South Africa's victory at the Hague Court showed that there is not a single anti-Israel lawyer in Iran. Because they should have started doing this 50 years ago. And now Israel was legally doomed. How much did Imam Khomeini shout that: Israel must disappear? But the jurists closed their ears and pretended not to hear. It was so good! They also defended the legitimacy of Israel. And they attacked our athletes who did not face the Israeli opponent. The root of this huge corruption is from the fact that all of them got their doctorates from the CIA. They were given scholarships with the financial support of universities affiliated to: Zionists. There is still no mention of Quranic verses in their textbooks. A few people who worked hard, spoke and wrote about Islamic law, like Shahid Beheshti, were assassinated so that: the judiciary would become a frightened people: they would not hear or read anything except the French constitution and American law books. . This caused all the media to make films against the Islamic hijab and retribution. Jurists should answer the questions of their nation, and be accountable to them, but our jurists are thinking: creating questions and questioning the enlightened rulings of Islam. The whole cultural system is the same: for example, the Ministry of Guidance is in charge of popular culture. It should create hope, spread future research and clairvoyance. And this is done only by giving the right answers: to people's questions: people ask: what will happen in the end? What will happen to Gaza? What will happen to Israel, where will the inflation go! But the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, under the shadow of Khatami, became the opposite since Behzad Nobudi's rule: instead of answering people's questions, he made them problems. Instead of convincing people, he created questions for them. At all, culture and art became responsible: to create questions among people: all films were directed in one direction: to make people criticize with a forced hijab. All red lines were crossed. Holy war and defense were ridiculed. The jurists questioned Islamic laws and regulations. They killed the famous Amer. Or they removed responsibility from the administrative staff. Instead of reminding the hijab! They told the commanders that if you see that it doesn't work, don't do it! People go to Friday prayers and say: The government could not stop the hijab, what are we doing? Managers, scientists and management professors questioned Islamic management. They said: We have elite human resources, we have oil and gas and capital. But we do not have management. It is natural that this word means nothing but begging America. Begging the royalists to come back. Iran is destroyed! You come to Abad, liberate Iran. Therefore, the main secret of liberalism in Iran is the monarchists: Islamized. They promoted luxurious life, royal living among the people. Karbaschi, the former mayor of Tehran, used to say: We should make Tehran so expensive that people will reverse migration. The city became expensive, but no one emigrated. Rather, he joined the opposition. Today, the city of Tehran is in the hands of the unhijab. The police and Mr. Radan were castrated. The one who, during his re-appointment, claimed: two days of not wearing hijab. Now he is waiting for the opportunity to not be forced to wear hijab. Ershad Gosht with the former Hymene, now hides in a corner, insists a lot, sees a few people and asks for his shawl! put it on your head That is, he even refrains from mentioning a scarf or a hijab. That Lion of Shareza, who takes the veilless people to the ministers by the bunch. Today, he has turned into a mouse who: hides himself: tells people: we are here by force! While not wearing hijab is forced. It means that they should have power over their heads. They become more alert with gentleness.
The commentators of the Qur'an, the only wrong way they went, is to finish the book of commentary. That is, they have interpreted the entire Qur'an in their own eyes. And this is wrong. (The sea does not fit in a jar). For this reason, the most important interpretations are from Sunnis. Because according to their own beliefs, they considered the Prophet without an heir and were satisfied only with the words of the Prophet. That is the small part that is included in the book Mustatab Tafsir. And except for the Prophet of Islam, although he was not literate, he was a skilled speaker, and whatever he said, God approved: For example, the Prophet lived 23 years after his mission. If he said one sentence every day, he said at least 8 thousand sentences. While the maximum number of words quoted by him is 1,500 sentences. But history says: The Prophet of Islam has only read a thousand sermons on Friday prayers. His speeches on different occasions reach the same number. But there is no trace of any of them. For example, his important sermon to enter the month of Ramadan (Da'itkam fieh eli zaifat Allah..) Hazrat Zahra and Hazrat Ali are the same. Gharral al-Hakm, which collected all the sayings of Ali, is not more than a thousand words. So the interpretation of the Qur'an is also by: The innocents, peace be upon them, did not extend their lives. And the original Qur'an is with Imam Zaman (AS). And the interpretations they make are all new. Therefore, those who are commentators of the Qur'an: Like Hazrat Imam Rah, in the same interpretation, Hamad remained! It is useful to note this point because it should be known: even if we read all the books of Qur'an interpretation, we have not tasted a drop of its dew. Because the verses of the Qur'an are all about Allah. In appearance (saying a verse) and Kashf, we persuade. But its interior is in the hands of God. (Yesilonk an al-rooh, Qal al-rooh min amr Rabi). The smallest part of the world is unknown to us. Despite all the progress of science, we still do not know: what is the nature of light! When we don't know it, we don't understand the nature of things. Because it is light that makes things visible. And therefore, the more a real scientist studies, the greedier he becomes. And finally, like Ibn Sina, he says: I know that I am ignorant! For example, in Tafsir (Baqitullah Khair Lakm) they said that He is the Lord of Time, but the commentators say: His appearance is near. When he does not appear, they make another excuse. But the end of all the excuses is this: the appearance of the Imam of the time, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is at all. What does Sarallah mean? That is, what God does not want to tell us. Why? Because we did not accept whatever he said. And he knows to say again that we are making excuses. According to Mr. Qaraeti: When the electricity department puts eleven lamps on the street, and you break all of them, it has to keep the twelfth one: until you reach maturity, not to break it. Karbaschi was the mayor of Tehran: he ordered to plant flowers everywhere, to remove the walls of the parks, and to paint all the walls of the city. They reported that: the flowers we planted were all plucked! He said that there is no problem, they have taken it for their fiancee. Go plant so many flowers: that people don't. Now the people of Tehran have reached a level of intellectual growth that they even water the flowers of the municipality. Or if the municipality does not plant flowers somewhere, they plant at their own expense. This is the symbol of Sarallah: like playing chess or any other game, if the outcome of the game is known from the beginning, no one plays! Because no one bets on a losing horse. Therefore, in the interpretation of the Qur'an, one should: write so many interpretations, so that its angles can be believed by the people. When belief happens, God's secrets are also revealed: all secrets are revealed with the confidential. Imam Baqir (AS) says: We guide the people, but they do not accept and: They do their own work. It means that people do not accept guidance as long as they are busy with their own work. They don't even read commentary. So either people must change, or the type of interpretation. We have been making new interpretations of the verses of the Qur'an for nearly fifty years, so we named it New Interpretation.
Powerful Yemen, when it put Saudi Arabia in its place, showed that America and Israel have nothing to say against it. Because Saudi Arabia is the throat of America and Israel! And if it is compressed, the breath of both is also taken. Of course, the new Arabia! He entrusted his missions to Qatar, but this shift shows that: the financial support of the global arrogance has disappeared, and the rats have eaten the nobles of Al Saud. If we look carefully at contemporary history, Saudi Arabia has been the only source of financing: America and Israel. Basically, in a complex process, it was Al Saud who: occupied Mecca and Medina, massacred the people there, and named Hijaz as their own. Maybe the massacre of Mecca and Medina is unprecedented in history. Because it was done in complete silence of the media: Al Saud attacked Mecca and Medina in three stages: the last time they killed so many people of Medina, that there was blood up to the knees in the Prophet's Mosque. And King Faisal ordered: Take a bowl of this blood for him. And in front of everyone, he performed ablution with that blood, and prayed the thanksgiving prayer. Because people don't know history, they think: only ISIS is a butcher: and it cuts off human heads! While the Al Saud is killing Shiites with swords. But the media is silent. Sometimes a news leaks like a spoon. Al Saud committed the biggest betrayal to the Arabs during the Six Day War: the plan for a multi-pronged and secret attack on Egypt and Syria was given to Israel by Abdul Nasser's son-in-law. And they went ahead and crushed all the bases of Egypt and Syria that were ready to attack Israel. Imam Khomeini also said: If we pass Saddam, we will not pass Al Saud. But the media did something that: the pride of the people's government of Mr. Raisi is the lace bowl of Al Saud. They do not believe that Israel is the same as Al Saud. Because during the storm of al-Aqsa, everyone saw that: Al Saud's gifts to Gaza were burial and burial equipment: that is, complementing the plan to destroy Gaza! That is, no matter what Israel does, we guarantee their burial. This is also the slogan of the Americans: A good Indian is a dead Indian! Genocide policy is dictated not by Israel or America, but by Al Saud (Qatar). In the war against Iran, he spent more than 20 trillion dollars: this amount was not only helping Saddam, but helping the whole world: to fight against Iran. and destroy Iran. Even Bin Salman had claimed many times: that he is dragging the war into Iran: why? for Israel Now, all the Arab leaders in Qatar have sworn to introduce Iran as the enemy of Palestine and the guardian of Gaza, not Israel! They have said that no Palestinian has the right to take the name of Iran. Therefore, Yemen's role in exposing these facts was very impressive: Yemen exposed Al Saud in this way: that it proved that it is a financial supporter of the Zionists and an imperialist. Therefore, by destroying Aramco's oil tanks, he reduced all his financial aid to Israel and America under the title of arms purchases to zero. Saudi Arabia was forced to leave its role to Qatar, which was safe from the danger of Yemeni bombing under Iran's ear. All anti-Iranian assassinations and killings are sponsored by Qatar. Under the pretext of weather, they gathered 185 countries in Qatar, and took a commitment from them to take action against Iran. Therefore, the terrorist incident in Rask and Kerman happened. Now America and England want to take revenge on Saudi Arabia by attacking Yemen. Is Yemen alone? Today, Yemen has moved the flag of struggle against America, Israel and Saudi Arabia from Iran. All the people of the world should know that: the Iranian liberals who chant the slogan of neither Gaza nor Lebanon have not been eradicated yet. Therefore, helping Yemen is helping to continue the struggle founded by Imam Khomeini. Lebanon's Hezbollah, Iraq's Hashd Shaabi, Azerbaijan's Hosseinyoun, Afghanistan's Fatemiyoun, and Basij in London, Paris, New York, and Berlin must come to the field.
The analysis of the ruling power in the current world shows that: they are the common children of Ivan Madain and Ivan Najaf. In fact, the dominant government of Burjahan is Sadat, who rule in Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq. The destinies of the world are in their hands. They are also the children of Imam Hussain and Shahrabano! In fact, they are the descendants of Yazdgerd III Sasanian, from the mother's side, and the descendants of Hazrat Ali, from the father's side. It means the same thing when they say the motherland and sometimes the fatherland: because Ivan Najaf is the fatherland, Ivan Mada'en is a symbol of the motherland! The grandmother of all Sadat Hossein in the world is Bibi Shahr Bano, the daughter of Yazgerd III, and their grandfather is Hazrat Imam Hossein. Because Imam Hossein (AS) is the son of Ali (AS), and Bibi Shahrabano is the son of Yazdgerd III. A king who did not resist Islam, and took refuge in the millers. But the millers killed him with the instigation of the communists and the hypocrites of that day (Mazdakis and Maniwists). They had promised money, but according to the procedure, he gave the sword! The killer was also brought to justice. to attribute the shame of terror and murder to Iran. But with all the tricks of hypocrites and communists at that time! Marriage took place: Imam Hussain and Bibi Shahrbanu had a child whose name is Imam Sajjad (Ali ibn al-Hussein). Ali ibn al-Hussein, who was the only adult male child, was able to survive the death of Karbala due to illness. He had many children and moved them to Tehran. Without war and bloodshed, they made Shia all around Tehran, up to Mazandaran, Afghanistan, Ardabil and Baku. and governments such as Alawites in Tabaristan, Dilimian in Gilan. and created Al Boyeh in Tehran. These (crescent) Shiite islands joined together until today when they took over the flow of world power in Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq and a part of Afghanistan and other countries of the world, with the central power of Tehran. And they saved the world from the evil of America and Israel and Arab reaction (Arabia and Qatar). A clear symbol of that is Gaza: which is constantly attacked by their weapons of mass destruction: the weapons that America makes, the Arab reaction pays for, and Israel uses. Gaza is now at a crossroads! Some people like Mahmoud Abbas are taking refuge in the arms of the enemy so that he may have compassion and understand logic and stop committing crimes. They are in favor of compromise. But they don't know that in their minds, only the destruction of Gaza is imprinted. This is why we see: even the Palestinian ambassador in Iran admits: Gaza has been destroyed and Israel's goal has been achieved! Abu Sharif says: The whole world is with Israel, and Gaza is empty-handed. (It means everything will be over soon). These statements of his show that despite the missile power and the upper hand of Gaza: in expelling the forces of Golani and Gavi, he still thinks like Mahmoud Abbas. But the people of Gaza, apart from self-governing organizations, have stirred up global power. The number of martyrs and injured has increased rapidly! They have replaced more. Now Gaza does not have three million people, but 7 billion. And if there are those who are not with Gaza, they have demanded its destruction due to Mahmoud Abbasi's thoughts. And they think, with the removal of Gaza, the war will end. While Gaza fell once in 1967 and was occupied. But by appealing to the Imams of Taherin and Hazrat Fatimah, it is a matter of universal power. Because it is connected to the eternal power of God. In his statement, the Palestinian ambassador wants to cut off this thread. He says: We do not accept anyone's guardianship! We once experienced British tutelage: Israel ruled over us. Like Iranian liberals and secularists, he takes revenge from Islam. And like the Zionists, the revenge of Germany and England against Iran.
The back and forth of civilizations, although it took years, but it is finally over! The power was transferred from Ivan Mada'an to Ivan Najaf: today the world faces the empire of Ali, centered in Ivan Najaf. Since the time of Jamshid Jam or Hazrat Adam, if 15 thousand years have passed, humans were united. Because they all came from the same parents, and they were not different from each other. Greed caused them to leave their father's land, where they might find better facilities! And live more prosperous, and have more happiness: it was from the center of the earth! That is, they moved away from Makkah: and went to greener and more watery lands. And they built buildings from water! Therefore, Abadan is the first city that the angry children of Adam built on the side of Bahman Shir river. And they said: (Lis Lora Abadan Diari!) Eventually the population increased, they went to Babylon and created civilizations in the long distance between Anherin. In Babylon itself, technology and architecture were so advanced that they built a suspended city! But greed didn't let it go down their throats because the converts came and took them over. And the wars began. Prophet Noah came to end this greed. But no one listened to him. Everyone was busy with oppression and exploitation and colonization. Therefore, with more advanced technology, he built a big ship in: a desert without water. Everyone said what does Noah do? And he, holding a tribune, informed them of the worldwide torment. Until the promised day arrived, and Noah prayed: O God, do not leave a single one of the disbelievers alive. God also answered: The heavens began to rain, and the springs began to boil. The waters increased so much that: the ship moved from its place. And Noah preached again: Come into the ark lest you drown. Those who believed in Noah boarded the ark with pairs of animals and plants. But the others scoffed. Even Noah's son said: I will go to a high place, so that I don't drown! Unaware that the water will rise enough to drown all the cities and all the generations. Noah's ark is the only one that sails with complete calm in the middle of the storm. When the work was done, and all were drowned, and the cities were covered with mud, the storm abated. And Jodi's barge laid its load on the ground. 72 people got off. And they started a new life next to Aras (maybe also Mount Ararat). It didn't take long for everything to be forgotten! And joined the imagination and legend. Therefore, the migrations began: Greed and greed opened up: some called Medes went to Hamadan, a group called Parthians went to Shiraz. Scythians went to Sistan and Indo-European and Europeans went to Europe and India. At first they were very active! They tried to recreate heaven on earth. But they saw that no matter what they do, they are not as happy as the motherland. So they returned! But the motherland was also full, and there was no place for them. So the wars started: the Romans went to the West! They decided to return. But Iran, this motherland, rejected them. Therefore, they jumped to the skirt of the medieval period. But Iran became an empire with successive dynasties. Until the last of them, who were the Sassanids. During the Sassanid period, Ivan Madain was built: with long arches. But with the birth of the prophet, they were confused and puzzled the powerful king. Because the ground was prepared. Therefore, it didn't take long that Hazrat Ali asked for two daughters of Yazdgerd III for his two sons. to establish the Alevi government, and transfer the Sasanians to the Alevis. But greed and greed attacked his family: the Umayyads and the Abbasids were formed in order to steal this Farah Yazidi and this Jam Jam. The Mongols attacked and destroyed the Abbasids. And they showed themselves as the owner of the book and the Shia, and the vicegerent of the Alawites. Safavids, Afsharians, Qajars and Pahlavis came to call this Farah Yazidi their name. But they all left. And the family of Ali or Sadat, and the children of Hazrat Ali, remained. America, the Soviet Union and... they all left. Madain's porch was destroyed, and Madain's porch remained