GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

Transformation in state building

Contrary to western theories, state building is not only in the 21st century, but has been since the beginning of history. But it has had different names: including slavery! Feudalism, capitalism and imperialism. According to the definition of the government, the nation has actually been oppressed by the government. That is, the state and the nation were separate. Whoever entered the government system, must be separated from the nation's system. This separation was necessary both theoretically and practically! Because one is a ruler and the other is condemned, one is a lord, the other is a peasant. One is a worker and the other is a capitalist. Imperialism means the collection of states: against the collection of nations. For this reason, they can be convinced: that whoever changes his social base, his point of view also changes. Or that he should change his perspective in order to change his social class. For example, people are against taxes, but governments depend on it. Not paying taxes! but tax collection. So the essential difference between the two is quite obvious: which today is called conflict of interest. The main reason for the separation of the government and the nation is the same conflict of interests: people want the oil money to be divided between them, without cost and in dollars. But the government does not want to give even one dollar to the people, it says that we will be without money. An important indicator of the separation of the state and the nation is the treasury. The people mean those who fill the treasury, the government means those who empty the treasury. These theories are hierarchical, and clarify all aspects of government and nationalism, so that no common point is made between the state and the nation. This is why: Someone who is a candidate: has an aggressive mindset. But when he wins, he takes defensive thinking. He puts the complete disconnection with the fans at the top of the agenda: so that they never accept this change of behavior. But these are all material theories. State building in Islam, which has started today. It changes all governments. No coup and bloodshed. And even on the contrary, they stage a coup! and start bloodshed. An example is the state of Israel. who has launched a coup and a war against the change of government, and has killed thousands of children and women, in order to prevent the change of government. The difference between Mahin's empire is this: that one Is. That is, instead of points of difference, it reaches common points. Here, according to the order of the Prophet and Imam Ali, there is no need for a treasury. All spoils are divided between people: directly and immediately. For this reason, all ships that sail in Yemen belong to Yemen. And he must divide it among his people. Or endow the pilgrims of Bayt Al-Maqdis. Lebanon's Hizbollah should do everything it can: take out the weapons of the bombed barracks. and take it for yourself. Hamas should confiscate all Zionist settlement buildings. And instead of the destroyed buildings, give it to the Palestinian owners. Therefore, in other countries, the western governments that are separate from the nations should be destroyed. and build a new national government. And the White House, Versailles and Buckingham, should be given to women. In this global state building that has started. People should be in the square. Don't think that the people of Gaza will win if they sit at home! They need all of you to win. Those who can do missionary work, those who cannot, financial aid and those who have physical strength, should reach Gaza. All the 8 billion people of the world, small and large, participate in this state building. Because their wishes are important. Iranian people were completely empty-handed during the revolution. The Pahlavi regime received financial and arms support from all countries. They had no chance to win. But they fought for their hopes and dreams. In the imposed war, eighty countries of the world helped Saddam more than eighty trillion dollars. But again Iran revolutionized and won.