GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Mahin Media Empire

The West was on the way to: the wall of culture, language, religion, and religion, one after another: until the Iranians woke up. And they realized that the sharp razor had been drunk. And their Renaissance goes out of the rails and destroyed the whole world. The discovered atomic bombs exploded and threw their heavy shadow over the cities. The horror had spread everywhere: the possibility of World War III had deprived everyone of peace. Inevitably everyone in drugs and liquor: They took refuge and used sex and sex to forget this great horror. And as Khayyam says: They created a good deed for themselves: Since it has passed, don't remember him! Don't scream tomorrow! Do not be found to the past and do not found the past, do not be happy and do not lose life. And God, who views mankind in anxiety, war, and destruction, sent the Imam of the revolution to: the world of terror and war. Imam Khomeini shouted: We do not disagree with cinema, we are opposed to prostitution! Everyone said, "America has an atomic bomb," Hiro Shima's soil! But he said, America can do nothing wrong! They said the Israeli army is the third army in the world! And Imam Khamenei said: There is a break that: He can never make up for it. But the third side of arrogance (imperialism, Zionism, Arab reaction) hid and retreated. It was that the Western media empire failed. Because it was based on fear and attack (all options are on the table!). A hollow slogan and now imperialism lives only in the media. The US and Israel Al Saud are all on paper. And if there is no news paper, there is nothing. And we see that in the field, the United States is not the opponent of Yemen, the Israeli opponent of Gaza. Although Saudi Arabia is silent, it has razed the UAE and Qatar. They have entered the media with new claims (the oil field) in addition to the three islands: to maintain their existence, at least in the media. But the Mahin Empire, with thirty living languages in the world, has revealed their secrets. Today, the whole world knows: There is no even war! Gaza people with Karbala: And Imam Hussein is ridiculed by Israeli fighters. They have mocked death: Yemenis also on American attacks, smiling! They want to show the world in the coast of Yemen or bombing the luggage house in Gaza. However, with millions of resistance and marching, the muzzle of the war is buried. Now the only arrogant nest, news imperialism, has leaked and its sources are all pierced. Their only strength is the veto that the criminal America has. Therefore, the Mahin Media Empire has targeted: US veto and Israel's existence: At the United Nations, both attack both. And it calls on all the people of the world, and the heads of states: the demands of the Extraordinary General Assembly: the UN and to abolish the membership of Israel and the United States. The United Nations must recognize the 99 % US movement, and its independent states. And on the other hand, to replace the great Palestine in the place of Israel. That is, like the time of Imam Khomeini, all countries around the world, they must close the Israeli embassy and deliver it to Hamas. And they also occupy the US Embassy and take it for themselves. This policy is: Mahin News Media Empire with four live languages, which has called on all the media by participating in the Tehran International Press Exhibition. And asking South Africa: at the same time against Israel, to sue the United States in the Hague Divan. Because whatever complaints against Israel, America veto. So there should be nothing called America and Israel. And their heir must be: the independent states of the United States, and the large country of Palestine. We sit down from the Tehran officials! We also want to make their look a little expanded. And only their nose tip: Don't see in Tehran and Zone 6!

Western media empire

Some people have not eaten pure milk! They draw plans for the people of the world! And they want them for themselves. Philosophers are among these people. Western philosophers, rejecting the spark of God, attribute everything to their own thoughts and intellect. And they want the world to consider their wishes instead of the verses of the Qur'an. and leave the Qur'an aside. And this process continues. Until today, even inside Iran, and among the Westernized professors and students, the Wild West, Europe or Switzerland is still their utopia and utopia. Why have they remained in this intellectual freezing? It is possible to blame the imperialism of news and media. But this is not the case, rather the media also proceed on the basis of the people's will and choice. And people have two types of desires in this regard: one is an evil desire! And the other is Rahmani's request. Satan's desires are always more colorful, because Satan is closer to humans and does not expect us to listen to him. It only tempts people. But God, the Most Merciful, created philosophy to say: Human creation has a purpose, and is not a game. And based on that goal, it should adjust itself. and take on responsibilities and: perform duties. And he should not be negligent in performing his duties. That's why God's strictness! A lazy person (lam najd le azma) increases his tendency to shirk his responsibilities and not perform his duties. Maybe the main reason for driving Adam out of heaven was to get rid of his laziness! Because in paradise except eating and sleeping and doing! it was nothing. Therefore, God under the pretext of disobedience! He threw man out of heaven. He even took off his clothes and fell naked on the ground! In order to be forced to act in the face of cold and heat and accidents, hunger and thirst. The star worship of Adam's children starts from here. When their number reached a hundred people, they held a century celebration because the hard work on the land (agriculture) or on the products (production) bothered them. And they always wanted: to return to the star from which it descended, to live in happiness. Let him rest under the shade of trees: and by his own will, everything will be produced and ready. Iranians were most interested in astronomy and stars: they were star worshipers even until the end of the Sasanian period. And the arguments of Hazrat Ibrahim did not convince them. They had one eye on the sky and: their own star, and their other eye on their feet, which are all stones and dirt! Therefore, to get rid of stones and dirt, carpet! They invented: now under the feet of all Iranians, there are wide carpets that cover stones, earth and ceramics. And He places Paradise in front of their eyes and under their feet. But the Europeans had turned to theft. They didn't want to work by themselves, so they took the hard work of others for themselves! Therefore, most Vikings, pirates and cannibals came out of the water. A little while they were affected by the Iranians' bloat, and they had a renaissance. And for this, they even created the first and second world wars. But it was to their detriment. Because Iran declared neutrality. Therefore, after World War II, Europe and Japan turned into a pile of dirt, iron, and stone. Fire and smoke rose from everywhere. But the media came to help! Philosophers pulled people down from the heavens, and materialism reached its peak. To forget everything! And a new world and a new era began. And that lightning struck the eyes of the Iranians. A lot of people, like those possessed by demons, were struck by the West. And they forgot everything, and disappeared from watching this materialistic world. For greater effect, the Zionists created Hollywood, so that everyone's mind is focused on the future, and forget the past.

Will Gaza be divided into two halves

According to the information available in Mahin News, Israel intends to destroy all the houses there under the pretext of building the highway in the middle of Gaza. And in this way to reach the underground tunnels. And identify the sensitive points! deploy the force there, to massacre the Palestinians more easily when necessary. Therefore, the Palestinians have several solutions here: they must examine and choose their scenarios. The first scenario is to request a meeting of the UN General Assembly or the Security Council as soon as possible. In order to confirm and communicate a resolution, even if it is symbolic, regarding the suspension of Israel's membership. In this way, there will be no more Israelis! And the people of the Israeli army will be considered as rebel armed groups. Second, to prevent the presence of loaders and bulldozers. It means to create a three-layer defense factor. First, they should prohibit Israel from doing this with the media and public opinion, secondly, they should condemn any type of aggression inside Gaza from a legal point of view. Thirdly, by installing resistance stations and: armed and powerful bases, they should take action for the complete destruction of all: the people involved in the work of destruction. The next scenario is to make the borders of Gaza bigger and wider and plant observation posts everywhere. Because now the area of Gaza has doubled! Because from every point where Israel is attacked, they retreat 7 kilometers. They do not have the necessary strength to return to these areas. But it is better to put border guards at the end of these new borders. Little by little, these border guards will be taken further, until it reaches Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. And Israel will be physically destroyed. The purpose of installing a beacon or surveillance is to test Israel's ability. Because Israel will have three possible reactions in front of these small watchtowers: First, ignore them. The second is to be afraid of them, and retreat further, the third is to dare and destroy them or bombard them. In the first two cases, the goal: the destruction of Israel is achieved sooner. Because you can follow them up to Tel Aviv by planting badges in the newer borders. But in the third case, it depends on the use: from the war tools, you can design the appropriate defense and change the battle formation. If Israel does such a thing with mortars and light weapons, the best way is guerilla warfare (asymmetrical). Because their forces are on foot, and they are in the crosshairs. If the badges are destroyed by artillery or rockets. It is necessary to use classical (symmetrical) war and to prepare two times their weapons, an RPG or a light rocket launcher. And if they attack with an airplane, an iron dome should be built: the iron dome can be three-stage (three scenarios). and destroyed the apron. Second, it activated anti-missiles to target in the sky. Thirdly, the pods should be mobile: either their place can be changed quickly: or they should be designed in such a way that: with a sense of danger, like an elevator, it immediately sinks deep into the ground. Of course, it seems: Gaza strategists (Mohammed Abbas' influencers) always approve the third method. But you should also think about the first and second methods. According to Inge, Israel was able to defeat a hundred million Arabs in 1967 with the first scenario, that is, before the fighters took off. Therefore, according to Imam Ali's strategy! The stone should be thrown where it came. The secret of the final Al-Aqsa storm lies in this scenario. Because you can't close your heart with hurtful gestures. This means that the committed strategists of Gaza should not think like Bani Sadr! who used to say: Let the enemy come in, then we will take their account. Rather, think like Chamran that: with the lightest weapons, he would destroy the strategic depth of the enemy.