GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The illusion of an American attack

The illusion of America's attack or the fall of the Islamic Republic is something that not only enemies but also ignorant friends fuel. Science and experience in 50 years have proven that America cannot do anything wrong. And Iran will not rest until the flag of Islam hits the horizon. But our enemies didn't get a whiff of their alleged science, and they don't have a proper understanding of world issues. Enmity with Islam and God has blinded their eyes, and they do not see anything. Finally, they compare Iran with Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. But the essence of the matter is that: God willed to make the oppressed empire of Iran win over the arrogant world. A fence has been drawn behind Iran's borders, which no one can look to the left. Its future will be the all-encompassing Islamic civilization. But artists, writers, and domestic journalists always advertise the opposite! It was also mentioned in the press conference that: All journalists are regressive. And in the form of criticism! They promote imperialism. Magnifying some problems that they create themselves is only for the purpose of showing that Qajar or Pahlavi was better! The Pahlavi faction defends the deposed Shah's son, and the Qajar faction is in harmony with: Maryam Qajar Azdanlu. Most of the high-profile series of the Qajar kings are produced with the aim of showing off the poverty of the Islamic Republic and the wealth of the Qajar dynasty. Most box office movies too! They seek to prove poverty and misery in the Islamic Republic, and to bring light back to Pahlavi (especially not wearing hijab). Therefore, the red scarves did not even want to take off their scarves at the peak of Mahsagit. The interesting thing is that they try to raise their issues from the language of Westerners! But the Westerners who: should say these things: for example, America has declared many times: it is not looking for a conflict with Iran. But Iran's representative in the United Nations! It is not known what substances he consumed that: he understood this the other way around! And he says publicly: If Iran is attacked..! to attack Iran from an unborn mother. Sahib al-Zaman is the owner of this country. And Ayatollah Khamenei is a secret of: the flatulence of this world leader. For forty years they have been advertising that: America can! make a mistake It is known that Imam Khomeini's speech burned them to the bone. Let's see for the importance of the issue: why America can't do wrong? For example, we see that they spent 7 trillion dollars in Iraq so that they could hit Iran. But now we see that Iraq is following up the offensive operation to deport them. They spent more than this in Afghanistan: and they created the Taliban to take over Iran too! But we see that the world does not even recognize their government because of the fear of Iran. The intelligence of Iranians is famous all over the world. Now the world is ready: to give the highest wages and welfare facilities: to attract an Iranian. to strangle his people, to make them homeless so that he can pay Iranians' wages. Was Shahid Chamran a little person? He, who had the highest rank in NASA, left and went to Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Iran. His most important work was carving all the world's atomic bombs and weapons of mass destruction. Because he was in the heart of the affairs. He disabled all the important weapons of the superpowers at that time on the order of the Imam. And for this reason: Imam Khomeini safely returned to Iran with Air France, and nothing happened. And in the Iraq war and subsequent wars, there was no nuclear attack. They can't even now! Because when they turn to Dimona, everything catches fire with the first act! When all the tools of war are connected to AI, manipulation of AI information easily disrupts everyone. They advertise terrible weapons for America or Russia. While all artificial intelligence is in Iran. And Al-Aqsa storm has transferred it.