GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa
GAZA is the Hamas country

GAZA is the Hamas country

The world must recognise the GAZa


New America with Iranian President

Until now, America was founded on the two foundations of murder and robbery, where Trump is the symbol of murder and Biden is the symbol of robbery. Because Trump was a member of the Kukles Klan group and he had to kill every Indian he saw, and if he saw a black man he had to whip him. In order to work more, Biden is robbing everyone by selling weapons to the world because the weapons are sold at tens of times the cost price. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says: the youth do not know about these issues, they even They don't know that the original owners of America were the native Indians, the whites who came from Europe massacred everyone with advanced weapons, in order to be considered the owner of America. They massacred the Indians and confiscated their lands. The young generation should know that they made black people their slaves and exploited them. But the Iranian revolution ended the dominance of America. Now, as a theoretician of Islamic revolution, I see my mission in America. By teaching resistance economy, they can build a new America that no longer needs robbery or theft. Young people should know that America is second in oil reservoirs. But Trump's and the Bidens' ferocity has made them continue to loot other people's oil, and block oil wells and say that the cost is high. While we can provide the extraction method that costs only four dollars per barrel. To sell at any price, all profit and added value. With this method, huge employment is created and self-sufficiency is achieved. And there is no need for young people to turn to drug trafficking or other illegal activities. This work is beneficial from two sides, firstly, the young people are engaged in positive work and produce oil and gas, condensates and fuel carriers. Second, if they sell it at any price, it will go into their own pockets. And like Iran or Saudi Arabia, they all get subsidies. Now even Saudi Arabia has become Shiite and has become inclined towards Iran. If these Wahhabis become Shiites, the world will be at peace. Because until now, they spent all the oil on Saddam and his ilk to attack Iran. But unaware that whoever breaks with Iran will be caught in misfortune. But if the American president is an Iranian, all American people will become rich. Therefore, it is the duty of the youth to boycott the elections and assassinate Trump and Biden. Unless they both withdraw in favor of Ahand Mahini.

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