GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Looting Zionist property

In this cold and black winter, all the homeless, bankrupt, poor, orphans and captives (one word for the oppressed and the barefooted) are requested to take action against the looting of Zionist properties and companies. Because it is the order of the guardian of the Muslims of the world to prevent the shipment of any kind of goods to Israel. Therefore, all the people of the world have the right to participate in this call. and take their share. This topic is included in 30 living languages of the world, but you can: translate it to other languages, and publish it on social networks. The more followers everyone has, the more responsibility they have in delivering this message. There is no difference between Muslims and non-Muslims, infidels, non-believers and pagans! Because God created them all from one parent. Another reason is that: they used to buy the products of Zionist companies and the profit goes into the pockets of Zionist companies. Therefore, wherever there are more of these products, the duty of the people there is heavier: for a better explanation of this mission, it should be known that: the property of the Zionists is all of the filial piety, it is haram, so it does not belong to them. Therefore, whoever has borrowed money from the banks, he must take it all for himself! To settle the amount of money given to the Zionists, their students, companies and banks. So the first step is to confiscate shares, securities and banks of the Zionists. You can take over all the banks in 1357 with the dice of the revolutionary people of Iran and take the cash, gold and jewels for yourself. Use its place to house the homeless. This is a command of 8 billion! which includes all the people of the world. In the second step, identify Zionist manufacturing companies, it is forbidden to buy from them. Therefore, by taking over these companies, distribute all its products among the poor. Lawyers must work with people. Change the name of the companies and register them in the name of the new owners, so that there is no interruption in their production. The third step: identifying the companies that sell food and products to the Zionists! They may not be Zionists themselves. But because they cooperate with the Zionists, they are subject to this ruling. Most Turkish, Azerbaijani, American, European, etc. companies are included in this part of the plan. They should give all the products they sold to Israel to the poor. And do not sell from now on. And if they do not implement the order, people have the right to respect them forever. and take away their ownership. and record in the name of the poor and barefoot. The people of countries like Jordan, who witness the passing of trucks and products bought by the Zionist government, have the right to confiscate all property and even trucks and send them to Gaza. Rafah, Khan Yunis and Karane Bakhtiri are also the real owners of these products. Of course, to the extent that the right of way is calculated, they can take it for themselves. and divide among the poor there. Therefore, people of the world, today is the day of mercy. The day of victory of the barefoot: it is over the arrogant. Honor it and do your bidding, and don't let the Zionists, and the associated capitalists, revive again. And for more loot in the future, let them escape from you. Every Zionist who escapes from the fighters of Gaza, Rafah or all over the world, means the foundation of a new Israel, and the killing of more Palestinians. In this regard, mercy is not necessary. According to the Qur'an: Search all their houses. And take everything they have from them and kill themselves. Any kind of appeasement makes them more eager for greater revenge.

Loyalty and marketing

Marketing in Islam, like other activities, requires its own theorization. And we should not start our work with the leverage of others and their ideas. It is like trying to open the door of our house with the key of another house! So all sciences! need to be revised. Because all sciences are the product of human thought. Science forms our understanding of reality. That is, sciences by themselves do not exist in the world. For example, something called chemistry or physics does not exist externally. Rather, it is the creation of the human mind. Nature does its job! And he goes his way. This is the month that sometimes we take physics out of it and sometimes chemistry! Hard sciences that follow this rule, soft sciences in the first way. Because something called management! We don't have it outside. Or economy and for example politics. Rather, it is our mind that cuts a certain dimension when facing social phenomena. and names it. In fact, all sciences are the same nomenclature. For this reason, God also says in the Qur'an: We taught Adam all the names. Therefore, the basis of hypotheses and theories must be changed. And the sources of hypothesizing move from Western texts to Islamic texts. Because the West has reached its end! And the reason for all this decline is their scientific sources. For example, in marketing: they researched for years, acted and gave us a class too! They still leave! But with Trump's signature, they all fell apart. And it showed that something called marketing was nothing more than a lie. That we allocate 95% of product costs to marketing. And with one signature, we are prohibited from issuing it or selling it: to our customers. which does not fit into any logical thinking. But the peak of Western civilization! And its marketing science. Of course, they still teach us the science of marketing: before the revolution (before Carter's sanctions) to find more market share at a higher cost. And they say that advertising is not expensive! It is an investment. Newkins say we have to create a need! And make people need our product, until they become addicted to it. This heinous act is called customer loyalty. Addiction or loyalty to the product means that we don't even need to buy it so that the saturation of production becomes ineffective. Or artificially, to produce in our own need. Drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, sex, and violence all fall into this category. It means that people do not need them. But because of loyalty, they buy and consume it. So: the use of drugs or cigarettes is not an inherent human need: rather, it is even better not to use them. But for social prestige, or socialization, which is the creation of public opinion by marketers: they have to consume it, to die. It means an addict! He considers dying on the side of the street as his ultimate loyalty. And he has no fear of that. For this reason, they should not be considered as human beings, because their feelings and souls have been captured by the devil. To clarify the issue: the enemies of the Islamic Revolution consider the sleeping bag a defect for us! But for developed countries, a type of urban development and capitalist growth! evaluate Even in the culture of addicts, unlike ordinary people, sleeping cartons are a matter of pride. Therefore, whenever the municipality collects them, they go to their neighbors with an excuse. And more ragged than before, they declare their loyalty to them. Just like littering! that the enemies of the Islamic revolution introduce it as an ugly phenomenon, but the garbage collectors themselves believe that they have found a dirty gold mine! And they are not willing to give up even the goodwill of their neighborhood. Therefore, the reason why we have to change the basis of the theories is that we did not fall into the hole they dug. Their pitfall is an internal conflict or double standards. For example, we don't like illegitimate children, but they advertise that there will be more. In Islam, it is obligatory for girls to marry at the age of 9, so that they do not fall into prostitution. But they throw him into prostitution so that he doesn't get married.

Disbelief over Imam Zaman

If you ask the 5 billion crowds on the ground, why not Shiite, and he says I didn't hear! God has nothing to do with them, but he takes the collar of the scholars and: above all asking the supreme leader: Why did you pay only 2 million in the age of communications and information explosion, or even less just to Tehran and District 6! Therefore, we must help the jurisprudence to reach all 8 billion people. If there is an obstacle, let's take it. And if they hear them, let's get in touch with them. And if we don't want it, our responsibility has been taken. Of course, if he did not want him to be irrelevant, and if he is hostile: and his information he receives in hostility, he must be eliminated. Because it causes corruption in society. And it must be prevented from corruption. And this shows that we must take care of the Imam of his time and his deputy! So that they will not be martyred like the previous 11 Imams. And this is insight. While computational mistake may bring us the opposite. That is, always wait: Imam Zaman only helps us! And have nothing to do with others. And a private employee or employee! Make in our minds. And we had any work! Or we had trouble calling him. Of course, this issue must be organized, and by the scholars of the announcement, as a practical treatise or part of it, such as other issues. Because the province and the Imamate have not yet entered the treatise, and everyone does not know their duty! He has to go to Afwah, or use the breast -to -chest and: oral history and philosophy. For this reason, there is no particular system, and people do not know how to act: to both God's will, and for the benefit of the Imam of the time and: Where is the position of the scholars in the hierarchy. The West, of course, removed the same Imam of the theory of the Imam of Time and has formulated itself as the Pyramid Pyramid, using the same numbers. In the pyramid of power, for example, one person (instead of God, the queen) is then divided 14 boxes of 12 and two. After that, 313 people are in the pyramid. So those who have a hand in this regard. It should: theorizing and: the task and position of everyone. To do this, to make synergy and, like the eleven football team, everyone knows their place. Until the call (declaration of emergence) everyone knows: What specialized and where in the Imam Khomeini Organization can serve better. For example, if everyone is only military, it is natural that the place of cultural work is empty, that is, people are not justified. While Imam Zaman's first speech is famous: I say I am the son of Safa and Zamzam! I am the son of someone who was martyred with thirsty lips! It is natural that if the people of the world are not Shiites, they will not understand these words. Of course, some who do not believe in order and organization: They say that the Prophet kills human beings and their intellect is completed and: they understand everything. Or they have linear management: That is, all people must go to: Hazrat! And middle management is not necessary. But in the narratives we have all 313 people justified and have a special organizational post. And they have to organize 313 others. The fundamental drawback is that the scholars of Islam, who want to read management, refer to Machiavelli or Taylor or Dr. Rezaian. That is, you have Islam: They do not know the theory of management. While Islam has the theory of management: First, we have many narratives that are referred to in order and discipline, and they have even said: If they are two, they will be one of the Imams. Secondly, the bad leader is said to be better than being a leader. And Prophet Fatima said: God sent us to guide the people. All Fayol Management Principles! His corrected is available in Nahj al -Balagha: for example, in the letter to Malik Ashtar, he describes the tasks of the management as the four.

The need for protection and information

Some people think that supporting the legal guardianship is just a slogan. The more they say death against the religious authority, the better. While support here means protection. It means that we are obliged to protect and maintain, obey and support the Viceroy of Imam Zaman (AS). so that his orders are implemented and the world community is directed towards the government: global unity. With this act, we show that: if: Imam of the time comes, we will protect him. A good example is given by Mr. Qaraati regarding the reason for Imam Zaman's absence: the electricity department installs a lamp in your alley to provide light, but the children or elders stone it as a joke or seriously, so he has to install a second and a third one. . When he sees that the situation is like this, he does not install the last one and waits: until the people themselves demand it. And promise to protect it. And they use its light. The role of protection and receiving grace and light and necessary information is so important. And not any science and information! Because the predecessors did not take imams seriously. And all imams and innocents were martyred or poisoned! Therefore, no one should stay away from their messages, and it is the duty of the scholars to convey Islam to all the world, because God has made a commitment from the scholars! Not from the ignorant. If on the Day of Resurrection, someone claims that I did not hear the words of revelation at all, and I do not know what Shia is! God does not take his collar! Rather, it takes the scholars by the collar: Why did such people remain in compound ignorance in the era of communication and information explosion? (Waqfwaham, they are responsible) or () This means that the top scholars should rule, their government should be strong enough and supported by the people that: they can easily eliminate the oppressors. and prepare the ground for hearing the facts. The leadership of the world's oppressed, to reach power: that no one can stop them! Because the land should be taken back from them, and they should inherit the land. It means to take it out of the hands of the oppressors. While today, Wali Faqih does not say anything about the lost wealth and lands from the hands of the oppressors and their puppets. Because the enemies conspire in such a way that he finds it expedient to refrain from commenting. Nearly 80 trillion dollars have been looted from Shiite assets, whether in the form of gold suitcases, free oil, antiques, and Iran's human resources. But only a few million dollars have been released. And this is also the result of the president's obedience: to the legal guardian, not like the previous president, he is in favor of negotiating and making concessions under the pretext of interacting with the world. While people are chanting: We are all your soldiers! Or they pray for the relief of Imam Zaman. (Of course, a slogan) because they think that the Imam of his time will come, and he will fix the whole world by himself! He destroys the oppressors. Therefore, gradual thinking is necessary, not spurious thinking! The real wait and the virtual wait are determined here. Some people think that they just have to pray and chant, the Imam of his time will come and fix everything. But it is not. When they are oppressors, they do not leave. And like eleven other imams, he is also martyred. Like now that some officials have combined the friendship of Imam Zaman with the friendship of Al Saud. Imam Khomeini said: If we pass Saddam, we will not pass Al Saud! Because they have a lot of information about Imam Zaman AJ, but they use it to fight. That is why they promote Wahhabism. So that if Imam Zaman appears, no one will cooperate with him, but they will be martyred in the same Mecca. Real people should help to rid Makkah of Wahhabism. And the first Qibla of the Muslims, from the hands of the Zionists, it will not be the case that we only want the Imam of the time in our neighborhood! appear Just execute our command and solve our problems. The problems of all the people of the world should be taken into consideration. Because everyone comes from the same parents.

Election statement

Ahmed Mahini's campaign headquarters in New York issued its first election statement: In this statement, it is stated that the new America is the America of the 99%, not the 1%. Therefore, all the current foundations of America must be transformed and changed from the foundation: the first change is to occupy the White House and give it to the homeless. Because in this cold and black winter, 40% of American families are deprived of shelter. All their residential units have been confiscated by banks. The food of the nurseries does not reach all of them, and they often scavenge or prepare food for themselves from the roots of plants. Their agricultural lands have also been destroyed by big companies. Therefore, the second step is to give every American household four hundred square meters of urban land in cities. And in the villages, ten thousand square meters of barren land in the hands of big companies. to be given. With this method, each family becomes self-sufficient and can obtain products and share them with others. Therefore, the monetary system must undergo transformation. That is, instead of earning money from money, (putting money on money) move towards earning money from work. Therefore, all the banks should be divided among their depositors and the bank office should be given to them as a residential unit. Because the assets of the banks are not enough to repay people's deposits in cash. Because the bank owners thought that people's money is theirs. And they have spent everything: bonuses and salaries, buying houses and shops for themselves. Therefore, people are left without money and debtors, homeless and without food. Even the looting of stores could not provide food security. Let alone insurance and pension. The cause of all the poverty and misery of the American people is the International Monetary Fund and America's austerity. The US Treasury is 22 trillion dollars in debt. Therefore, any money that reaches him will not be returned. The International Fund has made a new trick: it has taken money from all the banks of the world under the pretext of giving them loans! But there is no news about the loan, nor about the return of people's money. Therefore, it seems that Wall Street, the International Monetary Fund, the Treasury, like the banks, will all be confiscated. and be given to creditors in the form of residential units. This is not just an election proposal, but to prevent a new disaster called: Twin Towers or September 11th. Because now it has been proven to everyone that the September 11 incident was not only a foreign terrorist operation, but was planned by the financial managers so that all the documents of demands were burned in the fire. By the way, Arabs and Iranians suffered the most. Because the American Treasury had not paid for the oil of Iran and Saudi Arabia for more than 40 years. And they demanded. But now there is no document in their hands. That is, in fact, there is no one to demand from him, everyone is burned in the fire. It was even more disastrous that Iraq and Afghanistan were immediately attacked to replace the Iraqi oil and Afghan drugs with the oil of Iran and Saudi Arabia. But according to Trump, 7 trillion dollars were spent in Iraq. If we add the cost of aggression to Afghanistan and so on, the same debt as the tableau! It means 30 trillion dollars. So whatever the candidates promise to restore the American economy. It's just nonsense! And to vote. Of course, some people think: Trump from his assets! It will cost people. For example, the insurance and pension funds will pay. But Trump has no wealth either. All his wealth is pledged: there are protection organizations to save him from harsh revenge. As an election candidate, I am willing to participate in the debates. And to prove that Trump: First, he lost his property and wealth, secondly, he ran for the protection of his own life, not financial aid to the people. Do not be mistaken! He thinks: if he votes, he will get political immunity.