Among the American election candidates, the name of an Iranian stands out: Ahmad Mahini has been nominated independently in all terms. Although due to severe apartheid in America, he has not yet been invited to the election debates. And not having a party has been announced as one of the reasons for his disqualification. Now he declares his readiness by leaning towards the Green Party in America, and also in the list of candidates. And to prove his claim of Iranian origin, he has included the telephone number of the Iranian office: 00982136878594 or 0098912083649, which all social networks are connected to. The email is also as follows: He is a PhD student in management from New York University, he has corresponded with the University of Michigan, Western Ontario, and Australian universities for some time, and since 1990 he has been in constant contact with all the English-speaking universities in the world. And so far, he has written more than two thousand articles in English, Spanish, German and French. He is also a member of New York University classmates, and is invited to friends' graduation parties. His first speech in Texas was for the crowd of students, where he gave a speech to strengthen the national and state foundation of Texas. He believes that the people of Texas have the right to take back their lost lands, even by force of arms. Therefore, he made this speech among supporters of Texas independence: from his statements, it is clear that he wants the independence of all American states. Here we briefly ask him about the planned road map: he is also ready to participate in the American election debates and defend this theory: this theory became known as (the independent states of America), and among all the states of America has found fans. It describes the theory (independent states of America) in this way: The people of America owe their history to: Noah's flood. Because they migrated from Ararat and lived at the end of the inhabited quarter at that time. As a result of the landslide, the American continent is split and separated from Europe. And by the oceans, there is a distance between them. Therefore, the American natives, who are seven thousand years old, speak Dari Farsi, and have the Mayan script. which is the same handwriting of Prophet Noah. Until three hundred years ago, they thought the world was the Americas. They described the story of their race as follows: Hadavand made four pieces of human dough from dirt and put them in an oven to be baked: the first one he took out was still uncooked and white, which is the white race. When he took out the second one, it was slightly cooked and colored yellow. He delayed a bit, and took out the third one, it was fried! His beauty faded so much that he forgot his fourth and turned black. Therefore, the Indian race separated themselves from others and retreated to the American continent. They were living in happiness and prosperity when: suddenly, the head of Christopher Klump and his friends were found. Of course, some people had come before, but they had left without harassment. But this time they all came with firearms. They drove all the Indians off their lands. Israel is the real white America! And it was for this reason that Imam Khomeini considered America to be the great devil. Because the Israelis were only able to occupy the Sinai desert, but the American whites killed all the Indians and occupied all the lands. Even after the Second World War, they marched all over the world and built military bases in all cities and countries. to take their lands and property for themselves. And they named it the New World Order. Until Imam Khomeini appeared in Iran. And it created a big obstacle for the oppression and oppression of the Americans. Now all the candidates must promise that they will pursue the cause of the independent states of America.
The request of the people of the world from the United Nations to remove the name of Israel from the list of member states. Today, all the people of the world said death to Israel and asked the United Nations to remove the name of Israel. If they don't, they will be tried in the people's courts, and all of them will be sentenced to death. Because Israel was an accomplice, and the evidence of all of them will be presented in court. The Mahin Empire is the emperor of all empires. He has complete documents of all the presidents of the world. Especially from Al Saud, Qatar and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council. There are even documents from China, Russia, America and Europe. And all their financial contributions to Israel will be revealed. In the court, it will be known how much (over 100 billion dollars) Qatar has helped Israel. And all his interventions are to legitimize this regime. Of course, Saudi aid was a lot in the past, and today Qatar has replaced it. Al Saud played a key role in the defeat of the Arabs in the Six Day War. By paying big bribes, he received the Arab attack plan from his son-in-law Abdul Nasser, and put it in the custody of Israel. Like the current Al-Aqsa storm, Israel destroyed all the Egyptian and Syrian air bases in a preemptive attack. Because the Arabs, with a population of one hundred million, had united together to destroy Israel in a big attack. But their attack plan was exposed. And the night before, including, they were all bombed. Therefore, the Arabs were defeated in six days! The Sinai desert from Egypt and a large part of Syria and Lebanon fell into the hands of Israel, and today's map of Israel was formed. US aid is included annually: even in the budget. Of course, the Zionist lobby provided these aids. And it was often financed from the confiscation of Iranian property. Because no country had financial resources.. that's why they staged a coup in Iran, gave the government to their own supporters, so that they could spend all of Iran's oil income on Israel. This is because the Islamic revolution is actually only anti-Zionist. Because it evaluates imperialism and communism as Zionist. Therefore, the only country in the world that is not recognized by Iran is the fake regime of Israel. Recently, the Iranian Football Federation officially asked FIFA to suspend Israel. But the pressure of America and Europe on Iran, and the implementation of capitulation has caused: Iran's legal and political sectors have not officially taken any action to suspend Israel. Because most Iranian lawyers and judges are educated in America. Therefore, even though people said death to Israel in these 45 years, they never said it. Rather, they criticized any kind of protest. For example, Khatami said: Don't shout death to Israel anymore! He even shook hands with Moshe Kassab, the president of Israel at the time, and said that we were classmates in Yazd. In countless speeches, Hashemi Rafsanjani demanded the disbandment of the Quds Force. He once publicly said: Germany and Japan, which were defeated in the Second World War, were deprived of having an army. And therefore they put all their efforts on industry and became the best economy in the world. Of course, this slogan was from the beginning of the revolution: all the members of the parliament, especially Hassan Rouhani, wanted the army to be disbanded. Dr. Chamran was the only one who insisted on Imam Khomeini's position in favor of the remaining army. Because with the help of these, he had manipulated all the nuclear and missile sites in the world. Imam Khomeini also said with all his might: America cannot do anything wrong. Also, there are documents that the supporters of Israel were united against Iran. And almost 80 countries helped Saddam in the war against Iran. And in the Islamic revolution, they also played a role in killing people on the seventeenth of Shahrivar. As people chanted on Black Friday that: the helicopters that kill people are Israeli.
This is a letter of guidance that reaches you! And added to 26 different languages! And it can be added by you, so that it reaches everyone! Of the 8 billion existing and future human beings, no one should be left behind. Because the train of the Islamic revolution has room for everyone: so that everyone can hear the voice of revelation, that no excuse will be accepted from them on the Day of Judgment. Know that we did not create ourselves. Rather, an almighty, with intelligence and virtue, has designed and built us. He also takes care of us! And everything we do, he sees. And it guides us: so that we don't destroy ourselves due to wrong behavior. He is our protector. And to guide us, he sent the prophets and accompanied each of them with a miracle. The last one is the prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad SAW: the Quran is his miracle and has reached us till today. Quran is a comprehensive book that teaches us language and calligraphy. We must read and write with the same script, to please God. and reach a common language and line. He has written all the knowledge of life in it. And in order to interpret the dimensions of these teachings, in addition to the Prophet, he appointed successors to guide them according to the time and position of each person. 13 of them were innocent. It means that all their behavior, speech and writing were according to the Quranic standard, and they did not have any deviation from the standard. But the rest take the lead with a degree of discount, the highest innocence towards others. who are the deputy of Imam Zaman. And they convey their blessings to all the people of the world. Therefore, all human beings should connect themselves to this organization. Abandon various names. And in their hearts, they should be obedient to Hada, Rasul, Imams, and Faqih. Because other than these, it is made by human hands. And it does not take us anywhere. He only makes us a slave to work for his master. For example, in the capitalist system, everyone is a worker! And they work for the capitalist. The wages they receive is to eat and not die: to survive and continue their exploitation. But in the Quran, all people are an emperor. Because they are God's successors on earth. Earth, time and history are all created for man. God's creation is not limited: and to continue it further, He has given man the power of creativity. So that he is also engaged in development and evolution and growth. Everyone should know that Almighty God is always with them. Even the spoken language is guided by him. People's opposition to God is also God's creation! Because nothing is beyond his control. And the reason for all these names is to love God better. A person who is a polytheist, or angry with God, not because he does not accept him. Rather, he objects to him: like the Jews who objected: They said, "Why is the Prophet not from Isaac's generation?" And he is from Ismail's generation. Or the infidels of Quraysh protested: Why did God make an orphan child a prophet? And he did not know the leaders of Quraish. You and I are protesting: if I get my hands on the spinning wheel, I will ask him what it is like and what it is like, you will give one a hundred blessings! One has barley bread contaminated in blood. See our poets, their walk is poetry. And how well they expose our selfishness. They consider all human deviations as the result of ingratitude. It means that everyone has become an infidel, a pagan, a communist and a capitalist! There is only one reason: to separate God from himself! protested Like now, the people of Iran are all happy with the high price! But as long as they are related to themselves. This is where people's economic problems come from: they want everything they own to be expensive! But what others have, should be cheap. Just because they buy it all, and others have none. And this is the ultimate disgrace. So, if we rid ourselves of this disgrace, let us be satisfied with God's portion. No problem will arise.
World people! Tomorrow is the 22nd of February, and you must come to the streets. And after the march, read a resolution asking the United Nations to remove the name of Israel. For this purpose, all dimensions are taught today: all the people of the world, big and small, are members of the 8 billion Ratch: Global Mobilization. Because they are from the same parents, and everyone has equal rights. These are regular members. But they can become active members of Basij: the first step is self-building and the second step is building others. Self-improvement means that they study so much that no question remains in their mind. Naturally, the only source that can answer all their questions. There are only Shia sources, i.e.: Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijma and Aql. Therefore, with only one question of yours, he became a god: the other question is Shia! The first question is, have we created ourselves? Or someone else? (Tawheed) The second question is: Has the one who created us abandoned us? Or is he taking care of us so that we don't perish? (Prophecy) The next question: Did the Prophet of Islam have the right to choose his successor? (Imamate). When you find the answer to these questions in your conscience, it will be another turn: ask them these questions too. And increase the range of people: now you have a core of mobilization resistance. Its organizational name is: the knowledge circle of the righteous. This ring can be concentrated in mosques, mosques, neighborhoods and villages. But their familiarity with each other is the formation of righteous circles. The next step is to connect it to the 8 billion mobilization by finding contacts, which is not important. It means that the command of the 8 billion Basij has confidence in you and recognizes you. Those who have completed the stage of self-development and: other-development (organizations), must determine the operation unit for themselves. The task of the operation unit is to hold classes or events for permanent gatherings. So that the forces are always available. They can meet (pray) in mosques three or five times a day. Mosques or localities can have a meeting once a week in mosques or temples (Friday prayer). In fact, Friday prayer is a weekly congress. Atbat can be the place of monthly meetings because we have 12 imams. And we go to visit one of them every month. And the annual gathering should be in Mecca. But due to Saudi Arabia's prohibition, this work takes place in Iraq and during the days of Arbaeen. Apart from these routine gatherings, we must also react to the issues of the day. Therefore, like the anti-Zionist people of Israel, we can have Saturdays of protest until the fall of Israel. Or, like the Yemenis and Iranians, he set up protest Fridays until the fall of Israel. Or, like the Londoners, he withdrew his money from the banks. Of course, our suggestion is that because of the cold weather. And: the increase of the homeless, the first task is to occupy the White House and the Palace of Versailles and Battingham. If it is not enough, the buildings of the United Nations or spy agencies should also be confiscated. The validity of this work has already been issued. Because Hazrat Ali says: I did not see any palace unless there were hungry people around it! That is, the palaces were built with the money of these homeless people. But others take advantage of it. However, today, 22 Bahman, is the global birthday of the Islamic Revolution. At whatever stage you are, you can bring your groups to the streets: celebrate and be happy. Because the carnival of joy: for 22 Bahman, can keep hope alive in the hearts of the world. Because they understand 8 billion! They have support. According to Imam Khomeini: Everyone who pours a bucket of water will flood Israel. Because this action is synergistic and synergistic. And soft water! Sally makes a founder. And God has also confirmed it: they say (Yadullah with the congregation). God's hand is with the crowd. Because Islam is the religion of company, partnership and collective. And it should be known that the hand of God is higher than all the hands of the enemies.
The reaction is raging in administrative organizations. And the cultural and social body: it is a captive of western liberalism. On the contrary, Westerners themselves have come to Islam. It can be said that the theory of interaction has caused its proponents to return to the past of the West. And the westerners themselves and its people should listen to the new words of the Islamic revolution. For example: UNESCO is very serious about registering intangible heritage. While it does not say anything about the destruction of ancient monuments by ISIS, Saudi Arabia and Israel: Saudi Arabia has destroyed more than three thousand valuable Islamic monuments and built highways or hotels. It has destroyed thousands of common human heritage. But UNESCO is silent. As if nothing happened. But following the registration of the century celebration, that too is quite disastrous. The centenary celebration is related to the hundred people: Adam's descendants, and this shows that Adam had Persian language. But UNESCO insists on attributing it to Zoroaster and others. which has no time proportionality. In Iran, they could not separate the tribes from Iran with war and bloodshed, now under the name of heritage of the tribes! They do this. People themselves put aside the local dress. But the heritage organization pays them: to sew and display the clothes. Sometimes it even becomes so artificial that: a Tehrani plays a local role! And he says: I am an art student, they pay me to wear Il Bakhtiari or Kurdish clothes for a few days. At the beginning of the revolution, Ezzedin Hosseini had several bodyguards, all of whom were students of Tehran University. They were forced to wear Kurdish clothes. For more than half a century now, people come to the streets and celebrate the Islamic Revolution on every occasion. But so far, no action has been taken to register this intangible heritage. It seems that the authorities do not believe in the victory of the Islamic revolution. Like the Maand networks, they think: the Islamic revolution was an accident! And it will soon disappear. Therefore, there is no need to register it. Miracles of the Islamic Revolution: It starts from 1342. But none of them: neither global registration nor even national registration. Has the uprising of the people of Varamin been registered internationally? While Israel's occupation is registered worldwide! And they still don't want to remove it from the list of countries. The killing of the Palestinian people, and its occupation, the establishment of a country, as a reality! It was registered in the same years. and created a country called Israel. And they still don't want to admit their mistakes. But the Iranian people's victory over the regime armed to the teeth, and supported by all the countries of the world, is not only not recorded as a fact! But the constant news of the decrease in fans! And the decrease in the number of voters! is spoken Officials are also involved in these advertising pressures, constantly forcing people to vote! they encourage And they constantly ask them to participate in the marches. But when it is registered globally, like Israel, it will have the strongest army in the Middle East! Why do officials fail? Because it is the will of superpowers. And they still consider Israel a superpower. They still think: there is a six-day war. While the 11-day war! 33 days passed. And today is the 120-day war! We experience And the United Nations and UNESCO only regret. Therefore, the Mahin Empire announces: The United Nations and UNESCO will be dissolved due to deviating from their goals and supporting oppressors. And the Secretary General and members of the Security Council should resign. And if they do not resign, severe punishment awaits them. And they should taste the punishment of supporting Israel. Therefore, he asks the people of the whole world to attack the interests of America, Europe, Israel and its supporters in Qatar and Egypt. Take over all the White Houses, Versailles and Buckingham, make the United Nations headquarters for the unscrupulous. to have shelter in this cold winter