GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The New Majlis Khonbai of the Martyrs of Gaza

Tehran sent its message to the whole world, and that message was that the era of JCPOA and JCPOA has ended because Seyyed Mahoud Nabavian won the first vote and the possibility of him becoming Speaker of the Parliament increased. He owes his fame and popularity to his efforts in the JCPOA. Because it was due to his diligence that twelve objectionable clauses were discovered from it, which the then foreign minister admitted that he had signed without reading it. One of those clauses was related to the assassination and physical killing of Sardar Soleimani. which was proved after the testimony of Sardar. And everyone's hands turned. And it turned out that the assassination of Martyr Soleimani took place in a closed circle including the CIA, Intelligence Service, Mossad, Iraqi intelligence and the office of the president of Iran and Al Saud. And some went even further, according to the JCPOA, the president of Iran at the time was obliged to provide important information. Therefore, if this interpretation is correct, the current president is also obliged! Because he still accepts the JCPOA and has assigned the Minister of Foreign Affairs to follow up the negotiations. Therefore, the work of prophets is difficult. He should be involved in a big and long conflict with the intelligence organizations of more than 190 effective countries. Because the US veto power is overwhelming all of them and they cannot express their will. The first bell circle is the subject of cachitulation. He should present a plan to the parliament to cancel the Kachitulation Law in Iran. Because a big mistake that has not been discovered so far is the issue of kachitulation: according to this law that was approved in the Iranian parliament in 1341: Americans are free to commit any crime and no one can protest against them. Of course, this capitulation was for Russian citizens in the past. And that's why the Russians used to pull out all their favorite Iranian women from their husbands' skirts. that the murder of Gribadov is confirmed in this context. The Americans also used this law and sent all their young soldiers to girls' schools in Iran. To change the demographic composition in favor of America. For this reason, those illegitimate children have now grown up and fertilized the anti-revolutionary front. Imam Khomeini opposed capitulation. But it was only a slogan. Because the repeal of the law is not valid from sources other than the parliament. Therefore, it should be taken to the parliament and approved as Hassan Ali Mansour did. He should approve its cancellation in the parliament. Otherwise, we will never be able to avenge the blood of 10 million Iranians from England and 80 million Iranians from America. The second law is the antiquities and assets smuggling law of Iran. Cultural heritage says: 80 trillion of Iran's smuggled antiques and ancient objects all have a handover contract. This, like the previous one, requires a resolution that cancels any contract for the transfer of land or ancient objects. To return the lost lands or stolen property. The third issue that Mr. Nabiyan should pursue is the cancellation of the membership of the United States and Israel in the United Nations. Because the United Nations, contrary to its goals, has now become an organization of the governments of Israel and the United States. Both of which are based on the Aart genocide and the occupation of other people's lands. America must become a degenerate. And Israel must either participate in the cabinet with the Palestinians or leave the United Nations altogether. Because those who recognized these two countries were only themselves. Both of them are alive with the US veto right. Therefore, I am a candidate from America to make America first. Nabavi should know that this situation is worth the blood of 40,000 martyrs in Gaza because Iran did not intervene to hold it. Nabavi should know that this situation is worth the blood of 40,000 martyrs and three million displaced persons in Gaza. Because he did not interfere in Iran's elections and Israel was very happy with this position and he did everything he could, so he should take over the presidency of the parliament and approve the order to attack and destroy Israel, so he should help me vote in America.