Here, techniques are taught that: you can kill Trump easily and with your bare hands: for example, knowing the chakras: there are seven points on the body that: with a strong blow of the index finger! A person will die, for example, if you put a finger firmly under the throat of a person, he will die. Therefore, by practicing on the sand, it can be strengthened, so that whenever you see Trump, you kill him. Why should you kill Trump? The most important reason is that: American logic says that if you don't kill, they will kill you! That is, if Trump, who is available now, is not killed. Tomorrow, when he votes, he will kill all the students in an atrocious manner! And like the previous course, he calls it: student suicide! Therefore, he was involved in the murder of many people, and he should be avenged. Including in the murder of Martyr Soleimani, Abu Muhandes and eight of their companions. Although Iran wants to take revenge on them, there are more than four laws that prevent it: First, Iran is the 52nd state of the United States, so any action against Trump must be taken through the state court. Secondly, in Iran, the capitulation law has not been officially canceled yet, so according to this law, this case should be heard in Washington. For this reason, Iran cannot file a complaint against Israel or take Trump to court. Third, due to Iran's adherence to the JCPOA, tearing up the JCPOA is ignored. Therefore, the killing of Iranians, especially General Soleimani, was according to the JCPOA, and Trump is not to blame. And finally, according to the 2030 document (family planning) and the like, Iran's population must decrease! Therefore, whatever Iranians are killed, in any way, is not considered a crime. But it also has a prize. For this reason, the claim of 10 million Iranian killings has not been confirmed by England anywhere, and it has no record. So, in order to help Iran, Trump should be convicted and executed for so many crimes. In addition to the fact that Trump has a case of tax evasion, embezzlement and bribery, the prosecutor has declared him a fugitive. There are many ways to carry out Trump's death sentence: the first is to kill with bare hands: in martial arts and self-defense, all these methods are taught. Therefore, a martial artist can cut off his head with a kick. A boxer can: make him understand by punching the confused person. Second: Use of cold weapons: It is allowed to carry cold weapons in all election meetings and gatherings. Therefore, a person who does not have physical strength, or does not know martial arts, can carry boxing gloves or knives and machete with him. Even with a nail clipper or a key ring, you can take his breath away. Because old age, excessive use of drugs, has not left him a chance. He may have a stroke even after starting the operation and seeing the attack! and disappear. As after an Iranian hit him on the neck, he stopped attending meetings. And this matter imposed a high cost on him for his advertising and protection. Third, the use of firearms or automatic weapons. that a person can do his work from a further distance and leave the scene after Trump dies. Fourth, the use of professional killers. That is, he paid the salary of a professional assassin, so that he himself would kill Trump in his own way. And they usually do this cleanly, leaving no evidence. Of course, there are as many ways to kill Trump as there are people! That means anyone can do this. For example, someone may offer him a poisonous ice cream. Or put poison in his food. Or make fake alcohol. Therefore, I recommend to all those who are friends and collaborators with Trump: if they eliminate my rival, in addition to the cash prize, they should be honored with the responsibility of the American presidency, or: good posts in I leave it to them. Hoping for free elections: in the absence of Republican and Democratic parties. Thank you: Ahmad Mahini: US presidential candidate and the founder of global unity.
No one has the right to advertise about these two, and severe punishment awaits them. All human meetings should be disrupted, and if someone can throw a tomato or hit them with a fist, if he has a strong body, he should hit one of their seven chakras with his index finger. So that the world will be free from them forever
Democratic and Republican parties should be dissolved due to the suppression of students! They have betrayed people and students for two hundred years, and today is the end of the line! And we give them the end point (full stop) and (dead line). And we will have a funeral ceremony for them! enough. Enough of all this oppression. 300 million in America, and 8 billion in the world, the captives of the Rothschild family and the E-Pack organization and the like are enough. All Rothschilds must be killed! And their wealth should be distributed among the poor. Zionist and liberal organization: hidden and open, they have no value anymore. We have to fight against a system that has placed 99% of the world's wealth in just one percent of them. The only way to fight is the justice of Ali, that these riches should be confiscated and its people should be executed, and its resources should be divided equally among all. Even those black people in remote African jungle villages have a share of this wealth. All American weapons factories should be confiscated. All of them become residential units and complexes. The weapons must be melted and made of them: an iron beam and a corner! and be used to build housing for the homeless. The share of all the people of the world should be given equally. Because America has been robbing the people of the world for 70 years! And it adds to the wealth of the one percenters. According to the latest statistics, 75% of American assets are owned by the Zionists. Naturally, they do not like anti-Zionist students. Therefore, students should know that: they are their main enemy, that: their property should be confiscated and given to the poor. One of my plans is to make the whole world a land. And the whole population in one big data! be collected According to preliminary estimates, the total population of the world is 8 billion people, and the total area of the earth is 510 million square kilometers! This means that each person gets 60,000 square meters of land. Every human being is the owner of 60 thousand square meters. The Rothschild family and other big owners have taken all this to the point where 45 million people are homeless in America. The total wealth of the world is 450 trillion dollars. It means that every person on earth has 56 thousand dollars of wealth! All of which are gathered in the hands of the likes of Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc. They must stop accumulating wealth. And share whatever they have among the people. While cruelly, they have taken the wealth in their hands, and they have made the people in debt for the same amount! Now the amount of US foreign debt is 30 trillion dollars, the public debt is 16 trillion dollars. This means that every American who is born owes one hundred thousand dollars. The expenses of the American government are 6 trillion dollars, while its income is not more than 3 trillion dollars. A deficit is imposed on the people. With all these misfortunes, 35 trillion dollars, it gives financial aid to Israel! And more than 31 trillion dollars, it does not have currency reserves. All this means that the American government is a coercive, authoritarian and expensive government, which closes the way for the poor and helps the rich in robbing the people! And all this is planned in these two parties. Therefore, to the American police and the supporters of the Biden and Trump governments! I warn: it would be better if they resigned and became hermits. Otherwise, the students will go to all their properties and confiscate them and divide them among the people. Students have a duty from today: to identify these properties and properties and provide them to the media. And if they don't cooperate, inform the people of the world on social networks. It is natural that a part of this wealth will be given to those who cooperate in the study and preparation of information. They can collect information locally, but university professors must act on a large scale. Thank you Ahmad Mahini: US presidential candidate from Mahin's Party, and the founder of World Unity
All those who did not act to defend American students are mercenary celebrities: Biden and Trump. These can also be considered spies of the FBI organization, because now in America, two parties have united and: in the shadow of the federal police, they are confronting anti-oppression students. Therefore, Iranian celebrities! Infantry: FBI, CIA and Pentagon. Some of them are officially dual citizens and have pledged to the American police. But the others have also committed secretly. Their case is open in the federal police and they get paid from there. Most of them are supporters of Trump's victory! to complete the work of the Islamic Republic. Some defend diplomatically! They say that with Trump's victory, the collapse of America will accelerate. Like many who support Netanyahu! But they give the opposite reason: they say: Netanyahu's behavior brings the death of Israel closer. While on this side, I am a candidate and I will not let the two of them vote, i.e. Biden and Trump. Because Biden has old age and Alzheimer's. Trump also has the salary tax case and the murder of Martyr Soleimani. My plans include: to take Iran out of the 52nd state of America (and capitulation, document 2030, JCPOA). And on the contrary, make America the 32nd province of Iran. For more than 60 years, I have written articles and given lectures and debates in this regard. My second plan is the transformation of the White House into Hosseinieh, which I started a few years ago and so far, many steps have been taken. Today, people easily hold Friday prayers and congregations in its courtyard, and Muharram days are also celebrated. Only one sponsor should be found to feed the Hosseini worshipers and mourners. In this case, both the population will increase and the occupation and change of use of the White House will be easier and faster. If I vote, I will close all the Delta and state bodies and hand over their buildings to the homeless. I will free Iran's assets, and return stolen or smuggled property. More importantly, I will support the students and take them to Gaza and visit Jerusalem. I have already purchased a large plot of land in the city of Baalbek, which will be a free base or procession for feeding and housing students. The distance from my land to Jerusalem is 20 minutes by car and if they walk, it will take 5 hours. In order to make this free: the pilgrimage of anti-oppression students of 200 American universities (and even Canadian, English, French and Spanish...) I have already ordered Yemen (Al-Houthi) to repair and restore all one hundred and twenty confiscated ships. Send to US ports. that students can reach Lebanon and the city of Baalbek for free. All my speeches and debates will be in Jerusalem. The next plan is to move the United Nations to Gaza. and give its buildings to the poor. Israel doesn't have two more options: Either move towards decline with Netanyahu's policies: and disappear altogether. Or to join the protest Saturdays with my supporters in Tel Aviv: so that they can remain in Israel: oust the Netanyahu government, and form a coalition government of repentant Arabs, Christians and Jews. The United Nations also removed the name of Israel from the list of countries and called the entire region Palestine. I will ask the American representative not to veto any more. And let free elections be held in the entire Palestinian region according to the vote of the General Assembly. Therefore, I ask the celebrities not to be silent, but to support the students, so that I get a high vote. Because after traveling to Gaza, students return to their universities with a bag of experience and knowledge. And they will implement my plans. Thank you: Ahmad Mahini, US presidential candidate from Mahin Party and founder of World Unity
All American anti-atrocity students are invited to reach Gaza by any means possible. So that Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, will give a speech to them. He has decided to hold all his meetings, debates and propaganda carnivals in Gaza. These lectures will be translated into 128 languages of the world and published in Naday Mahin magazine: any applicant can receive the PDF for free by sending a message on Telegram: 00989120836492. Dear students, it is their responsibility to guide them through the necessary channels. identify and reach Gaza. Therefore, in the first stage, all those who have the ability to be in Gaza are given priority. They can form resistance nuclei and bring some with them. The people of Gaza are eagerly waiting for your help and friendship. The second stage of sending is related to those who have weak financial means. They have to come to Gaza on long walks. For example, by visiting the embassies of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, etc., they should declare their readiness, so that Yemen can transport them with hundreds of ships that they captured from America. . The people of Lebanon, especially the city of Baalbek, are fully prepared to accommodate and feed them for free. Baalbek in Lebanon is the closest safe route to Jerusalem and Gaza. which is 20 minutes away. Everyone can consider this city as their home, especially the Blessed Tomb (Khola bint Al-Hussein) and the Grand Mosque. The people of Gaza are ready to bring them to Jerusalem through safe canals and tunnels. or receive them in Gaza. Gaza is now preparing itself: to host 8 billion people of the world, from every corner, language and thought. Gaza is the center of awakening and consciousness: all the people of the world. Although they gave 40 thousand martyrs, they got 8 billion supporters instead. Therefore, they consider it their honor to welcome all human beings, of every color, race, and creed, for free. and accompany them to visit Jerusalem. So our plan is: to participate in congregational prayers every day, we will meet each other in Friday prayers every week. A procession will be held after the Friday prayer. Everyone in the world can: do something like this, and then connect with each other (or those who believe, be patient and patient and connect and fear God so that you may prosper) so that God will bring them to happiness and prosperity. The happiness and prosperity of the world is in following the divine orders: for coexistence, peace and friendship. With your presence in Gaza, the war will end! And Israel is removed from the scene forever. Of course, pacifists from Israel have a separate line. We invite them to Gaza. Those who keep protest on Saturdays in difficult police and military conditions, and think of deep peace with all the people of the world. Those who are missing from Israel's war machine. And they ask God to destroy forever: the war machine and the technology of the exterminators... In my country, which used to be the 52nd state of America, and now it is the superpower of the world: everyone is eagerly waiting for Arbaeen to come for the whole world to see. : that the people who have come to Arbaeen do not intend to return to their homes! to wait for another year. Rather, they will have a step on the way to Gaza. And when visiting Jerusalem, they will say: The road to Jerusalem passes through Karbala. Stay with us to see the ultimate peace and friendship:
Thanks to Ahmad Mahini, the founder of World Unity, and the candidate for the presidency of the United States