Organization in Islam
Some people think that Noah built the ark with his mouth water, or that Persepolis grew out of the ground by chance, and that science and engineering only started during Taylor's time. Therefore, when we say organization from the point of view of Islam, they say that Islam belongs to 1400 years ago, but the theory of scientific management is from the time of Weber. It is as if the whole empire of Iran was without organization and staff, if the first time God created the organization, it is the headquarters of God's throne, which is The chair is also interpreted as having four pillars, and Bayt al-Ma'mor, which is the affairs of God's cities, is a little lower than the throne and has the same four dimensions, and the house of the Kaaba, which is above the throne of God, also has four sides. In his letter to Malik Ashtar, the governor, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) has four vice-chairs or affairs. Collection of taxes, financial affairs. Jihad of the enemies, military and political affairs. Isslah of the people, cultural affairs, and finally, the mansion of Baladha, civil affairs. The four pillars of the throne are Mikael, Gabriel, Israfil, and Azrael, which according to today's interpretation, Gabriel is the legislative and planning power that gives revelation to the prophet. Mikael is the executive power and the agent of sustenance and regulation of people's livelihood and economy. Esrafil is the judiciary and the agent of inspection and preparation of reports and their evaluation. Azrael is also a ranking and meritocracy officer. And appoints those who spend their apprenticeship in this world to the workshop or the main office. These four duties or pillars are also in human existence. Reason, will, conscience and repentance. It is even used in companies and enterprises. The Board of Directors of the Legislative Branch, the Managing Director of the Executive Branch, and the Inspectors of the Legal and Financial Affairs Branch, the Reward and Punishment Officer