GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa


Declaro mi disposición para el Ministerio de Economía.

La economía de la República Islámica debe ser islámica. Se debe tener en cuenta el lema "Ni oriental ni occidental", por lo que yo, Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini Mahini, con experiencia laboral y educación relevantes, declaro que estoy dispuesto. En 1352 ingresé a la Universidad de Teherán en el campo de la gestión empresarial y en 1353 presenté la teoría del desarrollo económico islámico en el curso de desarrollo económico y sus folletos se distribuyeron entre los estudiantes. Incluso fue alentado directamente por el grupo Mahdoyoun, que se separó de los Muyahidines del Pueblo. En 1354, con la cooperación del Dr. Seyyed Mahmoud Hosseini, preparamos el folleto sobre gestión islámica y el cartel de Organizaciones Divinas. Después de la revolución cultural en la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Shahid Beheshti, con la ayuda del Ayatollah Taskhiri, establecimos el campo de la Economía Islámica. Con el establecimiento de la Universidad Tarbiat Modares, compilamos la economía y la gestión islámicas y las enviamos a las fuerzas armadas. y la organización administrativa y del empleo. Y con la ayuda del profesor Davoudi del Ministerio de Economía, también guiamos las publicaciones. Pero desafortunadamente, la presencia de liberales y no islamistas hizo que la Sede Económica Basij, dirigida por Behzad Nabavi, propusiera la economía comunista como una economía islámica y corrigiera la cuestión del cuponismo. Aunque fui invitado muchas veces por el ingeniero Mousavi y Behzad Nabavi, y por el representante de Mashhad, Saleh Abadi, no acepté. Y hasta ahora considero que la economía del país no es islámica. Porque el primer principio de la economía islámica es halal. Los libros económicos del Islam, que se enseñan bajo el título de Makasab, enseñan primero el Makasab prohibido.Porque el Imam Sadiq dice fiqh luego negocios, primero aprenda jurisprudencia y luego ocúpese de negocios. Los caballeros que no leen son mulás y también dan opiniones. Se supone que todas las ganancias son halal. Por lo tanto, una persona debe tener cuidado de no caer en lo prohibido. Por ejemplo, todo el mundo piensa que la banca es halal. Pero por dos razones principales, es una de las ganancias del mahram, una es la usura, como dice el Corán, y todos dicen que la usura es como un negocio. Ahlullah Al-Bay y Haram Al-Ruba. Mientras que el comercio es halal y la usura está prohibida. El segundo es Kens Mall. Ahorrar es dudar de Dios y esperar de los bancos. La tesorería está prohibida en el Islam. El tesoro debe dividirse inmediatamente. De lo contrario, está sujeto a impuestos. Los darbari o los eruditos islámicos estadounidenses dicen que el banco no está sujeto a Iya porque no es una persona. O dicen que a Kenz no se le cuenta porque quieren dar un premio y dividirlo. Por lo tanto, recomiendo que me permitan llegar a un acuerdo con los eruditos y economistas de la corte de Gharabgada.


In its first deployment to the World Army Games, Basij won 16 colorful medals for the country, and the flag of the Islamic Republic was raised 16 times in Azerbaijan. Paying attention to this caused wrestlers from 28 provinces of the country to come to Tehran today and hold the highest competitions with 350 wrestlers, says Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate. Wrestling sport in the world has 4 main disadvantages. Firstly, it does not cover everyone, that is, there are no branches and no wrestling teams in the districts and villages and even in some cities and towns. While Basij has members in all the villages and cities of the world and has formed the core of resistance and studies in all sports fields. Now Basij is the movement of 99% in America, which includes the entire population, except for one percent of the ruling body, which must be destroyed. The campaign of the 99% movement, or the mobilization of the oppressed in America and Europe, should actually pursue three basic goals: first, to boycott the American elections, secondly, to assassinate three people, and thirdly, to transfer the presidency to an Iranian, to be both the Secretary General of the United Nations and the President of the Council Security should be Iranian so that the world can see peace and eliminate three people, Trump, Biden and Netanyahu. The second problem of the wrestling sport in the world is the mafia memberships of the wrestlers. That is, most of them are involved in drug gangs because of their physical strength, they are involved in the distribution of alcoholic beverages. Even many of them are the bodyguards of these three people to keep them alive. Therefore, Basij wrestlers are actually anti-narcotics and quit being members of corruption gangs. Most non-Basij wrestlers seek to escape from their country, to serve criminal gangs in other countries, but not to be caught. With these big incomes, they always claim that they don't have the budget to legally justify their membership in corruption and prostitution gangs. And to say that their stomachs were hungry that they had to turn to corruption and prostitution. While the sport of wrestling is a ritual sport, it means that the person who turns to this sport makes a moral commitment to use its techniques for his own benefit, or for the benefit of the oppressors. do not use Rather, help the oppressed. For example, if he sees some people oppressing people, he should stand against them. The leader of all of them is Hazrat Ali. The sport of wrestling is actually a practice of hand-to-hand combat. And this means that he uses the techniques he has learned, only in dealing with the enemy. And in front of his friends, he uses practice techniques. Like karate or other sports. So, people of the world, you must organize in the cores of resistance. The cores of resistance, which until now only did academic work, should gradually enter the world of sports, especially wrestling


New America with Iranian President

Until now, America was founded on the two foundations of murder and robbery, where Trump is the symbol of murder and Biden is the symbol of robbery. Because Trump was a member of the Kukles Klan group and he had to kill every Indian he saw, and if he saw a black man he had to whip him. In order to work more, Biden is robbing everyone by selling weapons to the world because the weapons are sold at tens of times the cost price. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says: the youth do not know about these issues, they even They don't know that the original owners of America were the native Indians, the whites who came from Europe massacred everyone with advanced weapons, in order to be considered the owner of America. They massacred the Indians and confiscated their lands. The young generation should know that they made black people their slaves and exploited them. But the Iranian revolution ended the dominance of America. Now, as a theoretician of Islamic revolution, I see my mission in America. By teaching resistance economy, they can build a new America that no longer needs robbery or theft. Young people should know that America is second in oil reservoirs. But Trump's and the Bidens' ferocity has made them continue to loot other people's oil, and block oil wells and say that the cost is high. While we can provide the extraction method that costs only four dollars per barrel. To sell at any price, all profit and added value. With this method, huge employment is created and self-sufficiency is achieved. And there is no need for young people to turn to drug trafficking or other illegal activities. This work is beneficial from two sides, firstly, the young people are engaged in positive work and produce oil and gas, condensates and fuel carriers. Second, if they sell it at any price, it will go into their own pockets. And like Iran or Saudi Arabia, they all get subsidies. Now even Saudi Arabia has become Shiite and has become inclined towards Iran. If these Wahhabis become Shiites, the world will be at peace. Because until now, they spent all the oil on Saddam and his ilk to attack Iran. But unaware that whoever breaks with Iran will be caught in misfortune. But if the American president is an Iranian, all American people will become rich. Therefore, it is the duty of the youth to boycott the elections and assassinate Trump and Biden. Unless they both withdraw in favor of Ahand Mahini.

Terror Trump

Terror squads are activated

It seems that Trump, Biden and Netanyahu are still alive and breathing, so the duty of one billion terror squads is to be fully prepared. And this immortality continues until the complete assassination of these three people. Our terror squads are one-man and have no connection with anyone, and only one weapon is attached to them. Of course, weapons are not necessary, they can kill these three people with fists, kicks and slaps. Those who do not have access to these three people can target their media supporters. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that no media should have any photos, videos or writings of these, even as opposition. Therefore, any media that does this and has actually signed its own death warrant, the money they get from these three people has become a rope and will send them to hell. The bastards who advertise these three people. They should not stay alive and continue to promote themselves. For example, in Iran, Sanat newspaper, the world of economics are examples of such press. On the one hand, they encourage Zarif to negotiate the JCPOA, and on the other hand, they want the JCPOA tearer to vote, and this contradiction means that people They are antipatriots and traitors who only want the downfall of the system. Therefore, the press supervision board should cancel the points due to their black portrayals. But outside of Iran, if a small media outlet does this, it is on the side of the terror squads, who have done their work cleanly and will not leave traces of crime. Now our squads are individually all over the world. The supporters of these three people are executed in schools or pubs. The American government should know that the recent assassination of Trump was a handout and wait for more detailed and serious actions. Of course, Biden himself is mortal. But if he doesn't accept Ahmad Mahini's candidacy, he should forget about participating in election meetings, or if he insists, he should go vertical and we will make him horizontal. And the world will be free from these three people. And look at his calmness

Saturated production and saturated supply

Iran has ten times its population, wealth and mines, if only one times it is exploited, the market is saturated. While now it is used nearly three times, and the country has passed the saturation limit. Those who look from the outside are saturated up to six times, that is, the electricity consumption in Iran is six times the world average, it can be easily said that the production is even more than that, because most of it is smuggled, and the other part is exported. It means that the production of electricity in Iran is eight times the average of the world, but according to the ignorant, there is no electricity at all! This is the case with all the carriers of energy, housing, fuel, even food, that is to say, eighth, the production and consumption in the country is eight times the national average, so there is room for up to ten times. And in this way, we gave a lot of service to the martyrs. It is said that a person dreams of a boss who wears the same clothes and is working in the same dirty condition. He asks him, "Are you not a martyr?" Why don't you have peace in heaven? He says that people voted for doctors and said that I did nothing! I have to be comfortable in this world too, you should tell Narjes Soleimani that Sardar Soleimani has not taken off his boots yet. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says. This means that higher officials always see the glass as half empty. And people have found no excuse to grumble, that whatever is done, they say it is not enough. The poor in Iran receive subsidies from ten sources, they say it is too little, and the rich have income from dozens of sources, but they say it is too little. People should be grateful and content. And know that in America and Europe, people don't expect more than one time. American people don't even have full insurance. Novankhanehs do not have the power to distribute hot and expensive food. While in Iran, under any pretext, free feeding with the best type of food is done, women in Iran pay extra with tips for beauty procedures, cosmetics, whatever is necessary, but when they give birth, they go to work, and from poverty and misery. They report themselves. When the companies borrow from the bank, they are profitable, with extraordinary financial turnover, but in front of the president, they talk about tax pressure, insurance fines and delayed installments. Young people are not willing to wait for one minute in the subway, bus and taxi, and they say they have a thousand jobs. But when they reach Zuhbar, they say that they are unemployed and hungry.