GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa

The new law of power

Power laws, however, are changing. And no one can come to power with the tools that others have come to power. Because the human will is in front of him, not the machine age or artificial intelligence. Therefore, they have found a solution for the past actions: or they have reversed it. Just like the syringe game, it is not like your plan is fixed until the end, depending on the movement of the opponent, it must be changed. For example, if the United States, by establishing bases in all countries, or by detonating an atomic bomb in Japan, comes to power (fear or Quarsio) Now, people are not afraid of the atomic bomb and: not of its bases! Because its antithesis was designed and implemented by Imam Khomeini, and that is: the use of human waves or in other words: empty hands. It is also referred to as: the victory of blood over the sword. Also, when Israel had the world's fifth army, it easily occupied Palestine, now no one is afraid of its killing or attack. And for two months, Gaza has pushed the world back kilometers with the offensive operations of the Fifth Army. And this law is repeated all over the world. That is, this time the yellow vests, without weapons, will bring Macron to his knees, armed to the teeth. Or they plant the Palestinian flag in its area. Practically, the White House has become a branch of: Hamas. Today, the commander of Qassam teams in Gaza also knows this law. Therefore, he has ordered to start offensive operations: against the inspections of the Israeli army. With this method, everyone attacks the inspections with any method they can. No matter how much Israel arrests them, nothing will be lost. Even in African or Indian countries and China and Russia: these methods have been accepted: if the massacre of Uyghurs by the Chinese communist government had no results. or Chechen Ingush, is still powerful and on the rise. And it resists the communist government of Russia. In Pakistan and Afghanistan, explosions and intimidation by Taliban, ISIS, etc. groups have no effect. And every day the people there are becoming more Shia. You see that a remote country like South Africa, which has just survived apartheid, is at odds with Israel and America! He takes them to the trial table. Therefore, the 84 laws of power that have been proposed so far by Western theorists are all a matter of beating water in a mortar. It means that they have power, but they do nothing. Rather, they are retreating, waiting for the final blow. What does the last blow mean? And where does it get its power from? What is this unknown power? The answer is in the word Allahu Akbar. Allah the Great has only one theory for power. And that theory was fear. It means whoever creates more fear has the superior power. Then the bonus was added to it. And gradually it reached eighty-four. But all of them were ineffective. And they could not keep the West alive with its own style. And the West was forced to accept this power: to remain. That is, ISIS also chanted Allahu Akbar. But they only saw the appearance of the matter. Therefore, they did not last. Like cubism in painting! They were not aware of the designs and plans of Persian carpets or Chinese miniatures and the like. Therefore, they invented cubism. that the painter: a can of paint splashes on the page! That is, he doesn't even have time: to sprinkle it with a pen. And then he interprets it deeply. This was what Hazrat Adam did. He was not aware of the goals of creation, so he was lazy by focusing only on food. But God was tired of so many lazy creatures. He wanted to be someone who is creative like himself, able to work and create wealth. So him to the Arabian desert! exiled to build the first house. (Mulasadra: Man was created to add something to the world