GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The place of murderers and martyrs

In the case of Palestine, it was proved that: the world does not take the place of murderers and martyrs. Rather, these fans are murderers, who are trying to present him as a martyr. That is, the Zionist media, fans and ration eaters of these media, are trying to make Israel appear to be right! and identify the Palestinians as terrorists and barbarians. Apparently, it is the Palestinians who attack and expel the Israelis. And otherwise the Israelis! They live with complete politeness like the horns of Shamsmad. This has historical roots: when Cain killed Abel. Naturally, constitutional rights and all philosophers should declare him a murderer and condemn him to revenge. But what happens? Because there is no more Abel: to defend himself, his words are not heard. Rather, the words of Cain the killer are heard. This is what is said: the places of the murderer and the martyr are changed. And humanity convinces itself with the lying philosophy. Below, if he does not accept Cain's words, Abel will be next. So in order to continue living, he must: turn his back on the truth. And this philosophy makes them introduce God as Cain's accomplice! By posing this question: So where is God? To avenge Abel, or not to let Cain kill Abel with a shovel? In our contemporary history, this trend is known as the West and the Other: the West, which is basically the son of Cain, chooses to avoid Adam in order to escape from the torment of conscience. That is, he knows that if Hazrat Adam finds out about his crime, he will ask him back. Therefore, he flees from Makkah and Bayt al-Haram to the west and west. Basically, the word Bakhtar means: on earth, demons or secret enemies: Hazrat Adam is famous. Therefore, Hazrat Adam realizes that he no longer has access to Cain. Therefore, he calls the third child or Seth, Prophet Seth receives ten books from Hazrat Adam: in which the essence of the matter is stated, and he gets a mission to find Cain: therefore, he travels to Shamat. But the Kabyles flee further away to Europe, so there are also burials there in Lebanon. While Hazrat Adam (A.S.), who founded Mecca and created Medina, did not reach Lebanon as a result of the territorial survey, and his body is buried in Najaf Ashraf. Because the Gentiles, that is, the Kabyles, had gone further away from Najaf and Sham and fled to Europe. At the time of Scandal, Athens and Rome, who were deprived of books and guides, and did not accept any prophet, founded philosophy and science on the basis of self-centered thought. Philosophers of Athens and Rome, in order to complete the strategy of replacing the martyr and murderer, negated God and proved reason: and man is divine. And to prove their theory, they attacked the east to save them from barbarism! take out Even though Iran was an empire, and they were mayors. They called themselves the Roman Empire, and Iranshahri was attributed here. But they failed: and succumbed to the depression of the Middle Ages. When the Mongols attacked again, the people of the east divided into two groups: some, like today, followed the line of resistance and destruction of the Mongols, and remained. But some of them took it upon themselves: and they went west and west. Their presence brought Westerners out of depression, and a renaissance ensued. But this time too, like the Greeks, they changed the places of martyrs and murderers: like ancient Greece, they denied God: in Auschwitz or Holocast, they said where is God? So they created Israel: to represent the West! And goblins? Doubt among people! They said: Doubt is the beginning of certainty. Of course, the truth of the killer! Therefore, they questioned God, to introduce themselves as civilized, the owner of the world, and the superpower of the world. Like the Qajar, the Iranians became fascinated by them and believed that the West is no longer the center of schizophrenics. And they really want to make people happy. And it was that everything was given to them: they were given free oil, customs, tobacco, antiques and gold... everything went to Europe and America. And what should not have happened.
I ask all Americans to become Shia and vote for Ahmad Mahini as the presidential candidate

I want the American people to vote for me

give and take policy
For years, Iranians had a take and take. That is, they made all the countries of the world their enemies. And no one had the courage to hang his neck. But since the Qajar era, give and take policy! applied. This means: when Shah Qajar went to Farang, his industrial progress blinded him. And therefore he agreed to travel more to Farang (Europe) at any cost. And for his travels and fun in Europe, he gave every privilege the Europeans wanted. Oil, tobacco and customs points were the lowest among them. Even for countless pleasures, he gave or agreed to give most of the land! It is known that Abbas Mirza, the only Qajar with zeal, went to war with the Russians. When he was short of strength, he wrote to the court and asked for strength. Naseruddin Shah instead of Qashon! He sent a handful of maidservants and said: Don't have anything to do with the war, have fun with them for now. Of course, this has a slight history in the Durwan of Shah Abbas. Shah Abbas who was in love with Anthony Shirley. Under the pretext of using a gun, he let them into the court. They also gave him the letter of Queen Elizabeth the widow. who was invited to go to England with a thousand Qazalbash. But their plan was to commit genocide against intelligent Iranians. Because they gave two thousand girls to a thousand girls to have fun! And the queen herself bothered Shah Abbas. And therefore the Queen's family also became Sadat. And the Qazalbash tribe (illegitimate children) owns the family, descent and power. So give and take policy until the bone marrow of this country penetrated. Especially, other farangs were found: and more firewood was poured into this oven. For example, a person named Taghizadeh Arani has a famous saying: He advised the people of Iran: You should become a foreigner from head to toe. If you move a little late, you will fall behind the caravan of civilization. This give and take policy was capitulation. That is, they sacrificed everything to have fun in Europe and America. Imam Khomeini rose against this action. He said: We are not against cinema, we are against prostitution! But after forty years, cinema returned to the same place! Asghar Farhadi, the icon of Iranian cinema, slept with Anjali Jolina! And Reza Attaran made Fossil. And.. that means, according to some people, it should be said: the hand of Maryzad! How many pages did you visit: Farsi films before the revolution. This policy has become so entrenched that even children, with their extravagance, push their mothers to corruption and prostitution. And they encourage their fathers to embezzle and steal. An example of that is the purchase of sesame by the Qalibaf family. Here, it is not just a matter of buying sesame from Türkiye. Rather, it is a culture of giving and receiving. They even sell the country. Let alone information! Mohsen Rezaei, who saw that he could not sell the country through war, raised the issue of free zones. Trawl fishing brought the matter to a point where ordinary people also protested. Nearly 80 trillion dollars worth of Iranian antiques, historical objects, trinkets and jewels have been exported and are the first in the auctions of the United Kingdom and the United States. But they all have documents or invoices. It means that some people have done their job: selling the country with a document. Apart from the Supreme Leader and a few simple-minded clerics, the rest of their pride is that: they have influence in the Iranian system, which: they can sell their homeland very easily. Rafipour, who considers himself an emerging power, when he learned that Iran is demanding from the whole world, he said very simply: We cannot take our own money. He had said before: We do not have assets abroad. It means the continuation of the Qajar generation and the trade-off policy. The Qajar generation mysteriously infiltrated the organs of Iran. Maryam Qajar Azdanlou, who divorced Abrishamchi and became Rajavi's wife: she also rejected Rajavi and was called her own president. Cinematographers also taught the people of Iran a lesson in terror by making a thousand hands. And they pulled the princes out of the soil, and they penetrated the organs one by one.
Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States
I want the American people to vote for me

Autlantic is Shiite because Atlan means Shiite

All the guest of God you are
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: (Oh al -Nassam al -Dadam al -'Abdahullah) O people of the world, you were invited to the party of God! But the party of God, unlike the luxury, is an invitation without formalities: the more hungry, the higher the quality. As Ali and his family were starving for three days, they gave themselves Iftar to the poor, orphans and the poor. Until the Surah Helpht Ati was revealed in them. So since then, all believers are trying to give their Iftar to others, so that a sura may be revealed to them. Earth's diameter is raised every day. Because everyone's Iftar tables are spreading on the ground, and if people sit down, pray and pray and then Iftar. These queues are interconnected: and like the magnet magnetic spectrum, they will all rotate around the house of God in a specific circuit. And this starts from the zero -degree circuit and: within 24 hours, it rotates once around the Earth. That is, in the middle of the night and near the morning: everyone wakes up, dawn and goes to the mosque for prayer. Imagine such a move in the world with any meridian circulation: and the horizon, respectively, the entire earth is repeatedly encountered. In addition, people go to work after praying. And they work until night. And, of course, when the people of America worship in the middle of the day with enthusiasm, Ahmad Mahini, on the ground, for example in Asia, people go to beds, preparing to sleep at night. Therefore, different human waves are regularly created by exercise and exercise. That covers the entire earth with a horizontal phase difference. Even those who do not accept worship! They do not know that they are worshiping! Because thinking about this is worship itself. They constantly ask themselves: Why do we pray? Why become a Muslim? And why should we be Shiite? Or do we believe in the ignorant God? In fact, they worship intellectual. The same worship and denial protects them from anti -religious behavior. He did not hostility. And he loved people and helped them (Heluddin Al -Habb) like a poet who said: Wine! Eat, burn the pulpit, but don't hurt people! In fact, all the people of the world are Shiites and God. But for their independence, they do not accept one of the collections and systems of religion! Some are Shiite in practice, but they do not accept in the name: For example, we prove: Everyone is disabled! But some have their disabilities: they have no eyes! And some people are unclear: like someone who has no hearing! Or has cardiovascular discomfort. Because every flower has thorn. Vigel is only God. As Sayyid Jamal al -Din Asada Abadi said: I saw Islam in Europe: but I didn't see a Muslim. In Iran, I saw Muslims but I didn't see Islam! Ramadan is also the party of the whole world. Even those who do not fast are more about going to Iftar! And they spread large Iftar tables. Therefore, all of the Shiites become Shiites on the table of Iftar, especially the nights of glory. Because this is their thinking. Even though they seem to oppose it. Because the main condition of reading! Full notice of the comments is the supporters. That is, one must know what he or she deny. Even all those who are Sunni or Wahhabi know Ali better than Shiites. Because no one can oppose something they know. If one unknowingly disagrees, it is better than the one who knows. Because as soon as he knows he becomes a Shiite. But the sleeping person wakes up with the lowest sound. Jain please wake up all.
  Thanks to Ahmad Mahini, the president of the United States
Autlantic is Shiite because Atlan means Shiite

Basic principles of civilization research

The philosophy of civilization: what it is and its existence, at least: three principles must be specified in order to define it comprehensively: firstly, where is its origin, secondly, what is its driving force, and thirdly, what is its ultimate goal. Hazrat Ali says (May God have mercy on those who know where they came from, where they are going, and where they are now). Hafez also says: Where did I come? What was the purpose of my coming? where am i going Therefore, for about 50 years, I have followed research in the field of civilization research: the basic forms are included in the definition of civilization. Their principles are uncertain and changeable. The most important definition of civilization is urbanization. While civilization is higher than urbanization. Like someone who lives in a villa: and alone. While the daily requirement is accommodation in skyscrapers. All those who have researched civilization, whether in Iran or in the West, have defined it with the inspiration of Rome or Athens. While Rome and Athens were not only cities, they were not more than villages. Because outside of Caesar's palace, they were called barbarians. That is, only a few thousand people, who filled around Caesar. Even this part was not complete because many of them were slaves or soldiers for the gladiators. However, at the same time, Iran has managed hundreds of similar villages and cities together. He considered everyone equal and paid wages to the workers to build Persepolis. Not like Egypt, Greece, Rome and China, which did not have any rights for workers. They gave food to the extent that he could work. And as soon as he died, he was placed in the crevices of the wall like a brick or a stone. Many of them think that Noah's storm was a myth! But its works are called civilization. In some places on earth, with a little digging, you can find traces of a civilization that is more than 9,000 years old. That is, Noah's flood covered the entire surface of the earth, and its sedimentary layers: soft soil that fell on these treasures, and buried them with their owners. Therefore, civilization means small cities for small minds. In addition, no one can definitively say: where is the origin of civilization! What is its driving engine? And what is the definition of Utopia? And the reason for all this wandering is to hide the essence and reality of civilization. The main theory is that: Iran was, is and will be an empire. Because the beginning of civilization starts with Prophet Adam: it continues until Khatam: that is, they were the driving engine of the prophets. But they try to ignore this obvious issue, so they don't know: it is history that makes heroes and civilizations, or it is heroes that make history. The historical fact to answer this question is the province line. That is, from Khatam to Qaim. So, very simply, the straight line (straight line) from Hazrat Adam to Qaim connects the whole history and civilization, and answers three basic questions: Civilization begins with agriculture and animal husbandry: Hazrat Adam and his children: as far as When the children of Adam reached a hundred people. They founded the celebration of the century. The driving engine of history are prophets and saints who received their strategies from God in written form. The goal of human civilization is the single: global government of Hazrat Qaim (AS). But the enemies of this line are trying to draw a detour or a line with an angle from anywhere. Therefore, instead of prophets, they replace philosophers and scientists instead of saints. And in the so-called Torah, God is retired and removed from the distance. The philosophy of history and civilization: in the hands of Darwin! Aristotle or Plato. While the first teacher is God. The first author is God. And nothing happens outside of his will, and the future of the world is also in his hands (Malik Yumuddin)

The solution to prevent the marginalization of cities

Marginalization means: Indiscriminate influx of villagers to the city, to acquire property or land illegally. Therefore, if the influx of villagers to cities, or city dwellers to metropolises, is according to rules and regulations, for example, if they settle in satellite towns, it is not considered marginalization. Of course, apparently, it is for job search. Because most of those who immigrate must have the ability to immigrate: either physically or financially. Invading the cities has two types of costs: if it is with a job, they get high money in advance or smuggling money. Therefore, those who want to have a secure job, must have large savings. But if they go on their own, or without support, they should have at least 6 months of expenses with them: so that they can find a suitable job. Therefore, most of the marginal residents are among the rich in their village. A poor person makes the same agriculture. Or he stays in the same village, this is a rich person who is full and wants air! change Therefore, the analysis that these people are poor is not correct. Rather, they pretend to be poor: to get free land. And: They often reach this conclusion with promises and bribes. After the construction, the government first gives them electricity and water! And they receive documents as soon as possible. While if they went through the legal way, maybe they would have to pay tens of times. But in Islam, marginalization should not be in this sense for two reasons: First, the land belongs to God. And the ownership of others is a credit: that is, the credit of reservation and work. That is, they fence off a place for housing, or develop land. Therefore, it has been said that the land belongs to the one who develops it (Al-Ariz Laman Ahyaha), so if someone receives land, but does not develop it, he should: leave it to someone else. In this case, the farmer becomes the owner. Because he has done the real work. And the second reason is: there is the theory of Companions. Ashab Safa theory says: All people without housing can temporarily find accommodation in mosques. Therefore, the mosque naturally solves the problem of marginalization. Its historical roots go back to the Prophet's migration. When the Prophet's uncle, Hamza Seyyed al-Shahda, became a Muslim and said: The Prophet is in my support. All the infidels of Quraysh said: This is a serious matter. Therefore, they formed the nucleus of resistance against the Prophet. People tortured the Prophet. So that Hamza does not understand. Then there was the economic blockade of Abu Talib branches. which caused the Prophet to send some to Abyssinia. And finally he was forced to migrate to Medina. The first thing he did in Medina was to build a big mosque. For the solution of housing for the immigrants, he put forward two proposals: first, the issue of brotherhood, that is, religious brotherhood, that each Ansar should take a migrant home with him: and they should share a house. The second way was to create cells: or small rooms around the mosque. for the rest of the survivors to settle there. The Prophet's and Hazrat Ali's own house was among the companions of Safa. And all the doors opened to each other. Until the revelation came that all the doors should be closed. And only Ali's door should be open to the Prophet. That the matter of guardianship, or the succession of the Prophet, will gradually be settled. Therefore, all homeless people, homeless people and tourists, everywhere, should go to the mosque. And build the mosque like Imamzadehs, with many rooms in the surrounding area. . No one was left without shelter. If I vote for the presidency of the United States, I will implement this plan so that all people have a share in God's land. Homeless people should act now. This means that the US Congress, the White House, the Pentagon and all government departments should be identified openly and secretly. and wander around there. and go inside to sleep. If there is no resistance from the guards, they will take a place for themselves forever. And if they resist, kill them.
Ahmad Mahini is a candidate for the presidency of the United States