In general, there are three hypotheses: The first hypothesis says: It is in the hands of God. But this hypothesis is generally correct, that is, everything is in the hands of God (Lamouthar fi al-Wujud Ila Allah). Al Faraj) and we ask God to bring Faraj Imam Zaman closer, so that we can understand him too. The second hypothesis says: God has made an exception for mankind: He has placed him as his successor on earth! Therefore, he delegates his authority and power to him (Ani Ja'al fi al-Arz Khalifah), therefore, the Imam of the Time is also in the hands of the people. Here is the preliminary hypothesis: human will and authority. The same trust that God gave him and accepted. While the mountains were reluctant to accept it (Ena Sharna al-Amant Ali al-Jebal, Fabin and the attack of the human being), another preliminary hypothesis of this matter is that: Humans are all emperors of the whole world. Because he is the vicegerent of God on earth. The next premise is that God does not want a self-proclaimed or self-centered empire. Rather, he wants complete obedience. For this reason, even though man is an emperor, he must be humble in front of God. Because the smallest angle with God produces a conflict of interests. And finally it leads to war with God: like usury! The usurers say: Usury is also a job! But God says: buying and selling and profits are permissible, but usury is forbidden. Because it is not considered a job. Because man does not benefit from his own misfortune, but he takes possession of other people's misfortune. Finally, those who justify usury economically and scientifically are at war with God. And in this fatwa, there is no difference between: government officials or institutions and organizations and individuals. That is, the central bank, which is the center of usury in Iran, is an anti-God institution and must be destroyed. Because it performs two basic tasks without an approved law: that is, it has moved away from its goals: one is that it raises interests. Second, he collects gold coins in the treasury. which is included in (Iyeh Wal-Dhin Yakenzun). Because he does not intend to divide them, then he is a natural apostate: because he is at war with God. And it is obligatory for all Muslims to destroy that place and divide its property among the people. As long as this is not done, people are in line to fight against God! If Wali also appears, they will fight with him. Therefore, relief has not been achieved. So here Faraj means: the background of emergence and preparation of people. But in the third hypothesis, it is said that: the time is in the hands of the Imam himself: for example, when we say: Ajl Ali Zahorak: in fact, he has addressed him, regardless of the divine providence and the background of the people, we ask him to come sooner. show us In addition, people should pay attention: that Mahdi's uprising is not a tribal, ethnic or individual uprising. Rather, it should cover the whole world. Therefore, the world should know the Arabic language (Qur'an). to know Shia. and understand its component correctly. If it is like this, in the age of space communication, and the explosion of terrestrial information! There are still only 100 million Shiites, that rules it out. But in the evening, when they appear, they say: They speak in eloquent Arabic, and they refer to the elements of Shia: therefore, if people do not know them, they ask themselves: What does he say? Therefore, the most important obstacle to the emergence and relief of Imam Zaman are the scholars. who do not fulfill their mission to promote Shia. They under the pretext of unity! Shia truths are hidden, or they don't say it. While the Shia should have a clear and strong tone like Fatima Zahra, peace be upon him: she should say about Ali until the end of her life. Therefore, the second category is tolerant. Those who are not ready: to say about Shia or to hear from Shia.
For two main reasons, the Imam of Zaman will not appear and those who say that his appearance is near should take it into consideration: so that they are not known as Waqatun! They determine appearances, they are liars. Whether it is explicit or implied. What do they say: this year on the first Friday of Sha'ban! will appear And let them say that the advent is very close. And we see directly that: most of the people waiting for the advent are in the second category: they try to insinuate that: the advent is near, in order to make themselves holy. While they are nothing more than liars. At least since the Hojjatiyah Association was established in Iran, we hear: that some people say signs of the emergence! Seen, therefore, the advent is near. Fifty years have passed, but they are still repeating it. While the philosophy of the absence of Imam Zaman (AS) was not having like-minded companions. The meaning is that there must be helpers that the Imam of the time can count on. So maybe they haven't been born yet. In some narrations, it is said that Imam Hussain (A.S.) asked the enemies to respite for one night. The reason for that is often prayer and worship. But some have also said that Imam's opinion about the reason for asking for a deadline was that one of his companions was still on the way. Some hadiths even say: Imam Hossein personally visited one of his companions, and showed the list of martyrs on his fingers and said: The name is an illusion, come! And he, who was evasive, got excited and went with Imam Hussain (AS). On the contrary, some who claimed to be friends, and were with Imam Hussain (as) until the night of Ashura, revealed their nature that night, and left the war front in the darkness of the night to join their families. These drops and monitoring are very important. Who will stay until the end of the line? And who joins at the last moment. or they are separated. Imam Hossein's goal was also: to end the argument for everyone. No one should claim that he came to the front by force! Or others should not claim that Imam Hussain's companions threw themselves into danger and death by force. In addition, all the behaviors of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and Zainab (peace be upon him) were only love: intense love and affection: for each other and for God! At the last moment, Imam Hussain (A.S.) said: "God is pleased with God!" because God had said: I: I would like to see you killed! I want and love to see you killed. Hazrat Zainab also said in the Yazid assembly: I see nothing but beauty. Because God wanted so, and we sacrifice our lives for our beloved. Therefore, those who are in a hurry for the emergence of the Imam of the Time, should know that they are the enemy of the Imam of the Time. Because it does not mean that it will appear sooner! Rather, her vulva should be closer. It means to be able to move and live among people. Because the people are not ready, it is natural that if he appears, they will assassinate him, just like his ancestors. For example, one of the reasons for not appearing: the occupation of Makkah by the Wahhabis. Despite Imam Zaman's claim of negation, they fully prepared themselves to assassinate him at the first moment of his appearance. The basis of Wahhabism is based on opposition to emergence. By killing the previous eleven imams, they hoped that there would be no more traces of Islam and imams left. When they see that people are waiting, they are also waiting to assassinate. Therefore, until the first qibla (Holy Quds) and the second qibla (Mecca and Medina) are not taken back from the hands of the Jews and the House of Saud, the ground for the appearance is not ready. Even in the discussion of cultural functions, the ground is not ready! Because the people of the world still don't know: who is Imam Hussein! Or where is Zamzam and Safa? Because when Imam Zaman appears, he will introduce himself as the son of Zamzam and Safaf and the son of Imam Hussein. But the people will not understand his words. And God will reprimand the scholars.
Why is the future bright? And why some people see it as dark. And why hope is not only with words. The process towards the future is not separate from the process of the past and present. It means that you can't look at events in isolation. In Islam and Shia, the future is an extension of the past: and a chain of continuous cause and effect guides it. That is, no accident is accidental: and no human being does anything without a reason. The stupidest works of man, whether individually or collectively, are the result of hours of action and reaction: their society and interaction with the outside society, the plan, plans and thoughts of its creators. You see in the movies that: even for a robbery! For hours, different groups and people draw plans and give valid reasons for them. And they argue with each other until one item is approved and implemented. Let alone: construction and tax works, etc. If we want to present the past as a beacon for the future: we can have a straight line from the beginning to the end. At the beginning of the line is Hazrat Adam. In the middle of that Hazrat Khatam, and at the end of that Hazrat Qaim. The gaps in this are also filled by descendants, descendants, ancestors, etc. That is, Hazrat Adam gives ten books, which he received from God, to Hazrat Seth and introduces him as his successor to continue the line of prophecy. And when his children and grandchildren: reaches a hundred people: he sets up a century celebration, so that everyone throughout history knows that for becoming a hundred people: one person! What efforts were made. Then there is Hazrat Idris, who continues the path by teaching ten books to the people, forming classes and teaching courtyards: from God: it is also the turn of Hazrat Suleiman and Wadaud Nabi. According to the Qur'anic statements, Hazrat David teaches blacksmithing, making iron clothes and armor to the people. Earlier, the first house building and architecture were established by Adam, agriculture by Cain, and animal husbandry by Abel. Until it is the turn of the last prophet: he comes to the square with tablet and pen, writing and expression. And from a wild and primitive people, he makes a civilizing and all-encompassing people: to the extent that he illuminates all the corners of the world with the light of Islam. Although afraid of the sun! Fearing the light, they burrow into the holes like bats and mark the dark evening of the Middle Ages. But the light of Islam has been shone through the writings of Ibn Sina and Razi and created a renaissance there! Relegates the enquizization to history. And the new age of awareness begins. But night worshipers and sun-fearers don't sit idle either. And from the same light of renaissance, darkness, ignorance, war and killing are brought out. And suddenly the world is caught in the fire of World War I and II. Imam Khomeini appeared: and prevented the third world war, by deactivating the atomic bombs, he said: America can do no wrong. Because America itself does not know that its bombs are nothing more than a toy. But the liberals, by influencing Imam Khomeini's government, are still creating terror. And they perpetuate the shadow of war and the atomic bomb. To the extent that Obama is delusional: even though he knows that atomic bombs have been hacked and disabled, he says: "All options are on the table." But people beat him under the table with their elections! And they appoint someone who is against ISIS and the war. Unfortunately, this person, under the influence of the Zionist lobby, is tearing up the JCPOA: so that the shadow of war will be over the people again. that he is also overthrown. Now the empire of Iran has invaded from the horizons and: the whole world has reached a single leadership, and the idols of the time have been defeated. Force them only to an island! Or a small prison called Gaza. But Yemen and Hezbollah stood in the way and supported Gaza, and confiscated American, British and Israeli ships, one after another. They know that Iran's government is a disgrace! And he cannot claim his money.
Iranian people care more about social status than economy. It is important for them that the great Iranian empire revives. And in this way they make all kinds of sacrifices. And basically, Iranians rank better than the first! do not know And they try to be at the forefront of things: to see something done elsewhere, something that has not been done in Iran, they open their tongues to criticism. Today, people's expectations have increased so much that they don't like any kind of backwardness. And they want the government to be active. And they are not afraid of deficiencies. Like a child I don't have, they don't care: they want everything from their parents. And they consider them as their breadwinners! Even the presence of a poor person bothers them. They don't like poverty for foreigners either! And with a heart full of mercy and compassion, he wants to take care of their situation. The general request regarding Afghans is that: Now that they are guests of the Islamic Republic, they should be clean and have character like Iranians. Their children should go to school instead of scavenging, their women should start housework instead of begging. Because their hardworking men, in these years, have been a helper in the construction and creation of the great Iranian empire. They even consider themselves Iranian. From the beginning, the Iraqis did not believe that any of them wanted to attack Iran. They reached Saddam's account themselves. Because they believed that Saddam Tikriti was against the Iranian Empire. Badr army and other Shiite organizations showed their complete loyalty to Iran. And during the years of insurgency: counter-revolution and separatists, they did not show a good face to them. Until he overthrew Saddam, Kumle and the hypocrites were kicked out. And now they are pushing out: the great devil of America by order of the world leader. More than 20 countries of the world emerged with a Shiite majority! All of which were purely subject to the great verses and imitated the authority of taqlid. And he participated in the glorious Arbaeen procession and emphasized on the procession: the survivors. Despite the Zionists' failures in Azerbaijan, Armenia and other regions of the world, they remained loyal to the new Iranian empire. Now Pakistan is waiting with all their heart for the presence of Ayatollah Raeesi. And it seems that Ayatollah Raisi should go for extra-provincial trips instead of provincial trips. And water the world, which is waiting for the birth of the new Iranian empire, with his presence. Because the people of the world have proven that they are not strangers! They are all insiders. No one burns the Qur'an anymore! No one insults Islam. And despite the mercenary media's spiel, no one is hostile to Gaza and Lebanon. Those who said: neither Gaza nor Lebanon, now they have all cut their tongues! And from shame to the nest of rats! have taken refuge Despite the massive expenses of the hypocrites, Mahmoud Abbas and other Zionist-oriented groups, the world is burning in the heat of Gaza. Contrary to the propaganda of the Zionist enemies, the people of Gaza are a Shiite tribe and supporters of Imam Hussein. And children consider themselves like Hazrat Ali Azghar. And their women follow Fatima. And they have made Zainab Kabri their role model. And men with zeal still say Yaali. Today, saving Gaza has become a major issue for the people of the world. Therefore, in all elections in the world, those who have taken a step for Gaza will vote. Even in America, it is predicted that the White House and the Congress will be occupied. And throw Trump and Biden into the dustbin of history forever. and support an Iranian named Ahmad Mahini. Reforms in Iran too! who were anti-Gaza, now deny it, and beat themselves to Alzheimer's for more Avery votes. Now he says about Modares: the one who Imam Khomeini used to go to the Majlis as a child, to see him and have fun.
Iranian people work, save, and don't spend throughout the year until at the end of the year, they participate in a three-month march to the market. This march starts on the first of February and ends at the end of April every year. And it is one of the biggest processions in the world, which is thousands of years old. But so far no one has tried to register it, because it is completely popular, traditional and international. That is, this movement starts from all over the world: Christians are the first group that: from January night, with pine trees and Santa Claus, they also start space travel: deer in the snowy space! They carry Santa's gifts. So that everything is ready on the promised day. Happy and smiling children are waiting for its arrival from the windows of their houses. Markets without the need for plastic marketing! It is filled with buyers. Everyone renews everything for themselves. Even if someone did not have money, they would buy for him. In this way, the cold and black winter is covered with laughter and joy. Then there are the Chinese: who celebrate Nowruz earlier because the Chinese are a hasty race. Their children are born early and grow up early. In all of them, Iranians are with them, and they rejoice with their happiness. Then it is the turn of the continental plateau and the Iranian civilization field. which is a sign of people's happiness and wealth, and their gratitude to God. But the enemy of the people does not see this! He imagines people as poor and sad. In any case, these marches continue from early morning until late at night! No one feels tired, the happiness is completed when: they go to one of the old mosques for prayer and give thanks to God. In times of need, they visit Imamzadegan, to remember the glory and greatness: fourteen centuries of Imamate, and the rule of the Alevis, and the grandchildren of Yazdgerd III. When they are hungry, cheap restaurants are ready to serve them, even the municipality has allowed food stalls to be on the sidewalks, and people can choose their meals there! And to be satisfied, feed cats, crows and dogs. It is a beautiful sight that people themselves understand better than the media. And the media only talk about their hatred and disappointment. While people, even if they don't need to buy, they don't know from head to toe in the enthusiasm of this march. Still loyal, they walk on the sidewalks leading to the market. The faces of all of them are happy, and satisfaction and gratitude can be seen in the sparkle of their eyes. From this, you can understand that the world is facing two completely opposite types of economy: the collapsed economy and the Western neo-Kishis! and the deep-rooted and 15,000-year-old eastern economy. There is no place in the economy of novices. Everything is falling apart: people are hungry, workers are constantly thinking about strikes, and capitalists are constantly thinking about layoffs. Marketing has lost its meaning. And as much as the marketers work hard, with one signature of Trump, they all burn to the fire of sanctions. But the resistance economy or the rooted economy has left everything in its place! People know how to work, and how to spend. Therefore, according to economists, people are unemployed and without money! While they work for 9 months, and do not spend. And three months (financial turnover) is equal to 12 years. And they do not understand this. Either they deliberately ignore it, or they consider it an economic shock and a wave that will disappear. Yes! Its wave drains the entire market. So that producers have the opportunity to produce again. And life keeps its constant cycle. Therefore, you can see that the markets are old and their architecture is traditional. But governments are falling day by day. Sometimes even mass killings, revolutions and coups happen. Therefore, it can be said: the reaction of the media is the hidden hatred of economists