GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Exterminator bureaucracies

All-round defense of anti-oppression students of American, Canadian universities and all students around the world, who fight against the oppressor and defend the oppressed according to the will of Hazrat Ali, is obligatory. Shame on the American mercenary police, Republican and Democratic parties. who defend the oppressor and attack the oppressed! Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, condemned both parties by publishing a statement. Because they become the treasury! have become Israel The Democrats will approve as much money as Israel wants, and as many weapons as it wants! Republicans are sending him. Therefore, bureaucrats and technocrats, due to their narrow-mindedness, which they called structuralism, are essentially enemies of humanity. Because the bureaucracy does not have the power to absorb 8 billion people, it is forced to reduce the population (massacre) until it reaches six million Zionists! that can be managed. Basically, the party is monopolistic, narrow-minded and against human development. Because he has no worse excuse for his poor management. While the Prophets and Saints paid attention to all human beings by creating the Ummah and are proud of them. But the parties have only a cadre and central point of view, they even turn their backs on their supporters: and they see them only as cannon fodder, when necessary! Call and form a plenum. In this American electoral voting, sometimes even one vote changes people's fate! While the fate of people should not be played. The foundation of the Republican Party is based on the sale of weapons. And therefore, there must be war, or the shadow of war, in the whole world so that people buy more weapons. And they can dominate public opinion with astronomical income. Trump's only advantage over Biden is that: people to the myth of their wealth! leads to the voting field. But everyone knows that no matter how much his wealth is, it cannot even justify his tax evasion. Because it can be said that all the wealth of the world is provided by tax evasion. The existence of all humans is zero! This is why the Qur'an says: You poor people! The wealth of those who have an illusion of wealth is from not paying khums, zakat, taxes, worker's rights, insurance, and the like. In fact, rich people are thieves who come with a light: and they pick people's pockets in broad daylight, for example, what does Microsoft or Amazon do? They sell their worthless products at the highest possible price, in complete monopoly and narrow-mindedness. It impoverishes millions of people to make themselves rich. All pyramid schemes, betting and gambling, etc., are all based on robbery and theft in broad daylight. Just like the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, they have become rich to the people based on the high price of food. What do trusts and cartels mean? It means pulling people into the shop! And emptying their pockets. To trap people like mice, who have no other way than to buy installments, that is, to sell their future income. Expensiveness and poverty are the product of gas attacks: basic technology companies, and bureaucratic people. They make complex formulas: that people do not understand! so that they can empty their pockets easily. Bank lottery is for the same purpose: they show in the green garden and: they empty everyone's pockets. And in this system, today, students and intellectuals of the world have risen. And I ask them to continue their uprising. Destroy police stations. Divide the palaces among the poor. And leave the police departments to the homeless. Taki must be the American police, the illegitimate children of two parties, who: in fact, are no more than a few bureaucrats responsible for Zionism. Today, the heads of these dragons have been smashed. God's hand has come out of Iran, help this hand. Thanks to Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate

The factor of increasing poverty

The factor of increasing poverty: the rule of technocrats
In a paradox of technocrats and common people, technocrats always win. And therefore the common people get frustrated and disappointed. For example, the issue of construction and public housing is the biggest issue of technocrats. As we witness: whenever housing becomes cheap and plentiful, technocrats become unemployed! And they get less profit. Therefore, there should always be a shortage of housing, so that they can make big profits. In fact, the wealth of the technocrats comes from the poverty of the common people. It is the same in the case of banks: when the banks are fat, it means that the people are poor. Because they gave everything they had to the banks. In agriculture, etc., and even in medicine, this is disastrous. For example, they say not to eat salt! Or do not consume sugar. While people get sick! And they go to the hospital, first of all, they receive sugar and salt serum! And this means making people sick who: have to go to the doctor. Or instead of dividing the treasury equally, they saved it in banks! And they give people a trickle in the name of subsidies. And that's why in industrial production! Instead of using wood chips and sawdust, subsidized wheat flour to produce MDF! to use And instead of refining oil, they smuggle it crude and widely. Because it is profitable to smuggle. The betrayal of the technocrats is not limited here, they considered selling the homeland as permissible under the pretext of technology, science and expertise and were proud of it. The sincerity of their words was that: if the industrial world has reached its progress at a high speed in all fields, it has been through abandoning religion and separating politics from religion. Ideology was defined by the number of people! So that no one goes to God. According to them, humanism is seeking superiority: it is a human who has rebelled against God. He led the chariot of the gods to Mount Olympus, imprisoned them and cut off their hands from the world! They have even interfered in people's dressing: for example, wearing a tie is a characteristic, felt hat is a cause of lagging behind the caravan of progress! They said to Bakhtiari, the owner of the oil wells: You are the seal of Ali here! The oil well of thirty bags! They said give all the antiques, antiquities and gold and silver treasures to Israel, England and America, who appreciate them! They build skyscrapers as advanced technology! They considered it to be a blessed place, destroyed the house of God and the tombs of the innocents for the sake of finding treasures. In Saudi Arabia, they have destroyed three thousand historical monuments and turned them into highways. God's house has been placed like a millet grain in front of the greatness of Burj Al-Abraaj. Technocrats have no commitment to humanity, morals and religions and only consider Zionism on Saturdays to strengthen Israel's war machine: praying for victory in the massacre of Palestinians. They considered destruction and destruction with atomic bombs as their right and wanted Japan and Germany without an army. Not only did they use phosphorus bombs to massacre humanity, but they also gave a reward for the destruction of Gaza. According to them, the oppressed people of Palestine, who were fighting to get their land back, were a bunch of backward people who: only death could make them progress! They breathed progress, but they meant progress in the massacre of the world. Because they looked at America only as an arsenal and a dump of ammunition to strengthen their war machine. And the exporter of skilled soldiers to Russia! These weapons! Only Russians were valid if they had a Zionist president like Ukraine. And in a word, technology has been the task of superiority: the minority Zionists over the global majority. And the technocrats only thought about the massacre of backward people. And they knew the way to progress: building bigger destroyers. 8 billion bread eaters as soon as possible! 6 million Zionists should be freed.

Coping or adapting

Everyone is trying to adapt the Quranic sciences with new sciences, while it was created based on confronting the Quran. For example, the theory of evolution says that man arose from a monkey and evolved, while the Qur'an says: We created man in the best calendar. We created man at his highest level. All sciences try to de-God, that is, to make God unemployed and retired, while the Qur'an says that God is active. And the whole Yom Ho Fei Shan. The concept of democracy, which many consider to be Quranic, is actually the adaptation of the Quran to disbelief. Democracy means the rule of the people over the people, while the Qur'an says the rule of God over the people. All science is actually a summary of the words of Roman Caesar, who limited God to the heavens and left the earth for Caesar to rule. Science, which we interpret as classical or secular, only aims to de-religiousize. While the Quran advises people to be religious. Taylor's and Fayol's management is based on human being as an intelligent programmed gorilla, while Quranic management is based on human dignity and magnificence. Fayol's management is from the bottom up, which means that people are first foremen, then intermediate managers, and then they reach top management. But in the Qur'an, from the very beginning, man has the highest position, i.e., the successor of God on the whole earth. Now we are going to correct and confront the principles and functions of management: the definition of management is to maximize profit for oneself, while the Qur'an says, "I do not recommend against implementation." It means that the Prophet has zero expectations for guiding and planning, selecting and employing people. It is also mentioned in the narrations that a believer is less expensive for himself and more profitable for others. That is, the salaries of CEOs tend to zero according to management degrees. The duties of management in the Qur'an are four things or cases: The manager is the work of four close angels: Gabriel is the agent and life and legislative power, Michael is the executive power and provider, Israfil is the inspector and judicial power, Azrael is also the agent of collection and transfer and the power of divine death. Is. In the same way, Ali in Nahj al-Balagha considers the duties of teachers to be four: financial affairs (tax collection), restoration of the people (cultural), construction of the land (construction), and jihad against the enemies (military). The house of the Kaaba has four sides. God's human resource management is based on creation, not transformation. That is, whatever force God wants to employ, He creates it from nothing. But Western resource management is based on stealing other people's resources. And their raw material is transformation or production. And therefore, in a sense, God has made this world a management workshop for man so that he can discover his talents and prepare for the management of a bigger world (heaven and hell). The motives or basis of God's power are based on rewards and punishments. And he considers the highest motivation for man to melt in himself. And do what God does in managing the world. Pure obedience or unity of command is the only way in. The training of human resources is done directly by God through revelation, and he taught agriculture and animal husbandry to Hazrat Adam, sewing clothes and teaching to Idris, writing to Prophet Seth, etc. While in western theories, everything is determined based on incidents and accidents. In fact, non-scientific foundations are the basis of management. For this reason, no management theory has more than one use. And all those who experience it, find it ineffective and incomplete and give a new theory themselves. While the Qur'an says that the end of the Ummah will not last forever...

How to fight against hijab

Hijab is God's command: people should be present in the streets, and support the officers in the fight against not wearing the hijab. The greatest motivation of the martyrs was the hijab: because I myself fell into the Shah's political prison many times, just because of the struggle against hijab, in 1956, the height of the struggle against the hijab, and the height of desperation, I complained to God: why doesn't he prevent these hijabs? Dirty songs with dirty lyrics call people to the sea to show up there with minimal hijab and nakedness. Everywhere was compared to the sea. When I was a teenage reporter, at Girls and Boys Magazine, the managers always put us young girls without hijabs: which was called Mini Jup at that time. They once invited ALimmohammadi, who calls himself the husband of actress Marjan. In the hall of the Information Institute, all the journalists were gathered. The reporter jealously asked him that: When your wife becomes an object of others and creates sexy scenes in the movie Gholam Gendarme, you don't get upset (doesn't it suit your jealousy?) He answered: It's like by the sea! Do you feel jealous when you go to the seaside? My wife has to have sex with everyone due to the requirements of her job. Cinema is based on sex. women and wine When I reached the rank of the youngest reporter of the youth magazine, they asked me to post photos of prostitutes and naked actresses for free in some hours of the day, in addition to preparing reports. All this meanness and ignominy in the Cultural Institute of Information forced me to go to the funny newspaper of that time, that is, Tawfiq. Sometimes he wrote jokes about being naked. But these jokes were useless, because my family was disappearing before my eyes. I had to give my sister one Rial a day so that she could go out with a tent. We used to propose to everyone, they said that the wedding night should be drunk! With great difficulty, I found a good and veiled wife who was a teacher training student: we performed Abu Dhar's play on the wedding night! According to Dr. Shariati, who wrote the book Hasan and Mehbooba. Finally, the people rose up. And they created the incident of 17th of Shahrivar. All their rebellion was with veiled women to the point where: Farah wore a tent during the pilgrimage of Imam Reza. And he said to the reporter: Maybe one day Chador will become Iran's Madroz. Professor Motahari, who was angered by the insolence of Zan Rooz magazine, was forced to write the whole hijab issue with taqiyyah. But today, the jurist and ruler of our Shariah, Mossut Al-eed, and should not let that era return. And people make fun of hijab in the name of becoming European or American. They don't want to believe that: Americans or Europeans themselves will be veiled. And they still sigh at the memory of Taghut era. Most cosmetics are consumed in Iran. While the cleanest women are in Europe and America. Even in Turkey, where there is an ideal of non-hijabs, only by the sea of Antalya, it is like this, the rest of the Turkish people wear hijabs. Wherever the enemy is lacking, it will not be lacking here! Still, our bus or taxi drivers sing seafaring songs. After 50 years, they still don't believe in the revolution. Even though the biggest drone attack on Israel was heard all over the world, which may be the heavenly sign that is one of the signs of the coming, but the enemy is trying to change everything with his only propaganda tool, i.e. International. Like those who shouted in the Uhud Strait, we have not been defeated yet! They also shout that we will destroy the drone attack by not wearing hijab. And they counter that great victory by dividing money among prostitutes. Whores who just scream. They simply see that: budding prostitutes are free! Girls and women who smoke, drink, and sleep in the arms of men for free to show themselves naked.