GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The difference between income and booty

Iran's budget includes two types of income: halal and haram income! The government should give the oil income to the people: Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: God's share of Anfal is consumed under the supervision of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him. It means it is consumed! No savings. In the narrations and jurisprudential books, natural resources and public wealth, war spoils, ownerless property such as the land that the owner abandoned and the property of the dead without inheritance, forests, valleys, reeds, fertile lands, mines, etc. .. all are considered from Anfal. After the division, if a person's income is added from personal expenses, he should be taxed from them. Therefore, it is forbidden to collect taxes without paying the oil revenue (or Anfal). And the essential difference between taxes and zakat and khums is this: that the guardian's budget is compensated by khums, and the government's budget is compensated by taxes and current budget from zakat. Therefore, in this regard, think tanks and centers should study, not to say: Let's see what America has done! We are not imitators of America! We are imitators of great verses, and with all due respect, we must point out one thing: prevent the conversion of thinking into translation. Because the selected experts and judges are completely translational. One of these judges said clearly: Iran is an undeveloped country, and the principles of development should be learned from advanced countries! Learn and believe it. This is exactly what the late Taghizadeh said a hundred years ago. It means translation movement. And worse than that, it means: banning internal thinking, and promoting the consumption of western ideas. Unfortunately, they consider all the haram things in Makasab as halal under the pretext of implementation in developed countries. The tragedy is that they do not know what is halal and haram. Therefore, bank interest, oil income, instead of being a blessing for the governments, causes them to fall. Therefore, once and for all, the government must accept in the current and economic issues of the country: whether it is halal or haram or not! Does he want to close the budget with the Zionist usury system or the Islamic method? This point is the bridge of Sarat, which they say is narrower than a hair, and more victorious than a sword: does it want to be like the former America! To tax the people by force? that the final debt is 30 trillion dollars? Or should he dispossess them first, so that they can pay khums, zakat, and taxes at their own will? Because God's command to the prophet is: to collect tax from the rich Therefore, in order to be halal and blessed with the budget, without referring to the practice of advanced countries, the following elements should be changed: all available wealth should be consumed, not saved. Pastures, forests, mountains and plains should all be divided in equal proportions among the people. And because Islam is universal, and all humans on the planet are from the same parents. Therefore, a program and budget should be set up so that: the people of the world can use God's blessings equally. The system of self-declaration in khums should be organized, so that all people of the world pay their khums. Don't let anyone say I didn't have access, or I don't know what it is! Whoever reaches the age of obligation, wherever he is in the world, must comply. Those who pray must also pay zakat. Charity and taxes are the share of the poor in the pockets of the rich. It should be taken from them. Of course, it may not be applicable in Iran because on the one hand: planners are not familiar with the benefits. And on the other hand, jurists should not act within the framework of governments. In many cases, secondary orders are preferred over primary orders! And it is permissible to eat it. For example, they say that inflation is high, let's raise the interest rate. And because the ruling of the government is preferred, therefore, the central bank, with the decision: above the law and above the international custom, raises the interest rate to 40%. which actually increases the government's debt! to confiscate it, because most government expenses are debts to banks.