The West was on the way to: the wall of culture, language, religion, and religion, one after another: until the Iranians woke up. And they realized that the sharp razor had been drunk. And their Renaissance goes out of the rails and destroyed the whole world. The discovered atomic bombs exploded and threw their heavy shadow over the cities. The horror had spread everywhere: the possibility of World War III had deprived everyone of peace. Inevitably everyone in drugs and liquor: They took refuge and used sex and sex to forget this great horror. And as Khayyam says: They created a good deed for themselves: Since it has passed, don't remember him! Don't scream tomorrow! Do not be found to the past and do not found the past, do not be happy and do not lose life. And God, who views mankind in anxiety, war, and destruction, sent the Imam of the revolution to: the world of terror and war. Imam Khomeini shouted: We do not disagree with cinema, we are opposed to prostitution! Everyone said, "America has an atomic bomb," Hiro Shima's soil! But he said, America can do nothing wrong! They said the Israeli army is the third army in the world! And Imam Khamenei said: There is a break that: He can never make up for it. But the third side of arrogance (imperialism, Zionism, Arab reaction) hid and retreated. It was that the Western media empire failed. Because it was based on fear and attack (all options are on the table!). A hollow slogan and now imperialism lives only in the media. The US and Israel Al Saud are all on paper. And if there is no news paper, there is nothing. And we see that in the field, the United States is not the opponent of Yemen, the Israeli opponent of Gaza. Although Saudi Arabia is silent, it has razed the UAE and Qatar. They have entered the media with new claims (the oil field) in addition to the three islands: to maintain their existence, at least in the media. But the Mahin Empire, with thirty living languages in the world, has revealed their secrets. Today, the whole world knows: There is no even war! Gaza people with Karbala: And Imam Hussein is ridiculed by Israeli fighters. They have mocked death: Yemenis also on American attacks, smiling! They want to show the world in the coast of Yemen or bombing the luggage house in Gaza. However, with millions of resistance and marching, the muzzle of the war is buried. Now the only arrogant nest, news imperialism, has leaked and its sources are all pierced. Their only strength is the veto that the criminal America has. Therefore, the Mahin Media Empire has targeted: US veto and Israel's existence: At the United Nations, both attack both. And it calls on all the people of the world, and the heads of states: the demands of the Extraordinary General Assembly: the UN and to abolish the membership of Israel and the United States. The United Nations must recognize the 99 % US movement, and its independent states. And on the other hand, to replace the great Palestine in the place of Israel. That is, like the time of Imam Khomeini, all countries around the world, they must close the Israeli embassy and deliver it to Hamas. And they also occupy the US Embassy and take it for themselves. This policy is: Mahin News Media Empire with four live languages, which has called on all the media by participating in the Tehran International Press Exhibition. And asking South Africa: at the same time against Israel, to sue the United States in the Hague Divan. Because whatever complaints against Israel, America veto. So there should be nothing called America and Israel. And their heir must be: the independent states of the United States, and the large country of Palestine. We sit down from the Tehran officials! We also want to make their look a little expanded. And only their nose tip: Don't see in Tehran and Zone 6!