GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Do you want to see God

If I say: it is possible, you will not be surprised? Do you promise to become a Shia? Because these reasons are only in Shia. All the people of the world must become Shia in order to be saved. Until now, Shia has saved the world: a look at history, even contemporary history proves this: have you forgotten World War I and II? Were they Shiites? If the allied leaders were not in Tehran, these wars would have continued. They decided in Tehran that there would be no more war. Also from Saadi's poem: The sons of Adam are members of each other: they are one jewel in creation. Because one member hurt, the other members were not spared! Now read the same for Israel: if they have understanding and humanity, they should stop fighting. Don't bomb so many people in Gaza. Saadi has another poem: Take the razor, if you are given the wheel of life, take whatever you want, but don't take anyone's bread (or anyone's life). kill? Therefore, we see: all the wars and killings by hand: this is the germ of corruption. Even though the leaders of the allies had pledged and promised in Tehran: not to fight again, and Tehran was called the bridge of victory, but Israel said: I did not promise! Since the years after World War II, he started killing. It is one of the holiest and most oppressed places in the society. Of course, they were not Shiites either, and they were friends of Israel. They sold their lands, and welcomed them. But since they became Shiites, they were able to stand against Israel. Now everyone in Gaza calls themselves Imam Hussein, their children are called Ali Asghar Hussein, and the women also call themselves: Fatima S. and Zainab A. When Yemen became Shia, it got rid of Wahhabism. Now it is the biggest fighting element that: takes the head of Israel with cotton. Iraq, which became Shiite, attacked American bases, so that they could not help Israel. Hizbullah also paves the way for visiting Jerusalem and praying in it by piercing Israel's borders. Unfortunately, Wahhabism has penetrated in Iran, and established a Shiite terror center in Sistan province. and martyrs the border guards. To do good service to Qatar and UAE, Israel and America. and take heavy budgets from these poor people. So, if there were no Shia and Shia scholars, the world would be destroyed by the wars of the infidels. As they show in the movies, the exterminators ruled it. The reason for Shia's success is that: he sees God. Hazrat Ali says: Blind is the eye that does not see God, and He is the manifestation of God's names. We can see God for two reasons: First, we are part of God! () Like a fish in water. How can he imagine a world without water? Therefore, if we look at our hands and feet, they are the signs of God. This is why it is said: whoever knows himself knows God. Second, if we see ourselves apart from God, or if we want to. It is possible to see God face to face. Perhaps the highest goal of human creation is this: to be careful, to pay attention, to focus in order to see God. So many people who say we don't see God! They just don't pay attention. Like a passenger who doesn't see the cars in front of him! His attention is only forward. This does not mean that there are no return passengers. There is a holy hadith that if a person loves God, God will also love him. A lover means someone who does not see anyone other than the beloved. And there is another hadith in Qudsi: I was a hidden treasure, I wanted someone to see me face to face, so I created Adam. Adam's fall is a transitional fall: from inside to outside. It means that man should feel the emptiness and see that if he does not have God, he has nothing. And he should return, (repent) and watch God. enjoy it This is the reason: Unity and multiplicity are in the same length: not in the same width.