GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

We recognize the independent states of America

    The American people have been fighting for: independent states for years. Recently, even Texas has done this with armored forces. Therefore, the whole world should recognize their struggles. The Mahin Empire, which follows these struggles, apologizes to the independence-loving people of America for acting late. And he declares: They should not hope for the United Nations. It is only called the United Nations, but it is actually a mercenary of the fake American government. Just like the people of Israel, they have been fighting against Zionism for many years in different ways. Recently, they chant slogans against Netanyahu in the name of protest Saturdays. But the United Nations, which is a mercenary of the fake government of America, has to show favor to the fake government of Israel. And don't follow up on so many protests. But Iran has been able to show its solidarity with the anti-Zionist nation of Israel by organizing protest Fridays. Mahin's empire decrees that: all Israeli government institutions must: be emptied of Netanyahu's supporters: and their heads be executed. And then the government will fall into the hands of the people. Because the people left in Israel have nowhere to go. Therefore, they agree with any conditions of Hamas. In their slogans, they put forward the demands of Hamas: their main slogan is the liberation of all prisoners against: all Palestinian prisoners. They also admit to Iran's plan to vote. And they want to remove the mandated government. A government that should have been overthrown years ago, but is ruling the people by force. Moreover, they do not object to the presence of pilgrims to Jerusalem. And they have also accepted the plan of the Mahin empire: therefore, the sign of being a people here is three things: firstly: announcing the end of the war, secondly, the release of all the prisoners on both sides, thirdly, the march of the world to the pilgrimage of Jerusalem. He also apologizes to the people of France! Because they have been fighting for freedom for years. Now the cradle of freedom and democracy has become the center of the killing of the French. Openly and secretly, people and revolutionaries are stolen and taken to prison, or they are destroyed. Once again, we ask all the countries of the world not to recognize the government and the tyrant Macron and to cut ties with it. And we ask the French people to assassinate Macron and leave the Palace of Versailles to the homeless. So that they also have a shelter in this burning cold. They have worked hard for this country for years. And now they have nothing. This is the result of freedom and liberal democracy: after 50 years, the people of France must be killed and imprisoned, or die of hunger and cold in the streets. In England too! While King Charles is having fabulous parties for himself, people on the streets of London cannot find a place to sleep. Most of them have taken refuge in the sea and the river, and have built a wooden hut, but the River Times is not kind to them either. The result of one hundred years of Great Britain's colonization is that people rise up and kill King Charles and take his palaces for themselves. and void Great Britain with a red line. What sin have the people of China, India, Indonesia and Hong Kong committed that they have to go under the burden of Buddhist communists? All their things should be confiscated. And in the name of development, their mines and property should be looted. And what sin have the people of Iran committed: that they cannot get 800 billion dollars of their oil money from China? Inflation is rampant in Iran, while even a part of these demands were given to Iran, the whole life of the people would become less expensive. Because the total currency budget of Iran is 50 billion dollars. That means Iran's budget was provided for 16 years. Iranian officials should know that before they think of selling oil, or if they want to support tourism in exchange for oil, they should give priority to receiving demands. Because in any case, this bag of holes will not lead anywhere.

Transformation in state building

Contrary to western theories, state building is not only in the 21st century, but has been since the beginning of history. But it has had different names: including slavery! Feudalism, capitalism and imperialism. According to the definition of the government, the nation has actually been oppressed by the government. That is, the state and the nation were separate. Whoever entered the government system, must be separated from the nation's system. This separation was necessary both theoretically and practically! Because one is a ruler and the other is condemned, one is a lord, the other is a peasant. One is a worker and the other is a capitalist. Imperialism means the collection of states: against the collection of nations. For this reason, they can be convinced: that whoever changes his social base, his point of view also changes. Or that he should change his perspective in order to change his social class. For example, people are against taxes, but governments depend on it. Not paying taxes! but tax collection. So the essential difference between the two is quite obvious: which today is called conflict of interest. The main reason for the separation of the government and the nation is the same conflict of interests: people want the oil money to be divided between them, without cost and in dollars. But the government does not want to give even one dollar to the people, it says that we will be without money. An important indicator of the separation of the state and the nation is the treasury. The people mean those who fill the treasury, the government means those who empty the treasury. These theories are hierarchical, and clarify all aspects of government and nationalism, so that no common point is made between the state and the nation. This is why: Someone who is a candidate: has an aggressive mindset. But when he wins, he takes defensive thinking. He puts the complete disconnection with the fans at the top of the agenda: so that they never accept this change of behavior. But these are all material theories. State building in Islam, which has started today. It changes all governments. No coup and bloodshed. And even on the contrary, they stage a coup! and start bloodshed. An example is the state of Israel. who has launched a coup and a war against the change of government, and has killed thousands of children and women, in order to prevent the change of government. The difference between Mahin's empire is this: that one Is. That is, instead of points of difference, it reaches common points. Here, according to the order of the Prophet and Imam Ali, there is no need for a treasury. All spoils are divided between people: directly and immediately. For this reason, all ships that sail in Yemen belong to Yemen. And he must divide it among his people. Or endow the pilgrims of Bayt Al-Maqdis. Lebanon's Hizbollah should do everything it can: take out the weapons of the bombed barracks. and take it for yourself. Hamas should confiscate all Zionist settlement buildings. And instead of the destroyed buildings, give it to the Palestinian owners. Therefore, in other countries, the western governments that are separate from the nations should be destroyed. and build a new national government. And the White House, Versailles and Buckingham, should be given to women. In this global state building that has started. People should be in the square. Don't think that the people of Gaza will win if they sit at home! They need all of you to win. Those who can do missionary work, those who cannot, financial aid and those who have physical strength, should reach Gaza. All the 8 billion people of the world, small and large, participate in this state building. Because their wishes are important. Iranian people were completely empty-handed during the revolution. The Pahlavi regime received financial and arms support from all countries. They had no chance to win. But they fought for their hopes and dreams. In the imposed war, eighty countries of the world helped Saddam more than eighty trillion dollars. But again Iran revolutionized and won.

Bilateral and multilateral spy

In the stories, we used to read that: one person was a double spy during World War II, for example! That is, he gave German information to France, and got paid. He also gave French information to the Germans. And he still took money. But today our eyes were enlightened to the "multilateral" spies: espionage from Iran for: France, England and the Netherlands! and spying on them for Iran. And because Iranians must be top in all fields, they do this spying completely and without any fear. Like the introduction of Hamid Nouri in the host country. All the international relations students of Tehran had gathered to judge their espionage! Also in the Ferdowsi Hall of the House of Thinkers. All the articles and materials they read were the analysis of those parties! But in the name of these parties, they were accommodated. Several articles about Syria and the Netherlands were read! Of course, all in non-Persian languages! It means French and English. As if there is no Persian language at all. Whatever we mentioned: pass the Persian language, but it didn't reach their ears. They spoke Turkish and Arabic, but never Farsi! The fact that you see the plans to protect the Persian language being ridiculed by all is the result of these multi-faceted spies who only spread hatred about the Persian language and say that the Persian language has a poetic aspect and is not related to the issues of the day. . This was the first masterpiece of professors and judges and presenters. Their second masterpiece is to consider Iran under the American map. Basically, there is no country called Iran! The whole world is America. In this meeting, Dr. Zarif insisted that the world means America. In fact, instead of being the representative of Iran in front of the world, these gentlemen! They represent the world (America) for Iran. Even their clothes didn't have the color and smell of Iran, they were in meetings with cravats, shaved and bearded, and the girls were all in evening dresses and dress shirts for this party if it wasn't for the security emphasis! were invited The surprise here is that all of them are using Iran's treasury and money, but they are bargaining to improve the status of America. Of course, it is not unlikely that they have professors like Dr. Zarif. The one who goes to America during the war and holy defense to give all the information closely. Because he believed that the Islamic revolution was a historical mistake and should not be followed. Rather, it should be built with America, to achieve stability. The current representative also believes in the same: he says: America threatened Iran! Whose dog is America to threaten Iran? Or he says: Gaza has been completely destroyed and is not habitable. Which means that Saudi Arabia is victorious in the field, and has achieved all its goals. But we see that Yemen is hungry! which they advertise, confiscates US warships, and rebuilds Jerusalem for pilgrims. These students were all talking about the misery of Syria. And the excellence of the Netherlands! They haven't even read a page of history that: Holland was the center of the Vikings and now they manage themselves by stealing Iranian money. The whole world is governed by Iranian money. Then they say that there is misery and inflation in Iran! And not only was he not promoted from the third world, but based on Islamic policies, he also went back! Of course, they are two groups: either they are supporters of the late Shah of Iran! And they are not satisfied with anything until Reza Pahlavi comes. Or they are supporters of Qajar and Maryam Qajar. Even if Maryam does not become the president, they will not sit quietly. It is interesting that Maryam did not at least say: I am the self-proclaimed king, but he is the self-proclaimed chief of Jahmur. It means that he was delusional and thought: the people of Iran have written the name of Mr. Raisi instead of his name at the foot of the ballot boxes. All this is an illusion! The reason for this is the existence of persistent media. They see that Iran is not even able to reach a single radio station. What about Israel?

Why the illusion of threat

Imam Khomeini said 50 years ago: America can do no wrong. But second-rate people always say: America wants every wrong! And this keeps the shadow of war over the people. And because of that, everyone works. Including inflation and psychological warfare. That is, psychological warfare and inflation are for this. Because people are afraid of war, and they say that they may be killed, or there may be famine. Therefore, they rush to the market. It should be known that if the threat is from the enemy, it has no effect, but accepting this threat causes the loss of: social capital. That the commanders also accept that: they are constantly being threatened. For an example, see the destruction of ISIS by the Martyr General Qassem Soleimani: he said that do not let the water in the hearts of the people stir: and it is our duty to repel ISIS. He even gave his life for this agreement. And so that people don't feel threatened, he said to Trump: I am your opponent, not others. This means removing the shadow of war and threats from people's heads. But his successors immediately say: Don't threaten us, even from the words of an ignorant official. And this method has been implemented since the time of Mohsen Rezaei. to regain the lost positions. That is, after being deposed, he always said: We have secret information that America wants to attack Iran. Of course, he did not have bad intentions because he wanted to say: Return me to the command of the army! Therefore, he constantly produced confidential information, secrets, etc. To clear the peace of Imam Khomeini's words from the minds. Imam Khomeini, relying on God's help, and Hazrat Sahib al-Zaman, always said: America is worse than the Soviet Union, and England is worse than both. Via May said: We are putting America under the yoke, what do we want to do with the relationship with America? That is, he humiliated them to the extent that it would prove to the people: they really can't do anything wrong. And people live safely. But Hashemi and Mohsen Rezaei always kept the people in fear and worry to maintain their power. For example, they used to say: We must interact with the whole world (that is, America). Because if we don't interact, they have power! They have power and money: and we will not be their opponent! And this showed that they did not even have common sense. Or they did not understand the Imam's words. Or they understood: but they distorted it. For example, the Imam used to say: This (imposed) war is like a madman breaking the glass of your room! Or he even said: War is a blessing. But they corresponded with Saddam! They begged him to make peace. All this was to preserve their position. Therefore, when people did not listen to their words, they got angry and questioned the leadership saying: for example, we want to negotiate, but they don't let us. Even now, if there is a threat (which it is not), it should only be raised between intelligence and military organizations. And nothing but the empire and the great Islamic civilization should be raised between the people. When we discussed this issue even with Rahim Safavi! He said: No! We can declare an empire when people's problems are solved. By the way, if we raise this issue, we will help solve people's problems. Because people don't rush to the markets for fear of threats and war. Artificial famine and unemployment are not created. And contentment replaces greed. People say: Next year, more will be produced, then we will buy. Not to say: Don't buy now, it will be more expensive tomorrow. Apart from psychological reasons, this also has scientific reasons: when the enemy used all his power in an imposed war, or during the revolution, everyone supported the king! And they failed, that is, their military phase was closed. For this reason, they turn to economic war. Reviving the military phase means giving the field to the enemy again and encouraging him to restore the past. Now that even the economic phase of the enemy is closed.

The illusion of an American attack

The illusion of America's attack or the fall of the Islamic Republic is something that not only enemies but also ignorant friends fuel. Science and experience in 50 years have proven that America cannot do anything wrong. And Iran will not rest until the flag of Islam hits the horizon. But our enemies didn't get a whiff of their alleged science, and they don't have a proper understanding of world issues. Enmity with Islam and God has blinded their eyes, and they do not see anything. Finally, they compare Iran with Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. But the essence of the matter is that: God willed to make the oppressed empire of Iran win over the arrogant world. A fence has been drawn behind Iran's borders, which no one can look to the left. Its future will be the all-encompassing Islamic civilization. But artists, writers, and domestic journalists always advertise the opposite! It was also mentioned in the press conference that: All journalists are regressive. And in the form of criticism! They promote imperialism. Magnifying some problems that they create themselves is only for the purpose of showing that Qajar or Pahlavi was better! The Pahlavi faction defends the deposed Shah's son, and the Qajar faction is in harmony with: Maryam Qajar Azdanlu. Most of the high-profile series of the Qajar kings are produced with the aim of showing off the poverty of the Islamic Republic and the wealth of the Qajar dynasty. Most box office movies too! They seek to prove poverty and misery in the Islamic Republic, and to bring light back to Pahlavi (especially not wearing hijab). Therefore, the red scarves did not even want to take off their scarves at the peak of Mahsagit. The interesting thing is that they try to raise their issues from the language of Westerners! But the Westerners who: should say these things: for example, America has declared many times: it is not looking for a conflict with Iran. But Iran's representative in the United Nations! It is not known what substances he consumed that: he understood this the other way around! And he says publicly: If Iran is attacked..! to attack Iran from an unborn mother. Sahib al-Zaman is the owner of this country. And Ayatollah Khamenei is a secret of: the flatulence of this world leader. For forty years they have been advertising that: America can! make a mistake It is known that Imam Khomeini's speech burned them to the bone. Let's see for the importance of the issue: why America can't do wrong? For example, we see that they spent 7 trillion dollars in Iraq so that they could hit Iran. But now we see that Iraq is following up the offensive operation to deport them. They spent more than this in Afghanistan: and they created the Taliban to take over Iran too! But we see that the world does not even recognize their government because of the fear of Iran. The intelligence of Iranians is famous all over the world. Now the world is ready: to give the highest wages and welfare facilities: to attract an Iranian. to strangle his people, to make them homeless so that he can pay Iranians' wages. Was Shahid Chamran a little person? He, who had the highest rank in NASA, left and went to Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Iran. His most important work was carving all the world's atomic bombs and weapons of mass destruction. Because he was in the heart of the affairs. He disabled all the important weapons of the superpowers at that time on the order of the Imam. And for this reason: Imam Khomeini safely returned to Iran with Air France, and nothing happened. And in the Iraq war and subsequent wars, there was no nuclear attack. They can't even now! Because when they turn to Dimona, everything catches fire with the first act! When all the tools of war are connected to AI, manipulation of AI information easily disrupts everyone. They advertise terrible weapons for America or Russia. While all artificial intelligence is in Iran. And Al-Aqsa storm has transferred it.