GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

President of the enemies and friends

The president in Iran is actually the emperor of the world. And therefore, one should not get involved in minor issues, and stay away from high human goals. because now the whole world is waiting for Iran's elections. Ahmed Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that he is currently involved in Iran's presidential elections. I constantly monitor the interviews and speeches of the six candidates. Unfortunately, none of them know themselves, and they only repeat the analysis of Ayatollah BBC. They often program about inflation, unemployment and job creation, and poverty and deprivation of the Iranian people. While the program must be approved by the parliament. From here they buy liars for themselves. Because according to the separation of powers law, the parliament is not subordinate to the president. Therefore, it is wrong to give a plan, and it puts them in a hole where the next government accuses him of treason. If Hashemi had criticisms against the previous president and Ahmadinejad did not accept him, Rouhani was also against Ahmadinejad. And Risi is also anti-spiritual. While all of these lasted for 8 years, and were approved by the leadership. Of course, the big problem that all these presidents had was living in the conservative lobby. Therefore, most of them lived in the ivory tower, and their contact was with artificial people, who, to compensate for this shortcoming, reached out to foreign radios and took the line from them, they sadly believed. Radio is flattering, but alien radios are more honest. Of course, this trust in the enemy was meant for his identity or knowing the language of the world. The enemy also knew this, so he put all his energy on propaganda and propaganda against the republic. which has caused our people to have dual personalities. Although they knew that these words were the enemy's, they saw Iran as too strong to be harmed by these words. Therefore, everyone heard the words of the opponents, and analyzed based on them. But they were active in processions and rituals. Therefore, the foundation of the Iranian empire is right here, which thinks universally and welcomes criticism, and even considers it synonymous with it. because of two reasons. First, he wants the Islamic Republic to be flawless, and he wants to be the first in everything, and second, he loves everyone. He thinks that, for example, the BBC is not an enemy. Therefore, candidates are not excluded from this. They talk about the enemy, to disarm them. This is that the president of Iran becomes the president of the enemies. Therefore, he is considered the emperor of the world. Because he gets votes from his friends, but he also listens to his enemies