like a traveler without a goal. No matter how hard he walks, it is useless. It takes its toll. but useless While Islam has the greatest source of theorizing, that is, the Qur'an. But Muslims, unfortunately, put other people's theories on the Qur'an. Therefore, they suffer from defects and mistakes in practice. For example, the Qur'an's theory about investment (individual, national, or global) is gratitude: The Qur'an says: (I am grateful to you) If you are grateful, I will give you tens of times the profit. And I increase it. Or in lending: He says who lends to God? How many times will he take it? (Man Zalzi, God willing..) But the government and the people are all going to China for investment! It is said that China has 800 trillion dollars in foreign exchange reserves. And he is willing to invest 5 billion dollars in South Khorasan for its mines. It is natural that China first shows up in the Green Garden to: plunder all the resources. Because his 800 trillion dollar foreign exchange reserve is the money of Iran's oil, which he has not paid. He has been the first importer of Iranian oil for 45 years, but he has not paid it for various reasons! Sometimes under the pretext of defending the JCPOA! Some time as an excuse: bank embargo. And he even said to other countries: Give me oil money, so that I can export goods to Iran! In Islamic theories: management begins with self-knowledge. But western theories are based on other sciences (psychology and sociology). That is, how to take the wealth of others. That is why they demand the highest salaries. A company that is still neither in debt nor in debt, all its received loans: the salary of the CEO and the bonus of the board of directors. Then he is unable to repay the debt. Banks also claim: their demands should be given. And in the end, 20,000 workshops have been closed! or confiscated and several thousand managers imprisoned and fugitives: for the crime of embezzlement! In history, the Islamic theory is the creation of Adam. But they say: this is a myth, then they go to Darwin's myths! And it is called history. where are they going O people who have gone to Hajj! Beloved is here, come, come. Even the theories of physics and chemistry are presented at the exact opposite point: the theories of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) or Imam Baqir. Is. or wave or movement and energy! It means they don't even know what they are saying. But they only know one principle as good: opposing Sharia and religion. While God placed the first seat of freedom of thought before the creation of mankind, they say that this is one of the principles of Western democracy. God created philosophy before Adam: and explained the nature and existence of Adam to the angels. and announced the purpose of creation. But they say: Philosophy is Plato! And logic was created by Aristotle. Therefore, they never tell the truth about the purpose of creation: and they drown people in sophistry. And according to the words of Imam Ali (AS): they are united in one thing: that they should not be united. Even the commentators of the Qur'an, their enthusiasm is to prove: Yes: Darwin's theory is confirmed in the Qur'an as well! But the difference between Darwin's theory and the Qur'an is that the first one said: God created. That is, God created them. But Darwin says: it happened like this according to accident or evolution. Therefore, Western scientific theories are only for eliminating God.

Vəkillərin olmaması

Cənubi Afrikanın Haaqa Məhkəməsindəki qələbəsi onu göstərdi ki, İranda İsrail əleyhinə bir dənə də olsun vəkil yoxdur. Çünki bu işə 50 il əvvəl başlamalı idilər. İndi İsrail qanuni olaraq məhv edildi. İmam Xomeyni nə qədər qışqırdı ki: İsrail yox olmalıdır? Amma fəqihlər qulaqlarını bağladılar və eşitməmiş kimi davrandılar. Çox yaxşı idi! Onlar da İsrailin legitimliyini müdafiə etdilər. Onlar isə israilli rəqiblə qarşılaşmayan idmançılarımıza hücum ediblər. Bu böyük korrupsiyanın kökündə onların hamısının MKİ-dən doktorluq dərəcəsi alması dayanır. Onlara sionistlərə bağlı universitetlərin maliyyə dəstəyi ilə təqaüd verilirdi. Onların dərsliklərində hələ də Quran ayələrindən bəhs edilmir. Şəhid Beheşti kimi İslam hüququ haqqında çox işləyən, danışan və yazan bir neçə adam öldürüldü ki, məhkəmələr qorxuya düşmüş xalqa çevrilsin: Fransa konstitusiyası və Amerika qanun kitablarından başqa heç nə eşitməsin və oxumasın. Bu, bütün medianın İslam hicabına və intiqamına qarşı filmlər çəkməsinə səbəb oldu. Fəqihlər öz millətinin suallarına cavab verməli, onlara cavab verməlidirlər, amma fəqihlərimiz fikirləşirlər: sual yaratmaq və İslamın nurani hökmlərini şübhə altına almaq. Bütün mədəniyyət sistemi eynidir: məsələn, Rəhbərlik Nazirliyi xalq mədəniyyətinə rəhbərlik edir. O, ümid yaratmalı, gələcək tədqiqatları və aydınlığı yaymalıdır. Bu isə yalnız düzgün cavablar verməklə həyata keçirilir: insanların suallarına: insanlar soruşurlar: axırda nə olacaq? Qəzzaya nə olacaq? İsrailə nə olacaq, inflyasiya hara gedəcək! Amma Mədəniyyət və İslami İrşad Nazirliyi Hatəminin kölgəsi altında Behzad Nobudinin hakimiyyəti dövründən tərsinə çevrildi: insanların suallarını cavablandırmaq əvəzinə onları problemə saldı. İnsanları inandırmaq əvəzinə onlar üçün suallar yaratdı. Ümumiyyətlə, mədəniyyət və incəsənət məsuliyyət daşıdı: insanlar arasında suallar yaratmaq: bütün filmlər bir istiqamətə yönəldilib: insanları məcburi hicabla tənqid etmək. Bütün qırmızı xətlər keçdi. Müqəddəs müharibə və müdafiə məsxərəyə qoyuldu. Fəqihlər İslam qanun və qaydalarına şübhə ilə yanaşırdılar. Məşhur Ameri öldürdülər. Yaxud inzibati heyətdən məsuliyyəti götürüblər. Hicabı xatırlatmaq əvəzinə! Komandirlərə dedilər ki, görsəniz, işləmir, eləmə! İnsanlar cümə namazına gedib deyirlər: Hökumət hicabın qarşısını ala bilmədi, biz nə edirik? Menecerlər, elm adamları və menecment professorları İslami idarəçiliyi sorğuladılar. Dedilər: Bizim elit insan resurslarımız var, neft-qazımız, kapitalımız var. Amma bizdə idarəçilik yoxdur. Təbiidir ki, bu sözün Amerikaya yalvarmaqdan başqa bir mənası yoxdur. Kralçılara geri qayıtmaq üçün yalvarır. İran məhv oldu! Sən Abada gəl, İranı azad et. Ona görə də İranda liberalizmin əsas sirri monarxistlərdir: islamlaşmışlar. Onlar xalq arasında dəbdəbəli həyatı, kral yaşayışını təbliğ edirdilər. Tehranın keçmiş meri Kərbasçi deyirdi: Biz Tehranı o qədər bahalaşdırmalıyıq ki, insanlar köçü geri qaytarsınlar. Şəhər bahalaşdı, amma heç kim mühacirət etmədi. Daha doğrusu, müxalifətə keçib. Bu gün Tehran şəhəri hicablıların əlindədir. Polis və cənab Radan axtalandı. O kəs ki, yenidən təyinat zamanı iddia edirdi: iki gün hicabsız. İndi o, fürsət gözləyir ki, hicaba məcbur edilməsin. Erşad Qoşt keçmiş Himenə ilə indi bir küncdə gizlənir, çox israr edir, bir neçə adam görüb şalını istəyir! başınıza qoyun Yəni, hətta yaylıq, hicab haqqında danışmaqdan belə çəkinir. Pərdəsizləri dəstə-dəstə nazirlərin yanına aparan o Şərzə Aslanı. Bu gün o, siçana çevrilib: özünü gizlədir: insanlara deyir: zorla buradayıq! Hicab taxmayanda məcbur edilir. Bu o deməkdir ki, onların başları üzərində hakimiyyət olmalıdır. Onlar nəzakətlə daha ayıq olurlar.