GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Become Shia Ali with one question

I ask the Sunni brothers to: become Shia and guide non-Muslims as well. Because all human beings are from the same parents, and there is no point in dividing them. Here we are talking about 8 billion human souls, who will claim on the day of judgment: no one told us! At that time, we who knew and did not say, will go to hell! Because the Qur'an says: (And they are responsible) keep them. Stop them. They are the ones who knew and didn't tell. Hazrat Ali and Fatima also knocked on the house of the companions one by one, and reminded them so that no one would say: We did not know or had forgotten. Do you know what that question is?: Did the Prophet have the right to choose his successor? Everything is as simple as that. The Day of Resurrection will be even easier! Your hands and feet also testify. What is your answer? You must say that he is not right! It should have been left to the council. and observed democracy. He changed the appointment to the election. This is the answer that has misled millions of people throughout history. Now, if we say that the people of that time had not yet moved away from ignorance! This excuse is worse than sin. How did ignorant people vote for democracy? This progressive theory that even today, academics! They consider it valid, how did they think of it. In any case, this opinion is invalid, and no one has any proof against God before God and the Day of Judgment. For two simple reasons: one is that Abu Bakr chose Umar after himself: Umar after Uthman. Because they were afraid if there was a council, this time Ali voted: as it happened after Uthman. But this shows: the answer is wrong. It means that the right to choose the successor was with the Prophet. This first reason was violated by the Caliphs themselves and left no room for discussion. But the second reason is from the Qur'an: the Qur'an ordered the Prophet to: do not fear the people, and introduce Ali (AS). If you don't, your mission will be incomplete. It means that God knew that: the majority are against the succession of Hazrat Ali. However, he ordered the Prophet to do this during his last Hajj, in Ghadir Khum. There, one hundred and twenty thousand pilgrims pledged allegiance to Ali. Even the women put their hands in the water pan, which Ali had touched. What is the verdict of breaking allegiance in Arab custom? Arabs broke this pledge several times. And they did not bring it on themselves. So the logical and Quranic answer is: Yes! Prophet Muhammad had the right to appoint his own successor. Now they ask you: What will you do? Will you stand up to the lies of the righteous caliphs? Or you will confess the right of Prophet Muhammad. Know this: Hazrat Ali and Fatima did not remain silent, nor were they satisfied with this matter. Once in anger, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) lifted Umar up and hit him on the ground. If you don't believe, go: read the sermon of Shagshaqiyyah. Because Umar betrayed Islam: one of them was burning all the hadiths of the Prophet. Prophet of Islam: He held at least 500 Friday prayers, and read 500 to 1000 official sermons. But who? Because Umar burned all of them and said: (According to the Book of God) our Qur'an is sufficient! To violate the words of the Prophet who said: I left the Qur'an and Atrat. He even considered concubines as haram. He changed the call to prayer and the form of prayer. Hazrat Fatima never asked Umar and Abu Bakr to attend her funeral. The fact that Fatemeh's grave is hidden at all speaks for itself. Shia scholars never said: We approve of Omar's performance. Rather, they wanted the unity of Shia and Sunni. Because Hazrat Ali himself, in one of his sermons, was upset that he was compared or equaled with these people: He said: Time has placed me as a peer of five other people - in the Shura - and the highest of them was Uthman! But how did they rub juice on people's heads?