GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The difference between income and booty

Iran's budget includes two types of income: halal and haram income! The government should give the oil income to the people: Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: God's share of Anfal is consumed under the supervision of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him. It means it is consumed! No savings. In the narrations and jurisprudential books, natural resources and public wealth, war spoils, ownerless property such as the land that the owner abandoned and the property of the dead without inheritance, forests, valleys, reeds, fertile lands, mines, etc. .. all are considered from Anfal. After the division, if a person's income is added from personal expenses, he should be taxed from them. Therefore, it is forbidden to collect taxes without paying the oil revenue (or Anfal). And the essential difference between taxes and zakat and khums is this: that the guardian's budget is compensated by khums, and the government's budget is compensated by taxes and current budget from zakat. Therefore, in this regard, think tanks and centers should study, not to say: Let's see what America has done! We are not imitators of America! We are imitators of great verses, and with all due respect, we must point out one thing: prevent the conversion of thinking into translation. Because the selected experts and judges are completely translational. One of these judges said clearly: Iran is an undeveloped country, and the principles of development should be learned from advanced countries! Learn and believe it. This is exactly what the late Taghizadeh said a hundred years ago. It means translation movement. And worse than that, it means: banning internal thinking, and promoting the consumption of western ideas. Unfortunately, they consider all the haram things in Makasab as halal under the pretext of implementation in developed countries. The tragedy is that they do not know what is halal and haram. Therefore, bank interest, oil income, instead of being a blessing for the governments, causes them to fall. Therefore, once and for all, the government must accept in the current and economic issues of the country: whether it is halal or haram or not! Does he want to close the budget with the Zionist usury system or the Islamic method? This point is the bridge of Sarat, which they say is narrower than a hair, and more victorious than a sword: does it want to be like the former America! To tax the people by force? that the final debt is 30 trillion dollars? Or should he dispossess them first, so that they can pay khums, zakat, and taxes at their own will? Because God's command to the prophet is: to collect tax from the rich Therefore, in order to be halal and blessed with the budget, without referring to the practice of advanced countries, the following elements should be changed: all available wealth should be consumed, not saved. Pastures, forests, mountains and plains should all be divided in equal proportions among the people. And because Islam is universal, and all humans on the planet are from the same parents. Therefore, a program and budget should be set up so that: the people of the world can use God's blessings equally. The system of self-declaration in khums should be organized, so that all people of the world pay their khums. Don't let anyone say I didn't have access, or I don't know what it is! Whoever reaches the age of obligation, wherever he is in the world, must comply. Those who pray must also pay zakat. Charity and taxes are the share of the poor in the pockets of the rich. It should be taken from them. Of course, it may not be applicable in Iran because on the one hand: planners are not familiar with the benefits. And on the other hand, jurists should not act within the framework of governments. In many cases, secondary orders are preferred over primary orders! And it is permissible to eat it. For example, they say that inflation is high, let's raise the interest rate. And because the ruling of the government is preferred, therefore, the central bank, with the decision: above the law and above the international custom, raises the interest rate to 40%. which actually increases the government's debt! to confiscate it, because most government expenses are debts to banks.

Aslam Qazvini

Technische und wirtschaftliche Rechtfertigung: ein 13-teiliger Dokumentarfilm von Aslam Qazvini (Salman Mahini)
  Das Dorf Mahin an den Hängen des Alborz zwischen Qazvin und Zanjan, mitten in den schneebedeckten Bergen, erstrahlt wie ein wunderschönes Juwel. Dieses Dorf verfügt über vier große Straßen, die die Zanjan-Straße mit der Rasht-Straße verbinden. Sie können von Lushan nach Soltanieh und von Sain Qala nach Manjil fahren. Aus diesem Grund war es das Zentrum vieler wichtiger historischer Ereignisse, insbesondere von Offroad-Events, und beherbergt in seinem Herzen viele Schätze und Minen. Soweit einige es (Madin) als die gemeinsame Grenze betrachten: die Madians von Hamadan und die Madians von Dilam. Einige sagen es als Mahin, was zwei von uns bedeutet: Qumrin Bani Hashem: Hazrat Abbas und Ali Akbar; und andere sagen es aufgrund der Bedeutung „schön“ und abgeleitet von Mah und dem Suffix: wie Simin und Zareen. Aus diesem Grund hatte Aslam Qazvini unterschiedliche Namen: Er wurde Suleiman Ibn Amr Turki genannt. Es wird auch Salman und Salim genannt. Und es ist tatsächlich Mahini: Denn nach seinem Märtyrertod in Karbala wurde ihm der Kopf abgeschlagen und an diesen Ort geschickt, und er ist in Mahini begraben. Er war der einzige iranische Helfer: Imam Hossein (AS) in Karbala. Und seine wichtigste Aufgabe besteht darin, die Mittagsgebetszeit von Ashura herbeizuführen, für die auch Imam Hussain (AS) betet. Er spricht fließend drei Sprachen: Türkisch, Persisch und Arabisch. Historische Beweise zeigen, dass Hadhrat Ali ihn auf einer seiner Missionsreisen in den Norden Irans mitnahm. Natürlich wird er auch in historischen Büchern als Sklave des Propheten erwähnt. Und weil er eine schöne Handschrift hatte, wurde er auch als Schreiber bezeichnet. Die Menschen in Mahin sprechen fließend drei Sprachen: Persisch, Arabisch und Türkisch. Ihre Inschriften und Manuskripte sind Jahrtausende alt. Wenn wir nur Salman Mahini oder Aslam Qazvini berücksichtigen, reicht die Geschichte von Mahin bis zu 1400 Jahre zurück. Das ist mehr als diese. Doch nach dem Märtyrertod und dem Empfang von Sarmbarak wurde den Menschen die Tragödie von Karbala bewusst. Und sie beginnen einen Aufstand: Und im Nachbardorf erheben sie sich spontan gegen die Überbringer. Das erzählt das Madazam der kochenden Wissenschaft des Dorfes Szanaq. Bei diesem Aufstand starben auch zwei Söhne Aslams als Märtyrer, und ihre Gräber befinden sich neben Bash Imamzada. Und es ist als Glendam bekannt. Dies sind die Hauptthemen: Der Dokumentarfilm besteht aus 13 Teilen in der folgenden Reihenfolge: Teil 1: Seine Konvertierung zum Schiiten durch Imam Ali. Teil 2: Kameradschaft mit Imam Ali. Teil 3: Nutzung seines Talents in drei Sprachen und seiner Kalligraphie. Teil 4: Kameradschaft mit Imam Hassan (AS) Fünftens: Koranlehrer Imam Sajjad, Teil sechs, eine Lehrerauszeichnung von Imam Hussain, Teil sieben, Teilnahme an Karbala und Kämpfen, Teil sieben: Enthauptung und Versendung in die Heimat (Mahin), Teil acht: Begrüßung des Volkes von Mahin und seiner Kinder (Glendam), Teil neun, das gesegnete Begräbnis (Bash Imamzada) und die Rebellion des Volkes von Szanaq (Jüdische Wissenschaft) Teil 10: Trauer und Jahrestag und die Verrichtung kurzer Gebete Teil 11 Fortsetzung der Gebete und ihre Vervollständigung in den drei Sprachen Türkisch, Arabisch und Persisch gemäß diesem Märtyrer Hamshahri. Teil 12: Vervollständigung der Diwan-Gedichte und Die Kostüme der Schauspieler und die Reihenfolge der Rollen von Generation zu Generation, Teil 13: die Aufführung Es scheint, als hätten die Menschen in diesem Monat mit der Ta'ziyeh des Islam begonnen, seit denselben Jahren mit der Ta'ziyeh. Aufgrund der technischen Begründung in Bezug auf Standort und Dokumentation kann es als Teil der iranischen Geschichte betrachtet werden. Denn alle historischen Ereignisse hängen miteinander zusammen und wir müssen bei der Durchsicht und Vorbereitung dieses Dokumentarfilms auf die soziale, politische und wirtschaftliche Situation eingehen. Der Grundpunkt dieser Haltung ist der historische Ursprung, das Imperium und die Exzellenz: Iraner in allen Bereichen. Insbesondere das heutige Teheran und Zentral-Alborz wurden nicht durch die Kriege von Omar und Ibn Saad erobert, sondern durch die spirituellen Reisen von Hazrat Ali während der Stillezeit wurden sie Schiiten. Von Baku und Tatarstan bis Mazar-e-Sharif hat Hadhrat Ali Afghanistan durch Konsultationen zum Islam und zur Schiie konvertiert. Seine Werke wie Cheshme Ali, Ab Ali und Abik Destranj waren für das Volk. Dank Mubarak ist auch der Jemen ohne Krieg schiitisch geworden.

Seyyed Elizabeth

People's budget

Budgeting and programs are not new and Norraz, which some of the niots and tie will want to teach us. Iran has a 15,000 -year -old mesh. And so far there has been budget and programs, most importantly, God has the program organization! The raw thinkers who have come to the President's Palace from cowboy can never teach us budgeting. Because their life does not repetitive, and experience. Worse than they are: they ignore any kind of progress in Iran and still say that Iran has not developed a country! And he must learn, accept, and execute the principles of development from the West! Really when the house of thought, such people referee! It is clear that it is clear: They have no intent. Rather, they still want to deal with translation literature: imitating one hundred percent of Western planning. They think 15,000 Iranian civilizations were run by mouth water! They say one day: Mozaffar al -Din Shah would throw a spit on his palm to revoke the Western budget theory. Nasser al -Din Shah who did not accept it at all. So the people made the saying: "There was no spit on our palms! Budget can be equivalent to national accounting! Either the treasury or the national financial department! It is forbidden. For example, they say that the first person to recognize accounting after Islam was the pilgrimage of Ibn Yusuf Saghafi! He killed the Shiites collectively! And this shows that the treasury and accounting are to destroy the Shiites. Because the Shiite basis is based on: mass budget, and the basis of the oppressors is based on the budget. In fact, the only real democracy and genuine freedom are in Islamic law. Because there is no centralism. And no one is superior to the other. And all 8 billion people are the world of one parent. All have equal rights. And the work is also entrusted to all people. But Western democracy closes human hands and feet. And he says you are free now! Because the most important principle in the West and the material world is the economy, eating and feed. And based on monetary value: evaluating and divided: that is, anyone who has money lives, but whoever does not have to die (the law of survival or conflict of interest) with these principles and theories, the government must focus To be, all the money is in the hands of the government. Then the government will allow those who want to survive as much as incense and allow money. We have already said that the non -Islamic government is the difference with the nation: the nation must fill the treasury, and the government will empty it. In the capitalist government, of course, the capitalist does. With an invisible mechanism such as: reducing wages or minimum wages, it holds all wealth to it. Whereas Islam considers any collection of criticism, coins and property by: any entity or individual. And whatever is in the treasury, it should be divided equally between people. In fact, the treasury of the Islamic State is the people: not the safe. Every head of the household is a treasurer and planner. So money and liquidity must be given to the head of the household. He is the guardian of his children. But in capitalism, capitalists or government are the guardians of the people. They say give us money so that we can spend on people's representation. In fact, they say: People have no livelihoods, if we distribute them, for example, construction work will not be done. Therefore, it is forbidden to invite people to pay for the money and financial costs, but when the spoils are divided and in the interests, we consider them to be devastated that they have no right to seize and the government must spend instead of them. The divine system is also a mass system, a mass system, a mass system, a mass system Or it's a collection: That is, the treasure is with God. And God gives to anyone who wants. And this desire is back to God. And to the people. That is, the one who prays is answered. There is so much people's system that says: Michael (Michael) has soldiers: they have a duty to protect and guide a drop of rain to reach an ant, or plant or human being.

The role of the treasury in state building

In future government building, eliminating the treasury plays the most important role. Because it says in the Qur'an: By Allah, the treasures of the heavens and the earth are all for God. No one has the right to consider himself the owner of it. Or he says, "Walaraz is for God" (God is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth) and the ownership of the heavens and the earth belongs to God, and private or state ownership and private property are all invalid. We may even say it is shirk. It means that we have partnered with God, but it is not a blasphemy: because it covers its right, invalidates it, and considers itself to be the owner. Therefore, the main essence of the new state-building is based on non-ownership, even intellectual property: because thought belongs to God. Science is also in God's possession: Knowledge is light, Yaqzfa Allah fi Qalb Maisha: Science and knowledge is a ray and a spark of God's light that is created in minds. Just like the law of land, it should not be acquired. It means that he got permission from God, not from the city land! Urban land is only an intermediary. to execute God's order. That is, the urban land or the forest organization cannot permanently encroach on the pasture or land, or assign it to a specific person. The only criterion is the assignment of work. And when a person does not do something, his ownership is essentially canceled. Therefore, all these lands and pastures that are in the hands of the organization of forests and pastures or urban land and even the municipality should be handed over to those who do not have housing or farms. In the new state building that we are doing all over the world, this is our flagship issue. That is, in America, Europe, Asia, South Africa, Oceania, even the moon and Mars, governments do not have the right to consider themselves owners. This is another concept of treasury. The cash treasury is included in the treasury and causes the collapse of governments (severe punishment). And the property of anfal (immovable property) is only given to the people and does not become their eternal property. That is, they can occupy it to work. They can only use its products to make a profit or invest or buy and sell. Because the creation of a treasury, both movable and immovable, is doubting God's treasury: Saadi, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: "O generous one, who is responsible for the treasury of the unseen, foolishness and fear, where do you deprive your friends?" You who have opinions with enemies. Therefore, people should know that even if they are enemies of God, they should receive their pension from God. and eliminate the divine government. From today, it is the duty of all the people of the world: First, to become Shia. And then remove the anti-Shia governments. And ask God for your demands regarding land, house, job, etc. God's enemies are so strong and full-faced that not only do they take all their resources from God, but they are also ungrateful. And they take us to their slavery. They say ask the government whatever you want! Your employment, housing and marriage can only be solved by the government, that is, the banks: they promote the God of banking or the God of the treasury or the God of the government. until there is nothing left. And you do not need to worship God. And even become the enemy of God. Most of God's enemies are the government worshipers. Like Caesar of Rome, they say: May God go to the same heavens and rule. Leave the earth to us. If Imam Reza (AS) said: Ask us even for your salt! That is why salt is distributed in Imam Reza's shrine most of the time. Or in Imamzadeh Salih (his brother) in Tajrish, people make salt vows and take ablutions and then continue their vows. And always in front of the door of that imamzadeh charity are ten tomans worth of salt packets. But governments order their doctors that we do not eat salt! So that we don't need Imam Reza. They even go so far as to introduce salt as worse than heroin.

The beginning of state building in the world

Contrary to western theories, state building is not only in the 21st century, but has been since the beginning of history. But it has had different names: including slavery! Feudalism, capitalism and imperialism. According to the definition of the government, the nation has actually been oppressed by the government. That is, the state and the nation were separate. Whoever entered the government system, must be separated from the nation's system. This separation was necessary both theoretically and practically! Because one is a ruler and the other is condemned, one is a lord, the other is a peasant. One is a worker and the other is a capitalist. Imperialism means the collection of states: against the collection of nations. For this reason, they can be convinced: that whoever changes his social base, his point of view also changes. Or that he should change his perspective in order to change his social class. For example, people are against taxes, but governments depend on it. Not paying taxes! but tax collection. So the essential difference between the two is quite obvious: which today is called conflict of interest. The main reason for the separation of the government and the nation is the same conflict of interests: people want the oil money to be divided between them, without cost and in dollars. But the government does not want to give even one dollar to the people, it says that we will be without money. An important indicator of the separation of the state and the nation is the treasury. The people mean those who fill the treasury, the government means those who empty the treasury. These theories are hierarchical, and clarify all aspects of government and nationalism, so that no common point is made between the state and the nation. This is why: Someone who is a candidate: has an aggressive mindset. But when he wins, he takes defensive thinking. He puts the complete disconnection with the fans at the top of the agenda: so that they never accept this change of behavior. But these are all material theories. State building in Islam, which has started today. It changes all governments. No coup and bloodshed. And even on the contrary, they stage a coup! and start bloodshed. An example is the state of Israel. who has launched a coup and a war against the change of government, and has killed thousands of children and women, in order to prevent the change of government. The difference between Mahin's empire is this: that one Is. That is, instead of points of difference, it reaches common points. Here, according to the order of the Prophet and Imam Ali, there is no need for a treasury. All spoils are divided between people: directly and immediately. For this reason, all ships that sail in Yemen belong to Yemen. And he must divide it among his people. Or endow the pilgrims of Bayt Al-Maqdis. Lebanon's Hizbollah should do everything it can: take out the weapons of the bombed barracks. and take it for yourself. Hamas should confiscate all Zionist settlement buildings. And instead of the destroyed buildings, give it to the Palestinian owners. Therefore, in other countries, the western governments that are separate from the nations should be destroyed. and build a new national government. And the White House, Versailles, and Buckingham, should be given to women. In this global state building that has started. People should be in the square. Don't think that the people of Gaza will win if they sit at home! They need all of you to win. Those who can do missionary work, those who cannot, financial aid and those who have physical strength, should reach Gaza. All 8 billion people of the world, from small to large, participate in this state building. Because their wishes are important. Iranian people were completely empty-handed during the revolution. The Pahlavi regime received financial and arms support from all countries. They had no chance of winning. But they fought for their hopes and dreams. In the imposed war, eighty countries of the world helped Saddam more than eighty trillion dollars. But again Iran revolutionized and won