GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

With me for transformation

I am a presidential candidate from your country! Tell all fellow citizens to vote for me, to experience the transformation: This letter is written in your language and you must: reproduce and distribute it. The program includes four sub-programs: the first is cultural, the second is social, political and civil. In the social dimension, we must eliminate poverty. And this is possible with the help of the poor themselves. For example, there are about 45 million homeless people in America. If these are divided into groups of 500 people, they can occupy the White House and the Congress, the Trump Tower and the Pentagon, and American bases in the world, the headquarters of the State Police or the FBI, banks and financial institutions: which, naturally, is not more than 90,000 buildings. It is the same in other countries: as in Iran, they give a piece of land to every child that is born. And the palaces have been turned into museums so that everyone can use them. Therefore, with a ruler called poverty line! It is possible to balance the society. That is, people below the poverty line should seize the surplus properties of people above the poverty line. Of course, later, according to the standards of Shariah equality, they should own. During the time of the Prophet of Islam or Hazrat Ali, there was no such thing as a bank or treasury. Because hoarding property is forbidden. Even men are not allowed to use gold: in their ornaments. Because gold should be a means of trade, not a means of hunger and homelessness. Imam Ali says first: prosperity, then tax. That means, first, oil money and the rest of the treasury should be distributed among the people, so that they can be empowered. After them, they will be taxed. Therefore, in civil matters, the program is as follows: for each baby, one hundred square meters of urban land: near the place of residence of the parents: or according to their choice, one thousand square meters of agricultural land, including pastures and forests, plains and deserts, seas and rivers that go to the region A father is close. From the political point of view, it is also the political unit of the family. The father of the family has dignity, and should be remembered as an emperor. Because he is God's successor on earth. No one can issue any ruling about the family. They should only obey God's commandments. Therefore, there is a government as many as there are families. As mentioned: if a family does not have a house, they must use the bank's building, or get land and build it themselves. His income is from liquidation of banks and equal distribution of spoils and public wealth. Regarding governance and political issues, only the cultural duty and dispute resolution is the responsibility of governance. That is, the centrality of God's power. He said his words through the Holy Quran and other holy books. And: Heads of families are responsible for its implementation. and inform him. This is done through the Ministry of Education or seminaries. Or the dispute between families is handled by the judiciary. In an exceptional case, if a terrorist group, such as the so-called government of Israel, rebelled and wanted to usurp their property and land by killing people, it should be retaliated against. The people are free: attack the Israeli checkpoints in any way they can, and destroy them so that: all Palestine is freed and people all over the world can pray and worship in Al-Aqsa Mosque. Therefore, all families are equal in choosing a place to live, receiving booty and enfal. If their income is more than their expenses, that means they make a profit: one fifth of that profit is for the head of state. to spend it again among the more distant people. And the ruler is also allowed to accumulate! is not. The ruler or the president also gets a share from the treasury like everyone else. Therefore, if it is done otherwise in your country, you should protest: and get your right. Pay khums and zakat too. There are 5 principles of religion and 10 branches of religion that everyone should know.
So put him aside and vote for me bravely