GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Invitation to Gaza

All American anti-atrocity students are invited to reach Gaza by any means possible. So that Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, will give a speech to them. He has decided to hold all his meetings, debates and propaganda carnivals in Gaza. These lectures will be translated into 128 languages of the world and published in Naday Mahin magazine: any applicant can receive the PDF for free by sending a message on Telegram: 00989120836492. Dear students, it is their responsibility to guide them through the necessary channels. identify and reach Gaza. Therefore, in the first stage, all those who have the ability to be in Gaza are given priority. They can form resistance nuclei and bring some with them. The people of Gaza are eagerly waiting for your help and friendship. The second stage of sending is related to those who have weak financial means. They have to come to Gaza on long walks. For example, by visiting the embassies of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, etc., they should declare their readiness, so that Yemen can transport them with hundreds of ships that they captured from America. . The people of Lebanon, especially the city of Baalbek, are fully prepared to accommodate and feed them for free. Baalbek in Lebanon is the closest safe route to Jerusalem and Gaza. which is 20 minutes away. Everyone can consider this city as their home, especially the Blessed Tomb (Khola bint Al-Hussein) and the Grand Mosque. The people of Gaza are ready to bring them to Jerusalem through safe canals and tunnels. or receive them in Gaza. Gaza is now preparing itself: to host 8 billion people of the world, from every corner, language and thought. Gaza is the center of awakening and consciousness: all the people of the world. Although they gave 40 thousand martyrs, they got 8 billion supporters instead. Therefore, they consider it their honor to welcome all human beings, of every color, race, and creed, for free. and accompany them to visit Jerusalem. So our plan is: to participate in congregational prayers every day, we will meet each other in Friday prayers every week. A procession will be held after the Friday prayer. Everyone in the world can: do something like this, and then connect with each other (or those who believe, be patient and patient and connect and fear God so that you may prosper) so that God will bring them to happiness and prosperity. The happiness and prosperity of the world is in following the divine orders: for coexistence, peace and friendship. With your presence in Gaza, the war will end! And Israel is removed from the scene forever. Of course, pacifists from Israel have a separate line. We invite them to Gaza. Those who keep protest on Saturdays in difficult police and military conditions, and think of deep peace with all the people of the world. Those who are missing from Israel's war machine. And they ask God to destroy forever: the war machine and the technology of the exterminators... In my country, which used to be the 52nd state of America, and now it is the superpower of the world: everyone is eagerly waiting for Arbaeen to come for the whole world to see. : that the people who have come to Arbaeen do not intend to return to their homes! to wait for another year. Rather, they will have a step on the way to Gaza. And when visiting Jerusalem, they will say: The road to Jerusalem passes through Karbala. Stay with us to see the ultimate peace and friendship:
Thanks to Ahmad Mahini, the founder of World Unity, and the candidate for the presidency of the United States