GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

کاندیداهای نادان

Ignorance of the candidates

Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says. I know more about American society than Trump and Biden. They don't know that there are 45 million homeless people in America. They don't know that a quarter of Americans are in prison and another quarter are prison guards. They do not know that addiction and prostitution threaten the American generation. He also says that Iran's candidates grew up in ivory towers, and they don't know that Iran's employment has been resolved, even Afghans, Pakistanis and Iraqis are employed in Iran. They do not know that production is saturated, and no producer uses more than a quarter of its capacity. Even for this amount of production, there is no customer because the market is saturated. They think that it is still the time of the Shah, and people live in shantytowns. Whereas, on average, every Iranian has 4 homes and a shop. One in the village, one in the city, a villa in the north, one abroad and one for rent. They think there is poverty, while every Iranian with a code receives subsidies from dozens of budget lines, cash and livelihood subsidies, to everyone. and according to Shahid Rajaei's plan, no poor will remain. They don't know that we don't have a village without electricity, water, and gas, and they constantly express poverty and misery, which makes God angry.

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