zero hour
The countdown to the attack on Israel has begun and all the people of the world are on full alert. Ahmed Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, wants the students of American universities to play the biggest role in this nationwide attack because they show their originality. He says, why countries such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar do not support Gaza, and it is unheard of in these countries even for people to come to the streets and defend Gaza, because they are all rootless and lack authenticity, that is, at the same time as the birth of Israel. were born When the United Nations was formed, it had only 44 members. But now it has 220 members, that is, 176 countries grew from the ground like mushrooms, and the flower of their basket is Israel. Or he is actually their leader. And therefore, none of them have originality and must return to their origin. Most of them were separated from Iran by the United Nations and should return to Iran. If I become the Secretary General of the United Nations, I will really unite everyone so that Iran repeats its glory again. The six countries of the Persian Gulf were all sheikhdoms of Iran, and in the imposed war, they formed the Gulf War against Iran. Palestine had a real existence and it was not a love of Israel, Jordan, etc. Israel's right hand, Al-Saud, divided them all into 51 countries, however, I ask all the people of the world to wake up and fight against Israel and destroy it. As Imam Khomeini said, whoever pours just one bucket of water on Israel will flood it. So people of the world, be a flood.
Ghadir Eid
Breaking the door of Khyber again
According to the preparations of Hezbollah, Ansarullah, Hashd al-Shaabi and Lashkar Fatemiyoun. We have to announce a contest for the quick capture of Israel. If they are able to enter the land of Israel until Eid al-Ghadir, we will name them the frequent conquerors of Khyber Gate. And if each of them reaches Tel Aviv earlier, they should take all the movable property of Tel Aviv or the booty with them and hand over the centers to Hamas. In fact, the countdown to conquering Tel Aviv starts right now. Until now, Hamas has only been able to support Gaza, but from now on, it must be ready to monitor the whole of Israel. Hizbullah has destroyed most of Israel's military centers, so he can entrust the command of Fatah al-Futuh to him. Although Israel can be divided into 5 or 6 spheres of influence, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen will occupy their neighboring parts. Tel Aviv and its suburbs for Hamas and Jerusalem for the Fatemiyoun army. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that each of these spheres of influence should open the way for the people of America and Europe. I am trying to come to Gaza Yarfah myself. But militant students can help everyone and start from where they are
The immediate fall of Israel
Considering the upcoming elections in Iran, Israel is confident that it has a good opportunity to attack Hezbollah in Gaza and Rafah. Because Iran needs to calm down until the elections are held, and therefore it will not seek tension with Israel. They have predicted that until the day of the inauguration and perhaps the formation of the new cabinet, Iran will be busy with internal affairs. Therefore, Israel's hand is open to kill Gaza and Rafah. Provided that they have nothing to do with the interests of the Islamic Republic. And considering this process as certain, therefore, they organized their forces and even called old men as servants. But they are unaware that Hezbollah is watching an opportunity to completely change the situation. Yemen's Ansarullah, with the wealth they looted from the ships, are ready to implement facilities in Gaza and Rafah after the fall of Israel to Hezbollah. Of course, the Hashd al-Shaabi of Iraq also wants to make the honor of the fall of Israel alone, unaware that the Afghan Fatemiyouns are waiting to enter Israel's territory behind the gates of Israel. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, has also announced that he will enter Gaza soon, because the relevant convoy from Khorasan to He has set out and will soon enter Israel through Karbala, Iraq, Jordan and Syria to report the death of Israel on behalf of the American people. Israel now lives only in the media. And if the media does not mention his name, they have contributed to the destruction of Israel so that Israel will be destroyed before the presidential elections and Netanyahu will be executed.
Blasphemous promises
The promises of some Iranian presidential candidates have crossed the line of parliament and leadership and reached the line of blasphemy.. This may be a heavy issue, but it takes place in several stages. First, everything must be done in the name of God, which some do not follow. . And everything does not come to fruition without mentioning the name of Allah. Second, the president is the executive head, which means he must implement the approvals. If he has a proposal, he should give it to the parliament and not share it with the people. This is a kind of interference of powers if we do not consider it as an incitement against the parliament. Giving the candidate's program to the people means rising against the parliament and the Guardian Council and assigning tasks to them. And introduce them to the implementation of programs. Thirdly, the general policies and the seventh plan and the current year's budget have been approved. Making promises against them means disappointing people from the general policies of the system. Fourthly, the promise of reducing inflation and raising wages and thus increasing people's sustenance is against the verses of the Qur'an and divine providence. Because the degree of poverty and wealth of each person is determined by God. And our objection to God's providence is blasphemy. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says that no one should say that the people's livelihood is in my hands. And he should not say that the treasury is in my hand, and Allah is the treasure of the heavens and the earth. This is the claim of deification and blasphemy. Luti, go bite your bite