In the case of Palestine, it was proved that: the world does not take the place of murderers and martyrs. Rather, these fans are murderers, who are trying to present him as a martyr. That is, the Zionist media, fans and ration eaters of these media, are trying to make Israel appear to be right! and identify the Palestinians as terrorists and barbarians. Apparently, it is the Palestinians who attack and expel the Israelis. And otherwise the Israelis! They live with complete politeness like the horns of Shamsmad. This has historical roots: when Cain killed Abel. Naturally, constitutional rights and all philosophers should declare him a murderer and condemn him to revenge. But what happens? Because there is no more Abel: to defend himself, his words are not heard. Rather, the words of Cain the killer are heard. This is what is said: the places of the murderer and the martyr are changed. And humanity convinces itself with the lying philosophy. Below, if he does not accept Cain's words, Abel will be next. So in order to continue living, he must: turn his back on the truth. And this philosophy makes them introduce God as Cain's accomplice! By posing this question: So where is God? To avenge Abel, or not to let Cain kill Abel with a shovel? In our contemporary history, this trend is known as the West and the Other: the West, which is basically the son of Cain, chooses to avoid Adam in order to escape from the torment of conscience. That is, he knows that if Hazrat Adam finds out about his crime, he will ask him back. Therefore, he flees from Makkah and Bayt al-Haram to the west and west. Basically, the word Bakhtar means: on earth, demons or secret enemies: Hazrat Adam is famous. Therefore, Hazrat Adam realizes that he no longer has access to Cain. Therefore, he calls the third child or Seth, Prophet Seth receives ten books from Hazrat Adam: in which the essence of the matter is stated, and he gets a mission to find Cain: therefore, he travels to Shamat. But the Kabyles flee further away to Europe, so there are also burials there in Lebanon. While Hazrat Adam (A.S.), who founded Mecca and created Medina, did not reach Lebanon as a result of the territorial survey, and his body is buried in Najaf Ashraf. Because the Gentiles, that is, the Kabyles, had gone further away from Najaf and Sham and fled to Europe. At the time of Scandal, Athens and Rome, who were deprived of books and guides, and did not accept any prophet, founded philosophy and science on the basis of self-centered thought. Philosophers of Athens and Rome, in order to complete the strategy of replacing the martyr and murderer, negated God and proved reason: and man is divine. And to prove their theory, they attacked the east to save them from barbarism! take out Even though Iran was an empire, and they were mayors. They called themselves the Roman Empire, and Iranshahri was attributed here. But they failed: and succumbed to the depression of the Middle Ages. When the Mongols attacked again, the people of the east divided into two groups: some, like today, followed the line of resistance and destruction of the Mongols, and remained. But some of them took it upon themselves: and they went west and west. Their presence brought Westerners out of depression, and a renaissance ensued. But this time too, like the Greeks, they changed the places of martyrs and murderers: like ancient Greece, they denied God: in Auschwitz or Holocast, they said where is God? So they created Israel: to represent the West! And goblins? Doubt among people! They said: Doubt is the beginning of certainty. Of course, the truth of the killer! Therefore, they questioned God, to introduce themselves as civilized, the owner of the world, and the superpower of the world. Like the Qajar, the Iranians became fascinated by them and believed that the West is no longer the center of schizophrenics. And they really want to make people happy. And it was that everything was given to them: they were given free oil, customs, tobacco, antiques and gold... everything went to Europe and America. And what should not have happened.
I ask all Americans to become Shia and vote for Ahmad Mahini as the presidential candidate