Pray for hastening, but don't rush! Rather: Ask God to increase your knowledge so that you know the reason for this lack of haste. The Qur'an says: Do not remove the fruit from the tree before the fruit ripens or after it: because the fruit is whole or rotten, therefore the time of its appearance is in the hands of God, and no one should surpass God. Because, for example, maybe: one of the reasons is that: some companions of Imam Zaman (AS) have not yet been born (like Ashura, when Imam Hossein asked for a one-night respite, so that Habib Ibn Mazaher could also arrive) or that they are neglected, or they have a long way to go. But the haste in Faraj is the learning of knowledge: (Rabzdani ulama wa al-haqani balasalihin) for this reason, people's attention to the emergence caused the human intellect to increase. If you pay attention to all the western theories, it is after the Islamic revolution. Progress in cyberspace is only due to attention to Imam Zaman. What enemies who do not like his civilization, but are sure of its emergence, and what friends who are not sure! But they like it. Therefore, there are few people who are sure to like him: in the West, all movies are about the savior, who they don't like. And in the East, everyone loves it, but they are not sure! That's all: Dua for Faraj is only because of curiosity! It means that the people of Iran are not sure and with this means they want to say: Didi not come? For fifty years, they have been saying: Faraj is near, so Ko. But in Wahhabism, they build a tower: to hit the Prophet when he appears! In the West, they make destroyers: because they are sure that he will come, but they are sad about his coming. Because they think: it will destroy them. (But Fatima Zahra will take all her Shiites out of hell on the Day of Judgment) Jews and Zionism are building positions and weapons with all their might to destroy the Imam of the Time. According to Seyed Jamaluddin: In Europe I saw Islam but did not see Muslims, and in Iran I saw Muslims but did not see Islam. What is the condition of people who pray for relief, but take loans from banks? Because with any sharia cap, usury means war with God? Even in their request to Imam Zaman, there is an earlier request for loans! They want Imam Zaman to be their guarantor. In fact, they don't believe in God, and they don't consider him as provider: but they consider banks as their sustenance. Basically, if we do a correct analysis, they want the help of Imam Zaman for: war with God. Because they believe that God left less for them. They say that capitalism is going to pay off! But God does not, because he has given so much to so-and-so that he cannot eat! And he did not give us anything. This is the sad story of Imam Zaman AJ: the prayer of Faraj readers, may he be saved from the hands of God! they want. Because God is present and watching everywhere, and this is not good for people! A good-natured writer has described hell as the West: and the name of his book is Touring the West: At first, one thinks it means to go and tour the West. But then he sees that the situation is hellish. The reason is clear: the children of Hazrat Ibrahim (the continuation of Ismail's generation) were from Iran. Therefore, during his 25 years of silence, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) visited all of Iran and made the north of Iran completely Shia (from Ardabil to Mazar-e-Sharif) and on the contrary, Mu'awiya, who was the enemy of Ali (A.S.). He had gone to the west. Because Europe did not exist. The Roman Empire often showed its power in present-day Turkey, or in Jerusalem. Therefore, the west became the escape center of religious opponents. Everyone who ran away from Hazrat Ali went to Syria and Muawiyah's court was full of Jews and Christians. Therefore, until recently when the Inquisition existed, the West meant hell. Even the word Hanam was made from the same Jahan Nama, or Jahan Bin Jahan. Because the Roman Caesar said: May God rule in the same heavens. and leave the earth to us. And Christianity and Judaism also preached: God has retired. But the light of Islam that shone on Europe, and the presence of Imam Khomeini in Paris, turned everyone upside down. According to the prediction of Nostra Adamus, Islam will conquer the world through France. And therefore the Basij of London, Paris, Berlin, New York and Washington are much more faithful.