Iranian people care more about social status than economy. It is important for them that the great Iranian empire revives. And in this way they make all kinds of sacrifices. And basically, Iranians rank better than the first! do not know And they try to be at the forefront of things: to see something done elsewhere, something that has not been done in Iran, they open their tongues to criticism. Today, people's expectations have increased so much that they don't like any kind of backwardness. And they want the government to be active. And they are not afraid of deficiencies. Like a child I don't have, they don't care: they want everything from their parents. And they consider them as their breadwinners! Even the presence of a poor person bothers them. They don't like poverty for foreigners either! And with a heart full of mercy and compassion, he wants to take care of their situation. The general request regarding Afghans is that: Now that they are guests of the Islamic Republic, they should be clean and have character like Iranians. Their children should go to school instead of scavenging, their women should start housework instead of begging. Because their hardworking men, in these years, have been a helper in the construction and creation of the great Iranian empire. They even consider themselves Iranian. From the beginning, the Iraqis did not believe that any of them wanted to attack Iran. They reached Saddam's account themselves. Because they believed that Saddam Tikriti was against the Iranian Empire. Badr army and other Shiite organizations showed their complete loyalty to Iran. And during the years of insurgency: counter-revolution and separatists, they did not show a good face to them. Until he overthrew Saddam, Kumle and the hypocrites were kicked out. And now they are pushing out: the great devil of America by order of the world leader. More than 20 countries of the world emerged with a Shiite majority! All of which were purely subject to the great verses and imitated the authority of taqlid. And he participated in the glorious Arbaeen procession and emphasized on the procession: the survivors. Despite the Zionists' failures in Azerbaijan, Armenia and other regions of the world, they remained loyal to the new Iranian empire. Now Pakistan is waiting with all their heart for the presence of Ayatollah Raeesi. And it seems that Ayatollah Raisi should go for extra-provincial trips instead of provincial trips. And water the world, which is waiting for the birth of the new Iranian empire, with his presence. Because the people of the world have proven that they are not strangers! They are all insiders. No one burns the Qur'an anymore! No one insults Islam. And despite the mercenary media's spiel, no one is hostile to Gaza and Lebanon. Those who said: neither Gaza nor Lebanon, now they have all cut their tongues! And from shame to the nest of rats! have taken refuge Despite the massive expenses of the hypocrites, Mahmoud Abbas and other Zionist-oriented groups, the world is burning in the heat of Gaza. Contrary to the propaganda of the Zionist enemies, the people of Gaza are a Shiite tribe and supporters of Imam Hussein. And children consider themselves like Hazrat Ali Azghar. And their women follow Fatima. And they have made Zainab Kabri their role model. And men with zeal still say Yaali. Today, saving Gaza has become a major issue for the people of the world. Therefore, in all elections in the world, those who have taken a step for Gaza will vote. Even in America, it is predicted that the White House and the Congress will be occupied. And throw Trump and Biden into the dustbin of history forever. and support an Iranian named Ahmad Mahini. Reforms in Iran too! who were anti-Gaza, now deny it, and beat themselves to Alzheimer's for more Avery votes. Now he says about Modares: the one who Imam Khomeini used to go to the Majlis as a child, to see him and have fun.