GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The factor of increasing poverty

The factor of increasing poverty: the rule of technocrats
In a paradox of technocrats and common people, technocrats always win. And therefore the common people get frustrated and disappointed. For example, the issue of construction and public housing is the biggest issue of technocrats. As we witness: whenever housing becomes cheap and plentiful, technocrats become unemployed! And they get less profit. Therefore, there should always be a shortage of housing, so that they can make big profits. In fact, the wealth of the technocrats comes from the poverty of the common people. It is the same in the case of banks: when the banks are fat, it means that the people are poor. Because they gave everything they had to the banks. In agriculture, etc., and even in medicine, this is disastrous. For example, they say not to eat salt! Or do not consume sugar. While people get sick! And they go to the hospital, first of all, they receive sugar and salt serum! And this means making people sick who: have to go to the doctor. Or instead of dividing the treasury equally, they saved it in banks! And they give people a trickle in the name of subsidies. And that's why in industrial production! Instead of using wood chips and sawdust, subsidized wheat flour to produce MDF! to use And instead of refining oil, they smuggle it crude and widely. Because it is profitable to smuggle. The betrayal of the technocrats is not limited here, they considered selling the homeland as permissible under the pretext of technology, science and expertise and were proud of it. The sincerity of their words was that: if the industrial world has reached its progress at a high speed in all fields, it has been through abandoning religion and separating politics from religion. Ideology was defined by the number of people! So that no one goes to God. According to them, humanism is seeking superiority: it is a human who has rebelled against God. He led the chariot of the gods to Mount Olympus, imprisoned them and cut off their hands from the world! They have even interfered in people's dressing: for example, wearing a tie is a characteristic, felt hat is a cause of lagging behind the caravan of progress! They said to Bakhtiari, the owner of the oil wells: You are the seal of Ali here! The oil well of thirty bags! They said give all the antiques, antiquities and gold and silver treasures to Israel, England and America, who appreciate them! They build skyscrapers as advanced technology! They considered it to be a blessed place, destroyed the house of God and the tombs of the innocents for the sake of finding treasures. In Saudi Arabia, they have destroyed three thousand historical monuments and turned them into highways. God's house has been placed like a millet grain in front of the greatness of Burj Al-Abraaj. Technocrats have no commitment to humanity, morals and religions and only consider Zionism on Saturdays to strengthen Israel's war machine: praying for victory in the massacre of Palestinians. They considered destruction and destruction with atomic bombs as their right and wanted Japan and Germany without an army. Not only did they use phosphorus bombs to massacre humanity, but they also gave a reward for the destruction of Gaza. According to them, the oppressed people of Palestine, who were fighting to get their land back, were a bunch of backward people who: only death could make them progress! They breathed progress, but they meant progress in the massacre of the world. Because they looked at America only as an arsenal and a dump of ammunition to strengthen their war machine. And the exporter of skilled soldiers to Russia! These weapons! Only Russians were valid if they had a Zionist president like Ukraine. And in a word, technology has been the task of superiority: the minority Zionists over the global majority. And the technocrats only thought about the massacre of backward people. And they knew the way to progress: building bigger destroyers. 8 billion bread eaters as soon as possible! 6 million Zionists should be freed.

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