GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Celebrities for hire: America's police

All those who did not act to defend American students are mercenary celebrities: Biden and Trump. These can also be considered spies of the FBI organization, because now in America, two parties have united and: in the shadow of the federal police, they are confronting anti-oppression students. Therefore, Iranian celebrities! Infantry: FBI, CIA and Pentagon. Some of them are officially dual citizens and have pledged to the American police. But the others have also committed secretly. Their case is open in the federal police and they get paid from there. Most of them are supporters of Trump's victory! to complete the work of the Islamic Republic. Some defend diplomatically! They say that with Trump's victory, the collapse of America will accelerate. Like many who support Netanyahu! But they give the opposite reason: they say: Netanyahu's behavior brings the death of Israel closer. While on this side, I am a candidate and I will not let the two of them vote, i.e. Biden and Trump. Because Biden has old age and Alzheimer's. Trump also has the salary tax case and the murder of Martyr Soleimani. My plans include: to take Iran out of the 52nd state of America (and capitulation, document 2030, JCPOA). And on the contrary, make America the 32nd province of Iran. For more than 60 years, I have written articles and given lectures and debates in this regard. My second plan is the transformation of the White House into Hosseinieh, which I started a few years ago and so far, many steps have been taken. Today, people easily hold Friday prayers and congregations in its courtyard, and Muharram days are also celebrated. Only one sponsor should be found to feed the Hosseini worshipers and mourners. In this case, both the population will increase and the occupation and change of use of the White House will be easier and faster. If I vote, I will close all the Delta and state bodies and hand over their buildings to the homeless. I will free Iran's assets, and return stolen or smuggled property. More importantly, I will support the students and take them to Gaza and visit Jerusalem. I have already purchased a large plot of land in the city of Baalbek, which will be a free base or procession for feeding and housing students. The distance from my land to Jerusalem is 20 minutes by car and if they walk, it will take 5 hours. In order to make this free: the pilgrimage of anti-oppression students of 200 American universities (and even Canadian, English, French and Spanish...) I have already ordered Yemen (Al-Houthi) to repair and restore all one hundred and twenty confiscated ships. Send to US ports. that students can reach Lebanon and the city of Baalbek for free. All my speeches and debates will be in Jerusalem. The next plan is to move the United Nations to Gaza. and give its buildings to the poor. Israel doesn't have two more options: Either move towards decline with Netanyahu's policies: and disappear altogether. Or to join the protest Saturdays with my supporters in Tel Aviv: so that they can remain in Israel: oust the Netanyahu government, and form a coalition government of repentant Arabs, Christians and Jews. The United Nations also removed the name of Israel from the list of countries and called the entire region Palestine. I will ask the American representative not to veto any more. And let free elections be held in the entire Palestinian region according to the vote of the General Assembly. Therefore, I ask the celebrities not to be silent, but to support the students, so that I get a high vote. Because after traveling to Gaza, students return to their universities with a bag of experience and knowledge. And they will implement my plans. Thank you: Ahmad Mahini, US presidential candidate from Mahin Party and founder of World Unity