GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Expose the informants

According to the information received by the election office of Ahmad Mahini: US presidential candidate, an extremely secret meeting of the federal police is held every day. They have three meeting agendas that they perpetuate every day: First, the increase in the popularity of Ahmad Mahini, second, the expansion of anti-Israel demonstrations, and third, the increase in the number of informants. According to the latest analysis of this meeting, the popularity of Ahmad Mahini has reached 99%. It is even popular among the federal police. And on the other hand, with all the efforts and expenses of Trump and Biden, they are not popular even among the party members. They may be forced by the party to announce positions in favor of Trump or Biden, like the federal police, but they can express their opinions by secret ballot. And in every state, vote for the dissolution and resignation of Biden and Trump. It also shows news about anti-Israeli demonstrations. All the people are with the demonstrations. And even the Persian slogans of death to Israel. And they participate in Friday prayers at the White House. It is even feared that the White House and the Congress will be permanently occupied. Therefore, the general decision is to receive more funding and hire news from China. Of course, Trump has ordered the prisoners to be killed by the opposition. So far, more than a hundred thousand people have disappeared in the independent states of America and there is no news about them. The informants, while confirming this news, try to make it a rumor so that the students do not go to the demonstrations. However, the prosecution must enter. and pursue crimes. Of course, we know that the prosecution is also scared. Because on the one hand, Trump has promised money and favors, and on the other hand, the opposition is being overpowered by his bodyguards and they are showing a normal accident. Therefore, Ahmad Mahini asked all his students and supporters to expose the informers. So that people will take care of them. The secret list of informants is usually inside the Federal Police archives. And payments are made to them every day. By revealing their names, the Federal Police will be disbanded sooner. Therefore, the disclosure of informers or their popular arrest should be the first headline. The American police should know: if they want to live among the people and be with the people, they must introduce these informants according to the list and document. This makes three things clear: First, the police are not anti-people. and is with the people. And it will keep them after the revolution of the independent states of America. Second, it will calm people down. Because it prevents destruction and rumors against the servants and revolutionaries so that they don't accuse each other. Third, it prevents the secret massacre of students and revolutionaries. Because the arrests of people will be reduced and Trump's hands will be free to execute them. Because Trump, like the previous period, massacred imprisoned students. And then he claimed that they committed suicide.. It should be known that most of the informants are around Trump who were hired as bodyguards. And their repentance is only to kill Trump to avenge so many killings

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