I have been talking about the destruction of banks for years. Ever since the revolution, people didn't want banks and they set fire to cinemas and liquor stores. But some officials, especially the Mashhad circle, consider it impure, but they said: it should be cleaned. For example, they deleted the cinema! Banks were also baptized. But they don't know that: be a dog in the seven seas! When he became more dirty, Jesus' donkey was taken to Mecca. When he comes, he will still be a donkey! In order to prove that the banks are still worse than the past, one question: after fifty years of Islamization of the banks, why are the borrowers from the banks in prison, or have their properties confiscated, or are they on the run? This is a question that was asked by Mr. Mustatab Taj Aldini, and he was surprised. But the answer is only one word: because it is usury and haram. And the forbidden is also unblessed. Well, of course, the answer is Fanatik and Amal Mabaneh. But know that Amal is sincere to Umm al-Binin: in hijab and having children. You see, with these tricks, they tie the hands and feet of the officials: and make a mockery of Islam. Maybe you want to be a game intellectual: like Mr. Taj Aldini, ask me for statistics: he doesn't want statistics, I said all borrowers, so you should give statistics that: one person has taken a loan and is happy. However, this is the statistic: First, the government itself has the most bankrupt budget! Just because he was borrowing from the banking system! That is, the banks were showing in Bagh Sabz: until the government borrows, then it will forever owe interest, late payments and fines! they knew. Why didn't they give loans and currency to the army or the IRGC even during the war? Because they knew, there is no going back. And they cannot borrow and take over the army. But the government is in debt and all his properties have been confiscated (buying shares instead of repaying the debt). The government does not do anything without the permission of the banks: even Mr. Raisi, who changed the head of the central bank, was because he was against the interest rate increase. And Raisi Central Bank did the first thing: under the pretext of reducing inflation, it released the interest rate. And we saw that inflation is free! And their lies were revealed right away. Now, the biggest cost figures of the government budget are debt to banks and financial centers such as the stock market and insurance. That is, instead of banks, stock exchanges, and insurance being the helpers of the government, they are thinking of independence from the government. Second: more than two thousand production units were revived by: the 13th government: the problem of all of them was banking. The 13th government only pours water into the mills of the banks: that is, it takes a respite. Getting a deadline from the banks means increasing the debt and delaying the installments: and it means that the CEOs will be imprisoned! And the confiscation of all these factories. Because the bank is right! It doesn't pass by itself?// He has to take the interest, delay and fine. Presumably Mr. Raisi did not leave it now, it will come to their account later. Third, Shasta Corporation and pension funds: all in debt to the banks, and at risk of closure. Therefore, there are only companies in Iran that: First of all, they did not take loans from the banks: and they continue their work with halal money. Secondly, those who have taken loans, all because of the loan, are confiscated and are in the hands of the banks. This is why: retailers or manufacturers all operate underground: because if they get a license, they are recognized by insurance, if they take a loan, they are recognized by banks, and if they have significant activity, they are recognized by the stock exchange: And owed to Annie! They should sell their shares to: insurance or bank or stock market: and sing a farewell song: because the stock market, bank and insurance are the traps of the downtrodden Jews. They provide the world economy in the form of banks, insurance and stock exchange. Therefore, until the work of Israel is finished: the work of banks, insurance and the stock market will not be finished either: so finish the job for one person, we need it.
Corruption is not just embezzlement, corruption is any kind of deviation from: the lofty goals of Islam and: or enmity with God. Both those who corrupt the whole earth, and those who corrupt in their families and themselves! According to the Prophet, even the one who does something to himself that says: You have semen, is cursed than the one who embezzles billions of dollars. Their benefit from corruption is a few moments of pleasure or cleverness, and the rest is torment and pain. Khavari, who embezzled billions of dollars, had zero interest on this money. Because he had transferred the money from the Iranian account to the American (Canada) account. With this clever feeling! He was hoping to get at least half of it, when they deported him to Canada and said: If you want to die, start a corrupt life with a fake identity. All the young people who don't get married and self-gratify themselves know that the shining of their eyes is the first two days, and then illness and premature aging, depression and suicide! Therefore, let the mayor know this: now the municipality has become the center of corruption. And the person whose slogan was fighting corruption in the municipality, has become the mother of corruption with a deceptive turn! In the name of fighting money laundering, he has turned to the denigration of religious rules and hijab. Metros and parks, the city of games and the streets above the city, have all become the center of gathering of prostitutes and prostitutes. Even a car! It is the center of dissimulation and promotion of hijab: which is the key to girls becoming smokers. They only pay well to prostitutes who: cross the red line more. And he must have a cigarette in his mouth. Everyone knows that smoking a cigarette will end up falling by the side of the streams, and adding to the corpses of the municipalities. Parks have become gathering places: all kinds of criminals. Smoking and drug education center. And you can quickly see its statistics in the funeral: from the side of the street. Will you emerge from this system as a defender of the country? Are doctors, engineers and the elite cultivated? Or it will come to a point where everyone: the startups who were fighting for Mahsa Gate: smile or remain silent in front of the martyrdom of women and girls in Kerman. Those who took large loans from the municipality, or from the government, under the pretext of employment, turned out to be just making money. According to them, employment is the transformation of a veiled and studying girl into a smoking street woman. The officials are just watching the drunkenness of the Nokishes and the Kilouis. All they do is arrest or prosecute the defenders of the hijab. Under the pretext of starting sedition! Do they introduce the armed seditionist to the heart of the people? Did the weapon make Fakhrizadeh's assassination a cobbler! Under the pretext of a piece of bread! Did not enter? According to them, employment is smuggling and theft, physical and personal terror of IRGC and Faraja. We can also see the result: the IRGC or Faraja do not dare to take revenge for the 17,000 assassinations. They are even afraid to name them. The files are to replace them. Kordel's hypocrites who now have no place in Tirana's nursing home. ISIS, the end of which was announced by General Soleimani, is all a false sign: so that the liberals will return to power, and bloodshed. As an example, we can see that with the Kerman explosion, those who were disqualified! Qualified. And the Guardian Council raises its hands. These hands have been up for a long time. Since Rabbani Shirazi accident! they did And they do not mention him at all. Started. Hasan Fereydoun and other infiltrators were all honored with the approval of the Guardian Council. What is being done now. And all this is the result of the same smoking: girls on the street and in the park and in the subway. Because they say: the youth have lost their religion. Don't be too hard! Satan knows how to convince even the Guardian Council. He says: You confirm! People do not vote by themselves. While the people's logic is the opposite: they say that we vote because the Guardian Council has approved it.
For more than 50 years, Iran alone has been fighting against the ominous triangle of power (Zionism, imperialism, and Arab reaction). He has offered thousands of martyrs and wounded people to the world, so that they can be freed from the bondage of these germs of corruption. Now, in the second half of the century of struggle, the friends of Iran are invited: to help proud Iran with their cooperation, so that the fatigue of half a century of struggle can be overcome. In his last moments, Imam Hussain turned to history and the world and said: Is there anyone who can help me? He knew that many hearts beat for him. He knew that the world appreciates his struggle. And so he asked them. Although only one person went to help him at that time. But today it has been proven that: the world was with him. Only the oppressors did not let his voice reach the people. The Arbaeen walk every year, with its 50 million followers, constantly shouts: (Labik or Hussain A.S.) we are ready to help you. Even today, His Holiness's pure lineage is asking for your help. He is left alone, and the oppressors do not let the voice of his plea reach the ears of the world. And this is a message to reveal it. Anyone can translate and broadcast it in their own language. So that conscious and eager hearts can hear it and come to help. Today, the whole world, every single person, wherever they are, with whatever means they can, should prepare themselves: the sound of the jar is coming. And the bell calls you to help. Let's take part in this frenzy, away from the undisclosed. Today, Gaza is Karbala. Children like Ali Azghar, with thirsty lips and hungry stomachs, are the targets of arrows from three branches: arrows and bombs made by America, bought with Saudi money, used by Israel. And history repeats itself! So that no one and no human being has an excuse that we did not know. Or don't say: I wish we were there and helped Imam Hussain (A.S.). This is Rabab's call: the call of mothers whose children are being slaughtered in Gaza, in front of their eyes. And they are wrapped in cold soil. don't you hear Or you have covered your ears. Or like Omar Saad and Shamar, are you cheering so that you don't hear? This is the last message. And all of them should know. Those who convey the message of ISIS to the world, in the free exchange of information, and news and media conscience, let the world hear this too. If they don't, they will be in Yazid's army. Let them know that Yazid is going away. And they remain: their own conscience. And the cry: I wish we were there and defending the children of Gaza. There is no excuse. The United Nations Children's Organization (UNICEF) and all international institutions are obliged to convey this message based on their regulations and oath. Doctors, and lawyers, should not sleep like rabbits. They should not deny what is ahead. everyone come This door will not always be open. And you will not participate in the victory celebration of Gaza. When, like in Karbala, the million walk of Quds, people go to visit Jerusalem, your place will be empty. And you will still take refuge in smoke and alcohol next to your sleeping conscience. And you inherit only 2 meters of height from human life. Then your repentance will no longer benefit. And you take the constant regret of being human to the grave. So let's do something today: let the media read this message to everyone. If no one hears, you are responsible. But if someone hears, and catches his ear, it will be removed from your responsibility. Those who heard: They should leave. Emigrate from life. By any means and possibility, reach Jerusalem. Even with empty hands. Because your presence will invalidate the magic: Pharaoh's people. If you need weapons: America has deployed many weapons in Tel Aviv, you can borrow them from Israel! or single. But you have to visit on foot. Flood and remove obstacles.
If I say: it is possible, you will not be surprised? Do you promise to become a Shia? Because these reasons are only in Shia. All the people of the world must become Shia in order to be saved. Until now, Shia has saved the world: a look at history, even contemporary history proves this: have you forgotten World War I and II? Were they Shiites? If the allied leaders were not in Tehran, these wars would have continued. They decided in Tehran that there would be no more war. Also from Saadi's poem: The sons of Adam are members of each other: they are one jewel in creation. Because one member hurt, the other members were not spared! Now read the same for Israel: if they have understanding and humanity, they should stop fighting. Don't bomb so many people in Gaza. Saadi has another poem: Take the razor, if you are given the wheel of life, take whatever you want, but don't take anyone's bread (or anyone's life). kill? Therefore, we see: all the wars and killings by hand: this is the germ of corruption. Even though the leaders of the allies had pledged and promised in Tehran: not to fight again, and Tehran was called the bridge of victory, but Israel said: I did not promise! Since the years after World War II, he started killing. It is one of the holiest and most oppressed places in the society. Of course, they were not Shiites either, and they were friends of Israel. They sold their lands, and welcomed them. But since they became Shiites, they were able to stand against Israel. Now everyone in Gaza calls themselves Imam Hussein, their children are called Ali Asghar Hussein, and the women also call themselves: Fatima S. and Zainab A. When Yemen became Shia, it got rid of Wahhabism. Now it is the biggest fighting element that: takes the head of Israel with cotton. Iraq, which became Shiite, attacked American bases, so that they could not help Israel. Hizbullah also paves the way for visiting Jerusalem and praying in it by piercing Israel's borders. Unfortunately, Wahhabism has penetrated in Iran, and established a Shiite terror center in Sistan province. and martyrs the border guards. To do good service to Qatar and UAE, Israel and America. and take heavy budgets from these poor people. So, if there were no Shia and Shia scholars, the world would be destroyed by the wars of the infidels. As they show in the movies, the exterminators ruled it. The reason for Shia's success is that: he sees God. Hazrat Ali says: Blind is the eye that does not see God, and He is the manifestation of God's names. We can see God for two reasons: First, we are part of God! () Like a fish in water. How can he imagine a world without water? Therefore, if we look at our hands and feet, they are the signs of God. This is why it is said: whoever knows himself knows God. Second, if we see ourselves apart from God, or if we want to. It is possible to see God face to face. Perhaps the highest goal of human creation is this: to be careful, to pay attention, to focus in order to see God. So many people who say we don't see God! They just don't pay attention. Like a passenger who doesn't see the cars in front of him! His attention is only forward. This does not mean that there are no return passengers. There is a holy hadith that if a person loves God, God will also love him. A lover means someone who does not see anyone other than the beloved. And there is another hadith in Qudsi: I was a hidden treasure, I wanted someone to see me face to face, so I created Adam. Adam's fall is a transitional fall: from inside to outside. It means that man should feel the emptiness and see that if he does not have God, he has nothing. And he should return, (repent) and watch God. enjoy it This is the reason: Unity and multiplicity are in the same length: not in the same width.
I ask the Sunni brothers to: become Shia and guide non-Muslims as well. Because all human beings are from the same parents, and there is no point in dividing them. Here we are talking about 8 billion human souls, who will claim on the day of judgment: no one told us! At that time, we who knew and did not say, will go to hell! Because the Qur'an says: (And they are responsible) keep them. Stop them. They are the ones who knew and didn't tell. Hazrat Ali and Fatima also knocked on the house of the companions one by one, and reminded them so that no one would say: We did not know or had forgotten. Do you know what that question is?: Did the Prophet have the right to choose his successor? Everything is as simple as that. The Day of Resurrection will be even easier! Your hands and feet also testify. What is your answer? You must say that he is not right! It should have been left to the council. and observed democracy. He changed the appointment to the election. This is the answer that has misled millions of people throughout history. Now, if we say that the people of that time had not yet moved away from ignorance! This excuse is worse than sin. How did ignorant people vote for democracy? This progressive theory that even today, academics! They consider it valid, how did they think of it. In any case, this opinion is invalid, and no one has any proof against God before God and the Day of Judgment. For two simple reasons: one is that Abu Bakr chose Umar after himself: Umar after Uthman. Because they were afraid if there was a council, this time Ali voted: as it happened after Uthman. But this shows: the answer is wrong. It means that the right to choose the successor was with the Prophet. This first reason was violated by the Caliphs themselves and left no room for discussion. But the second reason is from the Qur'an: the Qur'an ordered the Prophet to: do not fear the people, and introduce Ali (AS). If you don't, your mission will be incomplete. It means that God knew that: the majority are against the succession of Hazrat Ali. However, he ordered the Prophet to do this during his last Hajj, in Ghadir Khum. There, one hundred and twenty thousand pilgrims pledged allegiance to Ali. Even the women put their hands in the water pan, which Ali had touched. What is the verdict of breaking allegiance in Arab custom? Arabs broke this pledge several times. And they did not bring it on themselves. So the logical and Quranic answer is: Yes! Prophet Muhammad had the right to appoint his own successor. Now they ask you: What will you do? Will you stand up to the lies of the righteous caliphs? Or you will confess the right of Prophet Muhammad. Know this: Hazrat Ali and Fatima did not remain silent, nor were they satisfied with this matter. Once in anger, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) lifted Umar up and hit him on the ground. If you don't believe, go: read the sermon of Shagshaqiyyah. Because Umar betrayed Islam: one of them was burning all the hadiths of the Prophet. Prophet of Islam: He held at least 500 Friday prayers, and read 500 to 1000 official sermons. But who? Because Umar burned all of them and said: (According to the Book of God) our Qur'an is sufficient! To violate the words of the Prophet who said: I left the Qur'an and Atrat. He even considered concubines as haram. He changed the call to prayer and the form of prayer. Hazrat Fatima never asked Umar and Abu Bakr to attend her funeral. The fact that Fatemeh's grave is hidden at all speaks for itself. Shia scholars never said: We approve of Omar's performance. Rather, they wanted the unity of Shia and Sunni. Because Hazrat Ali himself, in one of his sermons, was upset that he was compared or equaled with these people: He said: Time has placed me as a peer of five other people - in the Shura - and the highest of them was Uthman! But how did they rub juice on people's heads?