GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Justice is dead

South Africa's representative at the Hague Tribunal proved that justice is dead. As can be seen in its universal symbol: it has become a featureless statue, whose eyes are closed and does not see the truth! The scales are always heavy in favor of the wicked. His wings and jump are stoned, and he can't do anything. Gaza is massacred, Rafah is being plowed, and Jabalia is still burning. Our celebrities chant: No Gaza, no Lebanon! Sacrifice my life for Iran, which they never sacrificed! Rather, they sold Iran and sacrificed themselves. They are willing to serve all spy services for free so that: the Islamic Republic does not step. And only the voice of justice should be silenced: so that oppressors can easily plow Palestine, and create mushroom-like towers of gambling and prostitution. Global capitalism, people only in the eyes of free prostitutes! And always losing gamblers! looks. Instead of looking at the hungry and oppressed people of the world, he turns a blind eye to them, until it becomes a massacre and the issue of poverty and hunger! to be solved forever. Another example is Trump who: the right turns right. And it pumps lies, poverty and ugliness. He is like a mafia boss in Italy, even though everyone knows he is a criminal. He leads criminal gangs. But because of the fear of his lawyers, they don't give up. Rather, they show their bulletproof cars to each other. And they regret why they are not members of the mafia to have such a car. By killing Qassem Soleimani, even though everyone knows that he is a murderer, Trump is also right. And he is campaigning for the presidency. Do the American people want to make a murderer president? Doesn't the prosecutor know this? But because of the fear of his bodyguards, he does not say anything and does not act! Because he may die in a fake accident, or be killed in prison like students. He recently announced that 6 states voted for him in the battleground, and he is ahead of Biden. But he has mistaken the battlefield. Today, the battlefield is: universities. And Ahmad Mahini has the most votes there. Not a single person will vote for Biden or Trump. If the Electoral Card ignores this, the people will make the White House a Husseiniya: and they will hold Friday prayers there. More than 200 American universities are real battlegrounds to form the independent American states. And Trump and Biden, forever disappear from history. The prosecutor should also know that he must arrest Trump once to prove: America is no longer a place of Golan Heights, and people are no longer looking for slave hats. Rather, Golan is the place of thinkers, students, professors and cultured people. Gone are the days when a shepherd or cowherd becomes president. Today is the age of thinking. Knowledge and education are considered power. (Al-Alam Sultan). As in Iran, the wisest and most jurist people become rulers and governors. They have this message: We are in the age of civilization! And the era of Qolchmaqs and Qolchmaqs has come to an end. American academics and people have proven that they are not afraid of the police! They are not afraid of prison and beating by the police. And they are the expressive language of the civilization age. Election managers and especially: prosecutors should understand this. They should consider the students' march and demonstration as a referendum. A referendum that happens every day on: the floor of the streets. If they close their ears to these slogans, people will take all of them to the corner of the ring by electing Ahmad Mahini, and throw them in the dustbin of history. As Trump mentioned in his tweet. He should know that the law is above people. And if he does not obey the law, and does not surrender, we will surrender him! And if he does not commit suicide, we will kill him. America, in the age of education and jurisprudence, must be saved from the existence of such forceful and deceitful people. Because America has become part of the world community and subordinate to the Iranian empire, and they don't know. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, warns once again: if Trump wants to disrupt the election process, he will be physically assassinated before the election. Therefore, it is better for him to resign himself. And do not appear in any social media. Long live the age of culture and jurisprudence.