GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Why does Imam Zaman not appear

For two main reasons, the Imam of Zaman will not appear and those who say that his appearance is near should take it into consideration: so that they are not known as Waqatun! They determine appearances, they are liars. Whether it is explicit or implied. What do they say: this year on the first Friday of Sha'ban! will appear And let them say that the advent is very close. And we see directly that: most of the people waiting for the advent are in the second category: they try to insinuate that: the advent is near, in order to make themselves holy. While they are nothing more than liars. At least since the Hojjatiyah Association was established in Iran, we hear: that some people say signs of the emergence! Seen, therefore, the advent is near. Fifty years have passed, but they are still repeating it. While the philosophy of the absence of Imam Zaman (AS) was not having like-minded companions. The meaning is that there must be helpers that the Imam of the time can count on. So maybe they haven't been born yet. In some narrations, it is said that Imam Hussain (A.S.) asked the enemies to respite for one night. The reason for that is often prayer and worship. But some have also said that Imam's opinion about the reason for asking for a deadline was that one of his companions was still on the way. Some hadiths even say: Imam Hossein personally visited one of his companions, and showed the list of martyrs on his fingers and said: The name is an illusion, come! And he, who was evasive, got excited and went with Imam Hussain (AS). On the contrary, some who claimed to be friends, and were with Imam Hussain (as) until the night of Ashura, revealed their nature that night, and left the war front in the darkness of the night to join their families. These drops and monitoring are very important. Who will stay until the end of the line? And who joins at the last moment. or they are separated. Imam Hossein's goal was also: to end the argument for everyone. No one should claim that he came to the front by force! Or others should not claim that Imam Hussain's companions threw themselves into danger and death by force. In addition, all the behaviors of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and Zainab (peace be upon him) were only love: intense love and affection: for each other and for God! At the last moment, Imam Hussain (A.S.) said: "God is pleased with God!" because God had said: I: I would like to see you killed! I want and love to see you killed. Hazrat Zainab also said in the Yazid assembly: I see nothing but beauty. Because God wanted so, and we sacrifice our lives for our beloved. Therefore, those who are in a hurry for the emergence of the Imam of the Time, should know that they are the enemy of the Imam of the Time. Because it does not mean that it will appear sooner! Rather, her vulva should be closer. It means to be able to move and live among people. Because the people are not ready, it is natural that if he appears, they will assassinate him, just like his ancestors. For example, one of the reasons for not appearing: the occupation of Makkah by the Wahhabis. Despite Imam Zaman's claim of negation, they fully prepared themselves to assassinate him at the first moment of his appearance. The basis of Wahhabism is based on opposition to emergence. By killing the previous eleven imams, they hoped that there would be no more traces of Islam and imams left. When they see that people are waiting, they are also waiting to assassinate. Therefore, until the first qibla (Holy Quds) and the second qibla (Mecca and Medina) are not taken back from the hands of the Jews and the House of Saud, the ground for the appearance is not ready. Even in the discussion of cultural functions, the ground is not ready! Because the people of the world still don't know: who is Imam Hussein! Or where is Zamzam and Safa? Because when Imam Zaman appears, he will introduce himself as the son of Zamzam and Safaf and the son of Imam Hussein. But the people will not understand his words. And God will reprimand the scholars.