GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa


Organization in Islam

Some people think that Noah built the ark with his mouth water, or that Persepolis grew out of the ground by chance, and that science and engineering only started during Taylor's time. Therefore, when we say organization from the point of view of Islam, they say that Islam belongs to 1400 years ago, but the theory of scientific management is from the time of Weber. It is as if the whole empire of Iran was without organization and staff, if the first time God created the organization, it is the headquarters of God's throne, which is The chair is also interpreted as having four pillars, and Bayt al-Ma'mor, which is the affairs of God's cities, is a little lower than the throne and has the same four dimensions, and the house of the Kaaba, which is above the throne of God, also has four sides. In his letter to Malik Ashtar, the governor, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) has four vice-chairs or affairs. Collection of taxes, financial affairs. Jihad of the enemies, military and political affairs. Isslah of the people, cultural affairs, and finally, the mansion of Baladha, civil affairs. The four pillars of the throne are Mikael, Gabriel, Israfil, and Azrael, which according to today's interpretation, Gabriel is the legislative and planning power that gives revelation to the prophet. Mikael is the executive power and the agent of sustenance and regulation of people's livelihood and economy. Esrafil is the judiciary and the agent of inspection and preparation of reports and their evaluation. Azrael is also a ranking and meritocracy officer. And appoints those who spend their apprenticeship in this world to the workshop or the main office. These four duties or pillars are also in human existence. Reason, will, conscience and repentance. It is even used in companies and enterprises. The Board of Directors of the Legislative Branch, the Managing Director of the Executive Branch, and the Inspectors of the Legal and Financial Affairs Branch, the Reward and Punishment Officer

علت ضد ولایت فقیه شدن

Making promises is against the authority of the jurist. All the presidents became against the authority of the jurisprudence and revolted in their last days. The reason for all of them was to make promises. Making a promise or making a plan is the factor of turning a religious element into an anti-religious element. In the functional analysis of Ahampinejad, Rouhani, Khatami, Rafsanjani, and even Bani Sadr and others, we reach the same factor. The reason for this is the westernization of the candidates. Because in the West, the president can dissolve the parliament and issuing orders for war or peace is with the head of the army, but in the Iranian constitution, this is not the case, the commander-in-chief is the leader, and the plans and programs must be approved by the parliament. Neither is the second person. But promising the presidency means assuming the first person and absolute sovereignty. In other words, he says that in order to fulfill my promise, I have to make the Majlis and the legal guardian subordinate to me, which is contrary to the principle of separation of powers. In simple words, when the president gives orders or plans, he thinks that he has made the legal guardian and the Majlis subordinate to him. But in practice, he sees that the parliament opposes his bills, for example, due to budgetary reasons. Or the jurist does not give him the authority of the armed forces. Therefore, first he says that they won't let me work, and then he incites the people against these forces and projects failures, so to speak, he wants to pass the authority of the jurist. throws Because in the constitution, the president is the executive, not the legislator. That is, talking and making promises is against the constitution and against the authority of his becoming a jurist from the very beginning. He should only be a good executive and act as he swears and not think of dissolving the parliament. Because the law of Iran has not given such a permission, of course, in the draft, it was higher than Wali Faqih, which was later amended. For example, Mr. Khamenei, when he was the president, opposed Imam Khomeini's words about the absolute authority of the jurist. But after choosing themselves, they entered first in all the work. And with Hashemi's resistance, the issue remained silent.

President of the enemies and friends

The president in Iran is actually the emperor of the world. And therefore, one should not get involved in minor issues, and stay away from high human goals. because now the whole world is waiting for Iran's elections. Ahmed Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that he is currently involved in Iran's presidential elections. I constantly monitor the interviews and speeches of the six candidates. Unfortunately, none of them know themselves, and they only repeat the analysis of Ayatollah BBC. They often program about inflation, unemployment and job creation, and poverty and deprivation of the Iranian people. While the program must be approved by the parliament. From here they buy liars for themselves. Because according to the separation of powers law, the parliament is not subordinate to the president. Therefore, it is wrong to give a plan, and it puts them in a hole where the next government accuses him of treason. If Hashemi had criticisms against the previous president and Ahmadinejad did not accept him, Rouhani was also against Ahmadinejad. And Risi is also anti-spiritual. While all of these lasted for 8 years, and were approved by the leadership. Of course, the big problem that all these presidents had was living in the conservative lobby. Therefore, most of them lived in the ivory tower, and their contact was with artificial people, who, to compensate for this shortcoming, reached out to foreign radios and took the line from them, they sadly believed. Radio is flattering, but alien radios are more honest. Of course, this trust in the enemy was meant for his identity or knowing the language of the world. The enemy also knew this, so he put all his energy on propaganda and propaganda against the republic. which has caused our people to have dual personalities. Although they knew that these words were the enemy's, they saw Iran as too strong to be harmed by these words. Therefore, everyone heard the words of the opponents, and analyzed based on them. But they were active in processions and rituals. Therefore, the foundation of the Iranian empire is right here, which thinks universally and welcomes criticism, and even considers it synonymous with it. because of two reasons. First, he wants the Islamic Republic to be flawless, and he wants to be the first in everything, and second, he loves everyone. He thinks that, for example, the BBC is not an enemy. Therefore, candidates are not excluded from this. They talk about the enemy, to disarm them. This is that the president of Iran becomes the president of the enemies. Therefore, he is considered the emperor of the world. Because he gets votes from his friends, but he also listens to his enemies

Life cycles

El exceso de trabajo acorta la vida. Y a veces provoca la muerte de una civilización. Ibn Jaldún examina treinta y seis civilizaciones y establece la ley de las civilizaciones. Dice que la civilización tiene un período inicial que comienza con el nerviosismo. Entonces es el período pico o de beneficios. Las ganancias conducen a la corrupción y la destrucción. que se rinde ante el nerviosismo ajeno. Por tanto, cuanto mayor sea el nerviosismo o la productividad de cualquier civilización, más corta será su vida. Porque quiere beneficiarse antes. Por lo tanto, el trabajo duro o el trabajo yihadista es el asesino de las civilizaciones pacíficas. lo que se llama síndrome de karoshi o demasiado trabajo. Actualmente, la civilización islámica iraní también se enfrenta a este peligro. Significa que las autoridades están tratando de compensar las pérdidas bajo el nombre de trabajo yihadista o incansable. Pero no saben que la revolución islámica nació desde el principio. Porque pudo resistir armado hasta los dientes contra la coalición global. Presionar por más poder provocará un ataque al corazón de la revolución. Como mató a un jefe. En el punto máximo del agotamiento, pidió a Dios que muriera. La noche de la promesa, dijo Sadiq, si esto es un peligro para el pueblo de Irán, le pido a Dios que me haga un sacrificio. Así lo afirma Ahmad Mahini, el candidato presidencial estadounidense. El mártir Beheshti colocó a la Revolución Islámica en el círculo organizativo. Significa que un gerente debería trabajar con diez personas en lugar de trabajar para diez personas. Por tanto, vemos que el movimiento de la organización pasó por el grupo, partido y organización. Por lo que dijo el Imam Jomeini. La revolución no depende de los individuos. Entonces, si no quieres la muerte de la revolución y la civilización islámicas, debes dejar de estar ocupado.

کاندیداهای نادان

Ignorance of the candidates

Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says. I know more about American society than Trump and Biden. They don't know that there are 45 million homeless people in America. They don't know that a quarter of Americans are in prison and another quarter are prison guards. They do not know that addiction and prostitution threaten the American generation. He also says that Iran's candidates grew up in ivory towers, and they don't know that Iran's employment has been resolved, even Afghans, Pakistanis and Iraqis are employed in Iran. They do not know that production is saturated, and no producer uses more than a quarter of its capacity. Even for this amount of production, there is no customer because the market is saturated. They think that it is still the time of the Shah, and people live in shantytowns. Whereas, on average, every Iranian has 4 homes and a shop. One in the village, one in the city, a villa in the north, one abroad and one for rent. They think there is poverty, while every Iranian with a code receives subsidies from dozens of budget lines, cash and livelihood subsidies, to everyone. and according to Shahid Rajaei's plan, no poor will remain. They don't know that we don't have a village without electricity, water, and gas, and they constantly express poverty and misery, which makes God angry.